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Lyric Pad.

Replace your bulky lyrics folders with an Android tablet. Lyric Pad will display and scroll your lyrics on your tablet screen in a fast and easy to use interface. Lyric Pad has been designed by a musician to be used in a gigging environment with a focus on speed of use and reliability.
Features Include:
- Ability to quickly select and display the next song
- Automatic scrolling of lyrics
- Can play Mp3 Backing Tracks
- Chord and text highlighting
- Static sidebar for chord and song information
- Setlists
- Lyric and set list editors
- Search for and download lyrics and chords (requires Users Own Microsoft Subscription Search Key)
- and many others

If you like this app please leave a favourable rating. If you dont like it, please contact the developer before leaving a poor review. This app is updated at regular intervals with new features and is constantly being improved.

Thanks for using Lyric Pad and like us on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Lyric-Pad/193728934027216

Category : Music & Audio

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Reviews (22)

Der. A. Mar 20, 2022     

It's become a real bummer. The confusion trying to get lyrics from your internal storage to the SD card, transferring files from one device to another.... things change in the files, you lose files... sad and frustrating. Unfortunately I need to change apps now. I have too many songs to keep going through this. :(

Jil. K. Aug 15, 2020     

I upgraded to 2.52, and MAN do I miss being able to edit a lyric without having to back out a bunch and navigate through a zillion menus. Why did the 'edit lyric' button move? I would give a kidney to revert back to my previous version. With that, still love the heck out of this app, and otherwise it works great. Super-reliable, even on my ancient tablet. Proud to own the full version.

Jim. S. Jan 21, 2019     

This is awesome. Finally I can stop searching through my big pdf (with 300 lyrics which I had painstakingly downloaded and formatted for use on gigs). The PDF contents and bookmarks are simply inadequate for use on a gig - and now by using the Lyric Pad I can download and format automatically, edit easily, pull up a genre or an artist as needed, and make set lists. It just makes for better continuity and flow as I perform. Just a beautiful app, and much appreciated! My computer skills are good, and I replicated my tune list in just a few hours. One problem though: The program does not shut down all the way on my Samsung Galaxy S3 tablet (Android 8).

Mar. I. Aug 11, 2019     

Excellent app. Does exactly what I need. There's one bug I ran into. When TEXT HIGHLIGHTING is turned on, the word BE in my lyrics are red, everywhere it appears. I misspelled it with an extra E to get around it. Slightly annoying, but still usable. There are a few more glitches with text highlighting. 1) can't highlight title when using title or artist tags [brackets show up in Lists] 2) artist name "The Bridge", Bridge is automatically highlighted because it's also a song marker.

Joh. S. Oct 9, 2021     

This app worked ok (not well) for about 3 days. Then I started getting "access denied" errors when I tried to upload lyrics. I contacted the developers but the errors persist and there has been no response from them. I understand that it will take time to fixn the problem but at least let users know that you are trying!

Dav. L. Dec 22, 2019     

Excellent Autocue. I can sing up to 60 songs in a night. That is a lot of lyrics to hold in your head. Lyric Pad covers for the instances when you realise you can't remember the next line of a song. It's easy to use and easy to create and update set lists.

Dav. W. Jun 27, 2019     

I feel like this app could be great if it was just more user friendly. Why can I not get to edit a song from within a set list? Why can I not filter songs better, like covers and originals? Or make the auto scrolling more intuitive? So much potential, but lacking finesse

Lar. D. Mar 2, 2020     

Easiest lyric and set list app I've tried. I even sold my brand new Dell 2in1 so I could go back to an Android and get this one, again. Win10 lyrics programs are incredibly overwritten. Import and export lyrics and setlists as quickly as you can click! You... Get to set Lyric Pad parameters, yourself.

Ric. M. Mar 14, 2019     

Great lyric app that I use all the time while playing with my band and while playing solo. i use the set list and song lyric functions and they work well. Ive never had any issues with the app,, no crashes or other twchnical issues.

