• LM-Aktuell 1
  • LM-Aktuell 2
  • LM-Aktuell 3
  • LM-Aktuell 4


The LM-current app is the contemporary interpretation of the staff newspaper of Ludwig Meyer GmbH - "Meyer Logistics" - one of the largest food logistics service providers in Europe and its sister company Meyer Quick Service Logistics GmbH (QSL), which provides comprehensive logistics services for the food service. So far, not only the approximately 1,800 employees, but also customers and business partners, regular information to the printed LM Currently about interesting and entertaining information from the companies and the industry. The focus of the editorial coverage stood by the 1,500 professional drivers from many different nations who are traveling for Meyer Logistics and Meyer QSL and ensure daily for full shelves in the supermarkets and a sufficient inventory in the quick-service restaurants. This has remained in the app not changed. Here, too, (almost) all about the "driver" - just recent and individualized, and if desired, even in his native language: German next to all items in Polish, Romanian, Croatian, Russian, Czech and English are available.

Push notifications show you when there is something new and a closed area to which you only have the personnel number and password will have access, ensure a high utility value of the app. Behind the login sensor the internal company such as appointments, anniversaries, videos and a combined individually archive, as well as sweepstakes and important information, which is intended only for company employees of Meyer Logistics and Meyer QSL. But even without access to the closed area the app for professional drivers and employees of the logistics industry as well as the food trade and the food service industry is an enrichment of daily information offered on the topic of "Food Logistics". An indication yet of our own: Meyer Logistics is the initiator of the action "DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE!"
and asks for attention and wants a safe journey!

Category : News & Magazines

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