• MADOBU - Be the Dark Lord 1
  • MADOBU - Be the Dark Lord 2
  • MADOBU - Be the Dark Lord 3
  • MADOBU - Be the Dark Lord 4

MADOBU - Be the Dark Lord

Learn magics and fight war!

◆ Simple speed-tapping mini-game
◆ Try various magic skills
◆ Mix magics to get stronger, cooler effects

Be the darkest and strongest!

Game Features
◆ Train various magic skills : simple tap!
◆ Strategy game : mix different magics
◆ Destroy enemy troops : test yourself out there!
◆ Defeat different stages and bosses
◆ Check out leaderboard

Category : Arcade

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Reviews (29)

Mar. P. May 21, 2019     

Game is pretty decent, but progression slows down too quickly. I've got 8 cards, all around level 50 and it's really slow to make progress at this point. There doesn't seem to be any way to fuse more than two powers together. What would be helpful is a way to upgrade the upgrade minigame so at higher levels you can gain points faster. Also, way too many ads.

Scu. S. Jun 28, 2019     

once i turned the brightness up to the "over powering the sun" setting and could see the game, it was fun. dont get me wrong i could see the ads just fine...all the ads. look,i get it, its a free game, the better we want it, the more it cost in ad revenue or in game buys. you choose the former. but good god, more than half my time is spent on ads. like the concept and art work, but the amount of ads is too much for me. also, just a request, can you add or a small tutorial? or did i miss it

Jas. H. May 25, 2019     

Thus far, this game has been pretty engaging. The timing portions are responsive, and the battle portion is surprisingly strategic and engaging. I like the graphics style, and the atmosphere of the music and graphics. It's a little confusing to pick up in the beginning, but with a little tap'n'try, you can figure it out easily enough. It would help to have a retry button on the upgrade mini game. Each time you miss, you have to go all the way back to the home screen.

Kir. T. N. G. May 3, 2020     

I love this game it's honestly really fun. The ad rate is great because they're not excessive. The game play is fun once you figure everything out which doesn't take to long. The only thing holding me back from giving 5 stars is the spell upgrade system. I wish it was a little bit easier to upgrade them. The window of time that your given for each tap is a bit too small. If it was a bit more forgiving with each tap I would honestly give 5 stars.

Lev. Jun 1, 2019     

Its not bad, if there were more elements and components instead of preset spells. For the components it could be movement of the projectile such as spirals, waves, jagged, circular. Other component ideas could be the damage effect such as burst (aoe), chain, multiply, bounce. by adding these sorts of elements in it allows players to be more creative with their spells and allows for the difficulty to be increased further on. The last thing could be different level-up minigames, to mix it up.

Gem. D. Jul 27, 2019     

Skip this game. The game is fine on its own. It's a mixture of two of the dev's be previous releases: Aporia and Madosa(sp?). It's honestly not terrible. What IS terrible is the sheer number of ads thrown at you. An ad after every level regardless of whether you win or lose. An ad after a handful of screen changes. It's ridiculous. On top of that, the scaling for leveling up your abilities is really steep and time consuming, so you'll need to watch an ad in prder to properly level your spells.

Kal. C. Jul 16, 2020     

I would recommend considering a/b testing the pop up ads occuring so early for a first time user. This may be negatively affecting day 1 retention. It may be an initial revenue boost, but something to really consider testing. I'm playing this for research, and I enjoyed the overall concept and revenue model isn't too bad. Keep it up. The UX and readability could be heavily improved in my opinion, but again, a good concept!

Lon. Jul 26, 2019     

The game is relatively fun. It's similar to breaking blocks with balls. You must throw spell balls at clusters of enemies to clear the field. Training your spells consists of a reaction game. Tap when the ball is working the target area. I only give it three stars because of the ads. I don't mind watching an ad to get extra resources. I DO mind when the ad interrupts gameplay every 90 seconds.

Dav. K. Sep 2, 2019     

I like that so many of the images are hand-drawn. I love to see the spells change as they upgrade. I love the scene where the spells fuse. I wonder if the sound delay when you tap during upgrading spells is intentional to make it more challenging or maybe a problem in the way my phone processes the game during play. This game is simple and satisfying. Simple but offers increasing challenge. Satisfying to me because the battles and whole process are too complex to take a long time to learn.

Div. Jul 21, 2019     

Fun. Really Fun. I mainly like that there isnt an annoying and long tutorial. its like 2 taps and then you have to figure out the rest of the entire game. I didnt know there was a battle. i thought it was a timing based game. a lot more than I bargained for. Its awesome. Gr8 Work.

Kla. Jan 20, 2019     

Really Fun, creative game! interesting illustrations and design. like chalk board at. the gameplay is simple. battle system is pretty cool. I feel there is a little room for improvement though, with the battle system. But it's great. I like the interaction with the magic cards level up feature. that is very cool. like a mini game.

Ste. C. May 12, 2020     

The gameplay is great, and the graphics are cool, but I would like to see the ability to fuse previously fused cards, and I supposed the ad rate could be turned down, although it's not as bad as a lot of game I've played. Another good game by these guys is Turretz. I like it.

