• Learning Raspberry Pi 1
  • Learning Raspberry Pi 2
  • Learning Raspberry Pi 3
  • Learning Raspberry Pi 4

Learning Raspberry Pi

The Learning Raspeberry application allows you to know the basic and advanced fundamentals in the programming of Raspberry Pi systems.

In a simple and educational way you will find the necessary information to know the programming in different programming languages ​​of Raspberry Pi systems.

The Learning Raspberry application is a bilingual application (English and Spanish) covering the following topics:

Empezar con Raspberry Pi.
("Introducción a Raspberry Pi");
("El Hardware: Elegir Rapberry Pi");
("El Software: El Sistema Operativo Linux.");
("Guía de Inicio");
("Conozca Las raspberry Pi");
("Comenzando con la Raspberry Pi");
("Administración del Sistema Linux");
("Solucción de Problemas");
("Configuración de la Red");
("La Herramienta de Configuración del Software de la Raspberry Pi");
("Configuración Avanzada de la Raspberry Pi");

Proyectos Con Raspberry Pi
("La Raspberry Pi como un PC Teatro en Casa");
("La Raspberry Pi como una Máquina Productiva");
("La Raspberry Pi como un Servidor Web");

Programando la Raspberry Pi
("Introducción a Scratch");
("Introducción a Python");

Desarrollando Con Raspberry Pi
("Modificando Hardware con la Raspberry Pi");
("Los Puertos GPIO");
("El Módulo de Cámara de la Raspberry Pi");
("Placas de Expansión");
("Programas Ejemplos-Módulo Cámara-Modos de Pantallas HDMI");

Getting Started Raspberry Pi
("Introduction to Raspberry 3");
("Operating System");
("Powering Up and Running");
("Connecting to Network");
("Raspberry Pi Programming");
("Working With Bluetooth and iBeacon");
("Deploying Lamp Stack");
("Accessing GPIO");
("Raspberry Pi 3 Serial Debugging");

Programming Python
("Introducing The Raspberry Pi");
("Working With Linux");
("Introduccing Python");
("Learning Electronic With Raspberry Pi");

Project With Python
("The Web Bot");
("The Weather Station");
("The Media Server");
("The Home Security System");
("The Cat Toy");
("The Radio Controlled Airplane");
("The Weather Balloon");
("The Submersible");
("The Raspberry Pi and Arduino");

Category : Education

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Reviews (4)

A. G. u. Jun 1, 2017     

Nothing works in the app except the ads

Shr. P. Oct 14, 2017     

Worst app ever seen.. install this too see only adds not any technical review

Wil. V. Jul 23, 2017     

Only the ads work

Saj. M. Jun 18, 2017     

Nothing works