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Luv Pet Store - Free Shipping Worldwide

At Luv Pet Store, we understand that you have plenty of options to choose from when it comes to pet supplies. But providing our customers with the high-quality pet supply products is more than just a mission statement for us. It's a passion. That's because we're pet parents too, and we know that picking out the right toy, training product, or pet door for your pet isn't just a passive decision. Every pet is unique, and they deserve products that match their personality, needs, and preferences. In pursuit of our aims, we've partnered with some of the most well regarded and well known pet supply manufacturers throughout the world to provide our customers with the variety and quality that they deserve. Whether your best friend is furry or feathered, covered in gills or scales, we want to help connect you with the products you need, the products you never knew you needed, and the products that will remind your pet just how much you really care.

Here you'll find a selection of hundreds of pet products. Whether you're looking to transform an empty aquarium tank into a lush and tropical wonderland that will delights your friends and family and accommodate a growing selection of wildlife, provide your new puppy with the toys and accessories they need to be happy and the training aids they need to grow responsibly, or adapt your home and car to adjust to the specialized needs of an aging pet, we're ready to assist you. We understand that there's no lack of big box chains and fly by night pet supply retail stores, but we separate ourselves from the rest of the pack by never stocking our catalog with supplies we wouldn't feel comfortable using with our own beloved pets.

Our marketplace isn't just a storefront you can use to track down the item you've been looking for. It's a resource you can use to identify everything your pet could conceivably need. Our user interface is designed explicitly to make the shopping process as easy as possible by guiding you to the product you're seeking out while also leaving the doors wide open to other departments you might like to explore. After all, we have hundreds of products in our inventory, and we wouldn't want you getting lost. Each of the collections in our catalog allow you to identify the type of pet you're shopping for and then narrow down your results into more specialized sub-departments like toys, grooming supplies, and clothing. In short, we wanted to create the sort of only shopping space we've always dreamed of - the type that makes shopping a breeze and allows us to spend more time with our pets and less time trying to hunt down deals or compare similar products in pursuit of the ideal choice.

Knowledge is power, and we believe pet parents deserve the right to be informed where their babies are concerned. That's reflected in the care we've put into the presentation of every single product in our catalog. Every product comes with a photo gallery you can use to inspect your prospective purchases, while zoom functionality allows you to get a closer look for yourself. Detailed specs on the products allow you to determine important aspects of the products like dimensions, materials, and manufacturer so that you'll never go into a purchase without having an educated understanding of what you get. Finally, we take great pains to provide detailed and informative descriptions of each product in our catalog to offer you even more guidance. If a product has yet to show a description, that's just an indication of the practiced care we take in all of our work.

Our company's mission statement may be to help our customers receive quality products at affordable rates, but we also believe that work without higher purpose is a wasted endeavor. That's why we pride ourselves on using our business as a vessel for pursuing a greater good where animals are concerned. Every one of our stores is invested in their community through partnerships with shelters, charities, and rescues.

Category : Shopping

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Reviews (3)

zoe. Apr 4, 2021     

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Cor. J. Nov 13, 2020     

Installed and opened app but it just stays on main screen

qui. g. Jul 15, 2018     

Inactive, are u kidding me