Spa. M. Mar 13, 2019     

1 star and uninstalling! That's what you get for serving ads on every friggin' tap! Especially when the player gains nothing for watching them! The game itself is fun, but like someone else said - I've spent more time watching ads, than actually playing! So yeah, you're pretty much killing your own game! Normally I'd love to support the devs and spend some cash on a game, but in this case it's gonna be an instant uninstall. Or maybe I should give LP a try.

Tha. Jun 2, 2020     

Not as good as i thought at first, but then i saw that you could be more powers with the in-game currency and fuse the powers together. The upgrade system is also pretty unique. Lastly, it actually has reasonably spaced ads. Its actually a really good game!

Dyl. S. May 11, 2020     

This would probably be a 5 star game, if you didn't lose spells on a failed fusion, just imagine quick, you are early in the game, you don't have much of the ingame currency (not sure what it is called) you decide to try out fusion, you throw in some decent level spells and it fails, and you have lost one of those spells that you have tapped hundreds of times to get them to the level they were at

Kyl. K. Jun 24, 2020     

Great game! Simple concept, great execution. But an idea I had might interest you. you should add more elements, five can get mmmmm boring. Add earth! Or sand! Or maybe make it so fusions make new elements like fire and water make stone or wind and lightning makes hurricane. I know you get this a lot but please take it into consideration. I only want good things from this game and I think you can do it!

Col. A. May 22, 2019     

Great game, great graphics, and a very interesting story to watch unfold before you. I only wish there was a way to fuse already fused spells together, or fuse a already fused spell with a non fused spell. If the creators of this game could make that happen, it would make me feel more challenged than I already am, and continue playing this game to full extent. Without a goal besides beating the boss at stage 100, there really isnt any separate goal. I think it might be a good idea to consider.

CJ. F. Sep 14, 2020     

Real price of garbage. The spells NEVER go where I direct them. The leveling system is CONSTANTLY changing speed, making it impossible to level up without paying real money. Fusions fail 100% of the time, and will sometimes destroy both spells, and not let you get the choice to watch an ad and try again. Ads start up right in the middle of battles or the leveling sequence. Very disappointing and unsatisfying game. Was fun for the first 5 seconds before the ads showed themselves every 5 seconds.

min. f. Jun 23, 2021     

I love this game, though I could have sworn there was another game that was basicly the same except with more spells but no battle. The only issue is that of some reason ads don't work. As in I can't get any rewords for watching them, but at least it doesn't load them. So it isn't watching and getting nothing, but I can't multiply my points.

fir. Nov 9, 2019     

Edited. Support is horrible. Purchased a level up for $2 the app crashed and the level reverted to where it was prior to purchase. Have been emailing their support for over a week to get this resolved with no success. it does not respect your sound preferences if it would leave the sounds off when i turned them off i would be more than happy to make this 4 stars

jon. k. Feb 28, 2019     

to many ads. and alot of double ads. You say you don't wish to watch an ad to bad here is another. watch one for increased xp? well here is another. oh you tapped 2 buttons here is an ad. Plus banner ad at the top. and its 4bucks to remove ads for a game I've spent more time watching ads than playing. uninstalling

Jak. T. Oct 10, 2018     

ADS, ADS, ADS!!!! The concept of the game is awesome. Get spells, merge spells, get souls by using spells. But it's impossible to enjoy with ads after every corner! Done collecting souls? Ad. Upgrade your spells? Ad. Watch an ad to increase spell upgrade? Ad. AS SOON AS YOURE DONE WATCHING THAT AD? AD!! Uninstalled. Forever.

A. G. u. Mar 28, 2019     

It needs more variety with spellcasting. Period. The lack of variety leads to a boring game over time. Maybe drawing lines in the magic circle and pressing dots that show up will help keep the game from getting so stale.

ram. p. Jul 31, 2019     

Not liking the upgrade aspect of the game. i would rate it better if it was somewhat easier because you start at 0 everytime you want to upgrade your element. not only that but the aiming is horrible as well. you cant even aim properly or have it where if u do want to aim, you can let go. this is a waste of my time.

Tre. C. Apr 15, 2019     

Simple, but fun. Buy spells, then upgrade them with a simple minigame, then use them to kill enemies in battle mode. You can combine spells to make them more powerful, and buy artifacts to give your different spells percentage buffs, helping you further build your approach. Ultimately a fun, simple game, but it becomes a grind after a while.

S.O. Jan 5, 2019     

as much as i would like to give the game 4 stars for the great concept and fun the ad flooding is too much. im pretty sure the time i've watching ad is longer than my gamplay time. when a game reachs this points it deserves nothing more than one star. i hope the devs will reconsided the amount of ads they shove into the game

So. R. Jan 28, 2019     

fun but way, way, way too many ads. I am fully willing to click an ad to progress or speed up a process but this goes over board even for me. A shame really. They could retain more players and make more miney with less ads.

San. I. Apr 11, 2019     

I love the drawing design and the simplicity of the spells. And then it goes all complex with the fusions! I'll actually support this all the way! One thing, add more types of spells if you are able to!

A. G. u. Jan 4, 2019     

Can't say I've seen anything like it. Upgrading your spells is completely free, so it uses no in-game or real life currency. Theres no wait time to the upgrades, so you can play for hours and basically become a god. You can combine the spells to make them stronger, which again is free and instantaneous. 5/5 Stars.