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Map & Draw

Are you getting bore with looking at maps with traditional Markers/Pins? Do you want complete control over map? Want to customized and draw over? Want to inform a friend route to some place? or may be Want to highlight some important area on map!
Map & Draw is a modern way to get Geo-Socialized by drawing on map and sharing with friends. You can draw what ever you want to and however you want. You can share your map drawing to some one privately or publicly via your favorite social networking apps.

Features✓ Annotate/Doodle map✓ Draw your own routes✓ Help friend find a place✓ Save or share map instantly✓ Kids can paint or draw on map✓ Share moments or activity via map

Category : Tools

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Reviews (26)

Rav. M. Sep 5, 2021     

Terrible :( There is no point in being able to draw on a map if you can't zoom out or have it stay there. I just want to make a trail across several countries, that requires precision and the abilty to zoom in to draw your marker, then out to link up individual markers far away. Usless app unless they fix this.

Gre. M. Mar 31, 2020     

Love the game the reason for 4 stars is because I wish u could make it so you can zoom out while in drawing mode also when I try to save it it doesn't work I have but now I think about it it's probably me wanting it to stay on the map when I save, also, weird bugs start to appear alot now, the first bug was it didn't let me draw beneath the centre then it made it have outlines and then my drawings looked messy, could you fix the bugs?

Ale. M. Apr 20, 2020     

(UPDATED) When I suggested zoom in/out, I didn't mean that drawing should move along with zoom feature, it should be locked where it was before zooming. Undo and redo still very needed, nothing has improved at all since my last review. Not amazed.

sco. w. Apr 27, 2020     

The annotations need to lock to the zoom scale to be more useful. Editable vector-based lines would allow for greater precision and ability to update a path at a later date. Has potential.

Dav. T. Jul 2, 2020     

It really could use an undo and redo and there still is no zooming in or out once this changes I will update my review. This isnt nescesary but a paint fill tool would be useful, and typing words too.

Zei. S. Dec 24, 2021     

Great app. One of the best. I've been looking for an app with this specific purpose and it's great. My one problem is too much ads but other than this it's amazing

mar. s. Nov 29, 2019     

Hi, I really like your app, but it will be very better if you give us the option to zoom in and out or move the map when we are drawing on it. I really think you should do that. Please and thankyou.

Mat. D. Apr 28, 2019     

It's on a nice path, but I can't zoom in/out or scroll while in drawing mode.

Joe. C. Sep 29, 2020     

Really annoying to use and to get the whole trail I have to zoom out until u can barely see or draw, why can u move while drawing so I can just go alone the trail

Ata. M. Sep 14, 2018     

It's okay but I found two apps that are easier to use but have different features. I can't say it's bad but it could be better.

ver. 2. Jun 29, 2020     

Why the drawing clear after I saved my drawing ?? And I can't zoom in or zoom out while drawing .

Bry. N. Apr 3, 2020     

Nice app but my only complaint is that it doesn't let you zoom out once you are drawing.

Sho. A. Dec 6, 2019     

This would great app if you can move on drawing mode. Make it have been plzz.

hen. s. Jan 28, 2021     

I have no option to zoom out and in while on drawing I have no option to turn on zoom out in

Ali. S. Feb 23, 2022     

I love this game

Dai. L. Nov 30, 2020     

Can't zoom in or out or move the map around.

She. Mar 31, 2021     

It takes a very long time to download so i gave it a 1

NeW. -. Oct 14, 2021     

I do not know why people just put so low stars. This is a great app.

Bab. C. Oct 3, 2020     

U cant even move around when ur done and its annoying

SIM. O. T. Apr 18, 2022     

This app is useful to drawing maps

Mik. F. Nov 22, 2021     

I can't zoom out

Kap. D. P. S. Jan 11, 2021     

There is no facility of erasing

Mar. 2. May 19, 2020     

It,s what I,be been looking for

Ost. T. Oct 30, 2021     

Waste of time

Flo. Y. Feb 11, 2022     

Nothing useful

Coo. B. Apr 16, 2022     

Bruh... WHY?