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Literal Word, NASB Bible

Key Features:
- New American Standard Bible (NASB)
- Integrated Greek Lexicon (Abbott-Smith)
- Integrated Hebrew Lexicon (BDB)
- Free and offline
- No Ads
- No Articles
- No Account Login
- No Social Media Features
- Instant Word Search
- Exclusive Visual Search Filtering
- User Notes Within Verses
- Highlighting Within Verses
- Customized Bible Text Formatting
- Dark Mode
- Footnotes and Linked Cross-References
- Passage History

Literal Word exists to promote the word of God and not much else. No ads. No articles. No logging in. No distractions. Simply the Word. We believe that the Bible contains the most important information that anyone could ever come across and that accessing it should be as easy as possible.

This belief has driven every decision we've made designing Literal Word. The app is 100% free and functional even when you're offline. The New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation was selected for faithfully utilizing a word-for-word instead of a thought-for-thought translation method. Each passage of the Bible is clean, customizable, and convenient to access, allowing the reader to focus exclusively on the God-breathed content. Word searches are simple but powerful, featuring a unique visual interface for organizing results with precision, and complete lexicons for original Hebrew and Greek words can be viewed with just a couple taps.

It all comes down to the idea that a straightforward approach to a NASB Bible app maximizes attention to the word of God.

Category : Books & Reference

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Reviews (29)

sbp. 4. Mar 24, 2022     

One of the best bible apps out there, for one of the best translations of the bible. 5/5 stars. Simple and to the point. Nothing getting between you and the word of God. No ads. Fully free. Well-made. Intuitive & easy to use. Not glitchy like some other apps I've encountered. Just the bare essentials (No reading plans, etc). Couldn't ask for more, really. Actually... one thing. -- I just wish the devs had another app with the equally superlative 'AMP' translation by the Lockman Foundation.

Ash. Apr 30, 2022     

If you are looking for a Bible app or e-book, you would be doing yourself a disservice by not giving this app a try. I have tried many of the top Bible apps, but I keep coming back to this one. The primary thing I love about this app is it's simplicity and elegance. It's not weighed down in extra unneeded features. It's interface is clean and intuitive to use. There are no ads or clutter. That's not to say that this app is lacking features. Other things I love about it: -ability to view highlighted passages only and by category. -ability to attach custom notes to passages. -option to synch between devices. -Ease of navigation. -Search feature that remembers previous queries as tags to quickly search previous topics. -Search results broken up into categories such as (history, prophets, gospels, epistles, etc..) helping you find verses easily. -Embedded cross references and footnotes that let you get back to the original verse in one tap. -One-tap copy of any selected passages to easily paste and share w/ chapter/verse included. -Long tap a word reveals the original Hebrew/Greek text. -Customizable presentation. -Just the Word. No agenda. -100% free. No ads. No micro-transactions. No catch. There are Bible apps that do more, and I use a few of them for those features, but this is the one I use for all my digital reading and referencing. If I could only have one Bible app, this would be it. No question. Try it.

Smo. Feb 28, 2022     

Literally perfect and exactly what one needs. I have a problem though. I have this issue where I always have to start a book at the beginning. Let me set an example. I open up to Acts 17 to read it, the screen where the text would be is blank, I move it around and then it goes to Acts 1. It happens for every book and its getting old pretty fast. Please help I already tried deleting the app and everything in between but it hasn't worked.

Nel. M. May 13, 2022     

Hi there! This app is great, especially its search feature. Just one problem though. I have an issue typing some texts in search module using actual keyboard. It doesn't allow me to put 3 or more than characters. Btw, I get this bug in BlueStacks emulator.

Ant. A. May 1, 2022     

Great app which connects together a faithful English translation with usable lexicons. Brilliant for Bible study and quick sermon referencing. Unfortunately since the latest update, selecting a verse or lexicon word glitches on my Android phone. Screen goes black, and unable to read anything.

Mic. W. Apr 16, 2022     

This Bible app is wonderful. The ability to highlight and make notes is very helpful. I wish it came with audio. Other than that I am extremely happy and would highly recommend this Literal Word Bible. I wish this app maker had a Holman edition.

