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Magic: ManaStrike

Magic: The Gathering meets a fast-paced, real-time strategy game! Forge your own strategy in Magic: ManaStrike today!

Magic: ManaStrike is a new battle strategy game within the vast universe of Magic: The Gathering.

Choose your color, customize units and spells, and prove your strategic mastery to the world.

1. Anytime, anywhere! Quick and easy!
*Enjoy real-time battles with anyone from around the world within 3 minutes in Magic: ManaStrike.
*Summon units, cast spells, and command powerful Planeswalkers with simple tap and drag gameplay.

2. Choose your color! Create your strategy!
*The Magic: The Gathering universe has 5 unique colors of Mana. (White, Blue, Black, Red, and Green)
*Understanding each color's traits and creating your own unique strategies is the key to victory.
*Powerful spells to turn the tide! Massive units to pressure your opponent! Create your very own deck today.

3. Powerful heroes--the Planeswalkers!
*Planeswalkers are unique heroes that represent their respective colors of Mana.
*Each Planeswalker has a unique ability which gives them the power to turn the tide of battle.
*Strengthen your preferred Planeswalker and claim victory.

4. Earn a variety of rewards through Magic Pass!
*Magic: ManaStrike has a wide array of rewards and benefits for all players.
*Seasonal ranked play! Limited rewards for each Season are available through the Magic Pass.

Recommended Specs: Android OS 4.1 or higher

※ This app offer in-app purchases. You can disable this feature by adjusting your device’s settings.
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Category : Strategy

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Reviews (30)

Kon. D. May 23, 2020     

I really wanted to appreciate this game. As a Magic player I saw a Magic-themed mobile game, and thought "yeah, it looks nice, why not". And my first impression was actually good - the game is pretty beautiful, and the core gameplay, while a bit bland, is fun enough. Then I realized the game's main issue: once you finished the tutorial, you get no other option than fight in a common ladder, and probably lose a lot until you have somewhat improved your collection or spent a lot of money...

Lau. R. Oct 28, 2020     

The game is a lot of fun. Downside is the servers disconnecting, and you lose rank when kicked from a game since you auto lose. Wish there was a recovery option for that - maybe end in a draw if someone is dropped. Also seems like when you reach a certain point, you'll only be able to progress if you pay to play. If you aren't extremely competitive you can find the gameplay enjoyable without paying to play.

Ste. K. Feb 6, 2020     

The game is good but there is so much going on, the screen space isn't optimized properly, characters are very small and difficult to differentiate. Clash Royale does a good job of using screen real estate and when there is a big battle everything is understandable but in this game it's hard to comprehend what's going on and what specific minions are doing or even recognize them. There seems to be a lot of unused space behind the main towers. Clarity in the battles would be awesome thank you :)

Дэй. П. Feb 15, 2020     

It's an overall alright game, but it becomes unplayable when you're constantly kicked from the servers. This isn't like a game of magic where you have time to play, if you're disconnected from the game, you've effectively lost. It doesn't make your opponent wait, they can just go ham. Especially when you try to reconnect, the game might not even let you back into it and will consistently gave server issues.

Etr. B. Aug 14, 2020     

The game has its appeal with many unique, and balanced, cards. What I have noticed is that winning, only in the later stages, relies upon the level of your cards. Leveling up those cards costs "gold". Requiring more depending on level and rarity. This isn't a problem if you've dedicated yourself to a single mana-type which makes experimenting with different types difficult. I suggest figuring out the mana-type you prefer early on and stick to it. Don't let that stop you because it is fun!

Kev. d. C. Feb 22, 2020     

Two major things, and on minor thing keep this game from getting five stars. 1) Load times are a little long for a game where marches take no more than 4 minutes. 2) There needs to be an option to surrender when you get completely outmatched. The minor thing is matchmaking is a little wonky. From what i see it seems like it tries to keep your win and lose rate relativley even.

Dar. H. Feb 19, 2020     

This game is great! Its very fun and with 3 minute bursts its very easy to hop in and play a bit and get off. The game does have some major issues though. The biggest issue I've found is teams. Finding active teams is very hard, and for a new game this is not promising. When you go to find teams all the teams are private minus a few with 1-5 players, yet there are a lot of better teams not listed. The game also won't let you see member activity and demands a 12 hour delay for changing teams.

