• Malti - L-ewwel Pass 1
  • Malti - L-ewwel Pass 2
  • Malti - L-ewwel Pass 3
  • Malti - L-ewwel Pass 4

Malti - L-ewwel Pass

*App edukattiva għat-tfal biex jitgħallmu l-ilsien Malti. Tinkludi logħob differenti bħal numri, nomi, l-alfabett u ohrajn b'mod interattiv biex it-tfal jieħdu gost jilagħbu filwaqt li jitgħallmu l-ilsien Malti.

*An interactive app for kids to learn the Maltese language while having fun playing. Object's names, numbers, alphabett and many more!

Category : Educational

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Reviews (4)

A. G. u. Feb 13, 2019     

There isn't a better app than this for children to learn the Maltese language. Good job. Money well spent.

A. G. u. Nov 2, 2018     

Best Maltese app there is. Worth every penny! Keep up the good work developers.

A. G. u. Sep 29, 2018     

Great app in maltese language for small children or foreigners who need some basic help in maltese language

A. G. u. Oct 24, 2018     

You should have an option to switch off the music as you can barely hear what is being said.