So. D. Dec 14, 2019     

I wrote a scathing critique of this program due to my losing my song lists and having a lyric search problem as well..My Update.. apparently I messed up a pathway in the program and all my song lists are still there.. also I learned.. lyric search is not part of lyric pad... and for anyone with my lyric search problem.. Dan from lyric pad helped me and explained there is a problem with lyric search. I would have switched this to 5 stars but I'm not exactly happy with customer service.

Meg. Y. Jan 25, 2020     

Great app installed during an emergency when i lost my lyric book at gig.. have not looked back and said goodbye to books.. lyric search embedded into this is great also.. started having a glitch with incomplete lyrics chords from ultimate guitar. I hope this is now fixed

Jim. P. Aug 30, 2020     

Loving Lyric pad but I lost all the downloaded lyrics I had. I had to reinstall the app but the lyrics now save to a different pathway and there are certain features thet now don't work. For example when I open set lists all the song songs that I've downloaded are displayed.

Sim. P. Dec 2, 2018     

Perfect for a gigging musician/band. I wouldn't be without it. I perform in several guises and can sort set lists accordingly with ease. I even have a "To Learn" set so I'm never behind. Brilliant

jim. p. Jul 2, 2021     

I have been using lyric pad for a few years and no problems. Great product. Lyrics, set lists and notes, it is my brain on stage. Lyrics from set lists at a touch.

Son. M. Dec 15, 2018     

Hi..my Lyric Pad just crashed and cannot be installed again..so sad because I've purchased this app and installed it in my Samsung Tab E..please help me!! P.S. it's not the money that counts it's not too much..it's because I've already wrote and save a lot of songs on this app now I have no songs to sing..GOD BLESS YOU😇..OMG...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! MY LYRICS ARE ALL BACK AGAIN. NOW I CAN GO BACK TO WORK WITHOUT ANY WORRIES..THANK YOU AGAIN!!!

And. B. Apr 8, 2021     

Not intuitive. Bad user manual. Not at all user friendly. The auto-scrolling does not work. For me, purchasing this app was a waste of money. I would give a 0-star-rating if that were possible.

Wil. P. Sep 22, 2018     

Wish I could give 5 stars, but I cannot find an option to turn OFF auto-scroll. I found the 'autoscroll speed' option, and set it to 0, but it still scrolls after a few seconds of idle time. I can't use it comfortably unless the scrolling is turned off, really seems like I'm missing something. How can this app not have the ability to disable auto-scroll??

Ros. D. Sep 4, 2019     

Great app and does what it says. I had a problem wirh popup ads but developer responded in 12 hours and pointed out that this would be another app runnuing in background as this has no ads. Deleted guitar tabs app and sorted!

Ged. S. Jul 2, 2019     

great app but please help. I have a new phone, tried to reinstall after clearing cache and all the usual advice, plus same account and play store won't let me install the app on this phone. It goes to the install tab, then to 'one tap purchase' , I tap then it says I already have this item: error. play store is telling me that it is purchased, just won't install it. Please help

Rog. P. Dec 20, 2018     

Have tried running Lyric Pad on both my Samsung Galaxy Tab E but despite trying everything under the rainbow including everything in the forums and on the web in general, it's just impossible to get it to write to the SD card and now I'm out of internal storage space A damn shame *** update OMG ! You are re-writing the same answers as in your forum. I have read it all. i have tried it all. The SD card HAS been given write permission. .mp3 are not small files How annoying and insulting

Bob. M. Nov 30, 2019     

lyric pad paid version will not download on my Samsung 10 tablet it does nothing when I enter install, what can cause this. the free version downloads without any problem but the paid version which I downloaded on my phone has no response. I was able to download it on another device of mine but the Samsung tablet just won't accept it.

Mal. H. Jan 4, 2019     

This paid for app does NOT work on my Google Pixelbook, in laptop mode. Buyer beware. I've exhauseted all possiblilities with developer and he/she says it's not the app's fault but this is a Google device but Google play also isn't refunding so, I'm being ripped off basically from my money.