A. R. May 1, 2022     

A pleasure to read. I love that it continues where I left off when I re-open the app. I love that I can get the definition for a word just my selecting it. Also' no ads. Great app overall!

Ray. S. Mar 15, 2022     

Within a few minutes I was up and running, finding the tools to be extremely useful and fairly easy to navigate. I love being able to check the original language and then read every occurrence of the word in scripture. Kudos.

Jef. K. Feb 14, 2022     

I have a few favorite Bible Apps and this one has quickly joined them. When you understand the difference between word for word translation versus thought for thought - the NASB should be given its place in your Bible reading. This Apps emphasis on helping you find other portions of Scripture to help you understand God's thoughts is greatly appreciated... May the Lord help others find this labor of love!

Scr. G. Apr 28, 2022     

Navigation note taking and highlighting are fast and simple! I can keep up and take notes in class and in worship! This app is better than the digital Bible I purchased!

Joh. O. Dec 5, 2021     

This app deserve a 5-star rating however, until the issue with the notes function is fixed, this would be my rating. Whenever I tried to add notes and I mistyped words, it won't let me use the backspace of my phone keyboard. I really wanted to write notes while listening to preaching but because of this bug, it makes taking notes very hard and I have to use another notes app instead... I hope you can look into this issue. Thank you very much!

Ste. B. Dec 9, 2021     

This is, without a doubt, the best Bible app I've tried! It makes finding different texts quick and easy! Thank you! --Update: I've used Literal Word, NASB for a few months now. It's very important for all Christians to share with others the Gospel of Jesus Christ! This app places God's Word in the palm of your hand, making it easier to share it's truth with those around you! Thank You!

Jes. L. Feb 21, 2022     

Loving it so far, just wish there were more color options for highlighting, I have a system of highlighting but not enough options.

Phi. G. May 7, 2019     

This is the simplest, sleekest, and sveltest Bible app I've ever had the pleasure of using. It's everything I've always wanted in a Bible app - read, study, and look up references with simple and intuitive navigation where the text always stays front and center. It also includes a handy lexicon and has easy to understand custom options that give you complete control of how you see the text. Internet access is not required once installed. That it's free is truly a gift to the church. Thanks!

Jos. G. Jan 23, 2020     

This is my favorite Bible app. - Interface: the overall design and flow is beautiful, clear, and simple. You can easily move between verses, chapters, and books with speed and ease. The transitions are clean, and the continuous chapters feature is nice. - Features: this app allows me to highlight and click specific words to see the original Hebrew/Greek. It also lets me search for other uses of the word elsewhere in Scripture, based on the original word. It is really helpful. 10/10 easily.

Jim. M. Aug 4, 2020     

I am at loss of words. Your app is marvelous. Smooth and clean interface and it feels premium. Everything about the app is perfect its just that sometimes I wish I could study more translations side by side. Beside this it would be nice if "concordance" stayed active all the time and not just when we click on the upper right icon. Thank you so much for the NASB and Concordance and for this amazingly wonderful app.

Pau. Aug 5, 2020     

Definitely the best Bible app I've ever had. It even hides all the little icons at the top of my phone like the clock, which I find very distracting. The flexibility of the settings, the ability to customize with precision, the readability like a preacher's bible, the ability to remove every and all distractions, the Greek and Hebrew, the concordance, the list goes on and on. The only thing missing are MacArthur study notes and a setting to hide them if needed ! I thank the Lord for His Grace.

Jen. J. Mar 30, 2021     

This is a great and simple Bible app! There are plenty of customization options to cater the app to your preferences and aesthetic. I also like the note taking and highlighting system. Very easy to understand and read. I searched around for different Bible apps, and this one just stuck with me. It even works offline too which is great if you're running low on data or are in a place with no cell service and do not have your physical Bible with you. Very nice app overall!

Eli. D. Mar 24, 2020     

THIS IS THE ONE. No ads with half dressed women, or for Ashley Madison every time you open it or change passages. No ads at all in fact. Just the Word, ready to read. Quick, easy searching, different format options for reading or study, footnotes, cross-reference passages, and copy/paste automatically includes the reference, which is fantastic if you're preparing any kind of lesson, or even just for your own notes. Thank you!