Bet. K. Feb 2, 2020     

It is similar to the games I have played before, including the UI, but somehow gives a different vibe. Would be great if rewards are better in terms of coins, other rewards are great.. Loved the graphics and the controls. They have tried to bring the heat, but game kind of lags on that part when playing. On whole, it's cool.

Dun. B. Feb 1, 2020     

Concept is great. Love the play style and the change of typical magic the gathering. Sadly that's the only good I can say. Your server issues are horrible. Rather I or the person I am facing disconnects. I have a WiFi connection high speed and newer device. There is no reason why your game should be this unstable. I have been able to finish maybe 3 games without getting a disconnect notice or it being paused while it constantly loses connection.

Cha. L. Jan 30, 2020     

I was really wanting to like this game but sadly it doesn't deliver in my opinion. The graphics are old school and i expecting them to be admazing where you can see the detail of the charatures but you can't. It's like the old school final fantasy graphics which is a shame for a modern game. Also connection is a massive issue it keeps disconnecting. Sadly this isn't one I will play.

Mic. T. Feb 7, 2020     

The game is almost like Magic Battlegrounds (Atari, OG Xbox) which is good. I dislike not having full control of my planeswalker, with more spells to cast as I did in that game. I also think the creatures could be more distinct looking, as it seems there really isn't a way to know what my opponent is summoning just by looking at it (maybe this will change as I get more familiar with the game).

Gen. Feb 15, 2020     

After playing SWFA, I was quite surprised a game so similar would again be released. I'm still fresh, but can already see the potential in it. I feel most times comfortable playing, even though minor issues sometimes occur, such as connection problems. I've looked over them, knowing this won't happen all too often. What could be improved is the matchmaking, because twice I started to search and cancelled, but was forced to play with bad connection and lost due to that. Please don't lose passion.

Zhu. Jun 1, 2020     

I love this game could play it for hours but it needs some bug fixes ik my WiFi is fine but it kicks me off to much and then the enemy wins . My suggestion u pause the game for a min or two to give the player a chance to reconnect. Also sometimes my cards won't place I have to drag them several times before they place the only reason I'm talking about these two things is because they make me lose its frustrating when it happens please fix these things I love this game . Thx

Ste. D. P. Feb 10, 2020     

A lot of fun to play. I like that the matches are very fast. There is a lot of versatility in the game, it lets you design your own strategy. Loving how it feels like a modern ccg while at the same time like a tower rush. Graphics are a bit over the top, you cant really enjoy all the details on such a screen. Probably best as a tablet game, but who owns those anymore. Main interface is sometimes sluggish but nothing annoying.

Out. Mar 5, 2020     

As a fan of MTG I really wanted to love this game. And I gave it a fair shot I think making it about half way through rank 6. The gameplay itself is fun but it's clearly a clone/tipoff of other games. It seems like its unbalanced but that's mostly because the colors are designed to be strong or weak depending on the color they're fighting. That brings me to the main issue. The absolute travesty that is the matching system in this game. I cant overstate how bad it is.

Jos. Aug 24, 2020     

Quite frankly, I am not really impressed with it. Don't get me wrong, the gameplay is alright. But it feels more like you've slapped the "MTG" title on something D&D mixed with Chess meets Age of Wonders and gave it a real-time instead of turn-by-turn structure... Essentially just a much more "magic-like" Modern Warfare. So, unfortunately, still only 2 stars.

Bea. V. Z. Aug 15, 2020     

This is a great game when it works. Everytime I update the game it fails to connect to the server. I then uninstall reinstall and lose all my progress. Extremely frustrating and makes me want to quit playing this game entirely. Please fix the issues with lag and game freezing as well. Im unable to connect at all to server and the developer has not made any effort to correct this for me. Terrible

Cal. N. Dec 16, 2020     

This game is really beautiful, engaging and fun. HOW COULD YOU CANCEL IT? Clash Royale is trash compared to this. Each card is unique and interesting but intuitive. The preview videos are so helpful and cool. I love the way this game looks. Me and my family just got into this. Please find a new way to monetize or revive this game! It's too good to waste!