Kyl. C. Mar 25, 2020     

A wonderful Bible app with a fantastic interface and customizable settings. If I may suggest something for the next update, put an option to see highlighted scripture like you have with the notes tab. I tend to just highlight scripture that speaks to me or a situation but sometimes I have trouble recalling where it is when I need it. It would be a great addition to be able to pull all highlighted verses. Thank you for the consideration and God bless.

Del. May 31, 2020     

Hands down the best Bible app I've ever used. It's so user friendly! The Study setting is extremely helpful when looking up cross-references, and I really appreciate the optional Reader mode setting. Big fan of the new color scheme options as well. I seem to only be able to make 1 note per verse, which is a little inconvenient, but even with that I am in love with this app. I would highly recommend it for any and every reader of the Scriptures. This is a real blessing to the Body of Christ!

All. J. Oct 16, 2019     

Really a great Bible app. Simple, streamlined, and clear, with an attractive interface and useful study helps. Your attention is drawn away from any proverbial bells and whistles and toward the Scripture. The lexical helps are fantastic, and easy to use. You have a few display options, and can highlight in multiple colors and take footnotes. Well done! This has become my go-to Bible app.

Dia. B. May 22, 2019     

This replaced my previous Bible app after just 5 minutes of using it (though I'd love an ESV version as well). I immediately love the fact that there is no need to create an account. The UI is sleek, intuitive and fluid. The option for a reader version is fantastic. Most of all, the devs have done exactly what they said they hoped to accomplish...easy access to God's word and an app rich with study resources without any of the clutter/ads/images to distract. Thank you Literal Word!

Tyr. M. Sep 21, 2021     

The app is great, a well developed user friendly interface with many useful features. Highly recommend application for those who like to read their Bible on their mobiles. A little issue I have with regards to making notes, I cannot edit notes while typing to correct it once a space has been applied. Samsung Galaxy A6+ mobile, I'm not sure if others are experiencing a similar bug unless it's my mobile. Perhaps you can look at it dev.

Jam. B. Aug 28, 2019     

I am in a Biblical Studies program without a background in biblical languages. Although there are many tools for people like me, the Hebrew and Greek lexicon drop-down feature in this App is amazingly easy to use. It is a quick means for getting a sense for range of meanings, and for scanning other passages using the same words as a screening tool for word studies. Navigation is a snap, and they are completely true to their word in stripping out ads and other annoyances. My favorite NASB App!

Dan. A. Jun 15, 2019     

Absolutely phenomenal Bible app. Not only does it have a clean interface, offline functionality, and no ads, it has none of the clutter many other apps have, like reading plans, shares for friends, badges, etc. Also it is very customizable: you can toggle things like footnotes, headers, red text, you can change the layout of verses, change font size and more. Absolutely perfect app for me, thank you Literal Word!

Ted. M. May 20, 2019     

This is a fabulous Bible app that with one tap will let you see the original term in Hebrew or Greek along with lexical definitions and the number of times the term is used. This is a very simple app that appears to have no bugs with smooth transitions between different passages. The search works great as well. Anyone who has any level of original language ability will find this app making that ability stronger if you choose to look at the terms behind the English words. The lexicons are good.

Chr. C. Sep 8, 2019     

Amazing interface. Love the copy and paste feature. Easy to read by being a word for word with added words to make sense of what is being said. First favorite, 2nd NIV, 3rd ASV from olive tree with same verbiage as NASB but harder to read as its like putting a sentence into a language translator that may miss proper context or filler words to complete the sentence. Great app. Consider verse of the day. Helps motivate me. If it's there I haven't seen it that's my bad.

lyr. m. May 9, 2020     

The best Bible app ! no ads. The ability to look up the words in the original language (Greek and Hebrews) is wonderful. The ability to highlight one word or several words in a particular verse rather than only being able to highlight the entire verse is great. And I'm glad they use the NASB translation which is a literal translation. Truly blessed by the literal word Bible app. I highly recommend it.