Mar. B. Jul 19, 2020     

So now since the update the game just crashes after it loads. Also since playing this when it first came out they have changed it a lot and now trying to make people pay for things. Especially gems! Use to be able to make your way through with purchasing the pass but now you are so far away from it there isn't any point. Also every season the changes come and makes you nearly remake decks. Which of course I spent the whole time leveling. They are just trying to make more money.. typical

Ant. F. Feb 26, 2020     

The game is reasonably well designed. Do not expect any help from the GM team though. They clearly don't know their own product or care about cheating/bug abuse. Trying to reconnect restarts the game, which is slow to load, so that is basically a game loss. There are clearly people playing on pc with an emulator based on their speed/accuracy. Not bad for some fun though, just not worth spending money on.

Tru. Feb 1, 2020     

Games great but please add a "Random AI" option to training. Allow someone to choose difficulty first(1 star, 5, or 9). Even just a random opponent button would be excellent. I don't like to choose my foe while practicing. It kind of deludes the point of practicing. If I don't know my opponent online I would like that choice it training. Thank you :)

Ben. L. Nov 4, 2019     

Great game. I enjoy the gameplay and the card system. The one thing I dont enjoy is limitations. I cant keep up with 30 sparks a day during the week. But I have the time to surpass 30 sparks a day on the weekend. If one doesnt keep up with sparks you run into not physically being able to finish the months pass. I believe that purchasing the "Pass" should allow you to pass this cap. Please make this a thing. I say this because I've never liked anything that removes the incentive to play the game.

Stu. T. Mar 21, 2020     

I came in skeptical, but this is surprisingly fun. It trades turn based play for a Final Fantasy esque mana bar that refills with time. But it keep the Magic vibe. I'd like a story mode and tournament, but it's a good time. Plus, matches cap at 3 minutes, so if you get swamped, it's finished fast and you can move to the next match.

Kyl. S. Jan 31, 2020     

A few things right and a few wrong. Zones are op, unless all you throw out are massive creatures, a drain zone and a meteor will kill anything mid level and below. So you can easily undo a hard fought victory and momentum that you or your opponent has earned. Then their is the ranking, anything leaderboards is based on time in. Instead of the traditional magic scaling system, where beating an opponent with a higher W/L ratio means more than someone who always loses.

Cam. B. Jan 30, 2020     

A good game that seems simple but really holds it's strategy in it's deck building. I can see this becoming a free to play problem when rising through the ranks but for now it seems fine. I have two gripes that keep me from giving it five stars. 1) The map seems just a bit small and when you place the units it doesn't seem like placement matters as much as it should. 2) There seems to be a connectivity problem which is expected for a new game but for a rts it is very important to smooth out.

Rob. L. Feb 6, 2020     

Some lags and delays on the battles, and the menu is kinda slow and stuck, but the gameplay is really challenging and overall balanced, the only way to win is with a solid strategy and sometimes you can't counter the other due to lack of right cards. Overall it's very nice, just need some polish on the connection and UI.

Jos. M. Feb 23, 2020     

It's not pay to win. There's a specific strategy to games like this that has to be learned through losing, and you get cards just by playing. They also gave two free Plainswalkers of my choice beyond the five basic ones, who aren't bad. There are balance issues as always with games like this, but it isn't enough to be a turnoff. You'll just have to figure out counters, which is part of the fun. Teams are a huge help too, well done. Lots of events.

Jac. H. May 25, 2020     

Brilliant game, fun to play, forgiving "pay-to-play" mechanics which allow you to not spend all your time with the "elite" who spend loads of money. Awful connectivity issues though, which dont seem to have been addressed throughout the games existance, and are only getting worse as time goes on. Lost 5 matches in a row because their servers disconnected and the reconnect process takes as long as it does for your opponent to win. Tl;dr: great game, absolutely ruined by server issues

Dar. R. Aug 17, 2020     

The game is fun, for a while. Eventually it turns into a bit of a grind, collecting enough gold to upgrade your cards. The only other option is dropping real money on in game currency, but I'm too cheap to pay as much as they want for the limited currency you get. Additionally, the server connection is too fragile. Far too often, server lag or disconnect ruins the chance to win, and just about EVERY match counts. It gets old, and discourages in game purchases. Why waste my money on disconnects?

Min. Feb 2, 2020     

I actually like this game but whenever a certain card is attacking like the "Terrain Elemental" the game is just lagging and it keeps on freezing whenever it attacks. I hope you can fix this problem asap, because it affecting my gameplay...and probably it is the main cause why I always lose a game. Btw I'm not sure if this is the only card that can cause lagging and freezing the game while it's attacking. So maybe please adjust or fix something for a mobile like mine Android 7.1.1.Thank you.