• McAfee Safe Wi-Fi 1
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  • McAfee Safe Wi-Fi 4

McAfee Safe Wi-Fi

Did you know that when your smartphone isn’t connected to a Wi-Fi network, it looks for networks it knows by sending a signal identifying itself and any network it remembers connecting to? It’s like your phone is walking down the street shouting, “Hey, it’s me. Are you my home, office, or favorite coffee shop Wi-Fi?” Not exactly private and secure.
McAfee® Safe Wi-Fi protects you by managing your Wi-Fi connections. The app automatically turns your smartphone’s Wi-Fi off when you leave a hotspot you trust, and turns it back on when you’re near a safe, known network.

Turning Wi-Fi off when you don’t want to connect is also a great way to extend your battery life.

Your phone’s Wi-Fi isn’t as secure as you thinkWhen Wi-Fi is on, your smartphone is broadcasting:• its unique identifier (MAC address)• names of Wi-Fi networks (SSIDs) you’ve previously connected to

That’s all that’s needed to track your location or — here’s the scary part — trick your phone into connecting to a risky imposter network.

This means if you use a hotel’s Wi-Fi then stop at a coffee shop, someone in the coffee shop could set up an imposter Wi-Fi hotspot using the hotel network’s name. Why? To trick your phone into connecting to it so they can steal your personal info.

Protecting your privacyMcAfee® Safe Wi-Fi uses cell tower IDs to know where you are and only turns Wi-Fi on when you’re in a cell zone containing a hotspot you trust.The app also lets you know when your phone connects to a Wi-Fi network, so you always know what’s happening. This means:• your movements can’t be tracked through Wi-Fi• you’ll know when your phone connects to a Wi-Fi hotspot• your battery will last longer with Wi-Fi turned off

McAfee® Safe Wi-Fi respects your privacy and doesn’t collect your personal info, but the app might ask for some permissions to protect your device better. Best of all — it’s a free app with no ads.

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (23)

Rob. S. Nov 24, 2018     

Find this app very useful. Have notifications turned off so i dont notified everytime i am near a free wifi network. Have tried to download onto a new device and no longer seems to be available. Is this the case?

Joe. Apr 25, 2019     

Great app 👍. Keeps your phone fr being signed in to Wi-Fi you have option to avoid and only those you trust.

Jim. H. Oct 3, 2019     

Does not adequately remember home WiFi , nor on the other hand, remember networks that I do not want to connect to.

Car. E. Jun 30, 2020     

Needs updating. Runs on older Android's.

Jim. L. Dec 8, 2018     

This was my first Wi-Fi product and will always be my only choice.

Wil. M. Dec 4, 2018     

Love this app

Cin. L. E. Jul 22, 2017     

I have been promoting your Brand name for over 20 years. The McAfee name itself IS associated with security for many. STOP THERE----this spotter app did not ask for 'home ' or differentiate safe and/or secure . My loyalty isn't given that BLINDLY anymore. The innovative pull is a good tug, but not 5 star yet.

Rob. M. Jan 30, 2017     

All this does is keep wifi radio turned off (saving battery) unless you add to approved or your at a home site like your own wifi and it's unlocked by Smart lock. This means no WiFi turned on saving power and no sneaky log on outside of house except sites you approve.

Gre. S. Nov 11, 2016     

Keeps sending notices evwn when switched off. Also keeps notifying of secured WI FI sites as cannot set to 'Ignore ' unless you want to spend a lot of time repeatedly telling the system they do not download

A. G. u. Nov 11, 2017     

App fails to switch off my WiFi whenever I'm out of range of my home network - requiring me to switch it off manually. App is hit or miss whether or not it will switch the WiFi on when my home network comes back into range. Have triple checked my settings on both app and device (all fine) and have also uninstalled and reinstalled the app. Still not working! I also see that a bug I reported over 2 years ago, is still being experienced by users - not very good Mcafee - so much for 'High Priority'!

Wil. M. Oct 10, 2017     

App keeps recycling, this does not allow me to sign in and complete the banking I want do, again it keeps recycling letting me know that it is closing

Mic. K. Jan 28, 2018     

Used to be perfect. Now it forgets to connect to my own Wi-Fi when I get home.

Mar. D. Nov 25, 2016     

This app need some attention, slow my Sony Z3 down to slow crawl. Please fix.

A. G. u. Apr 10, 2017     

Personally Ths is my first time usuing or being asked such a question but nevertheless being an technololagy Newbie like to think that i am in safe Hands . Thank you . P Murray

A. G. u. Mar 17, 2017     

Seems like this app isn't working as well as when I first installed it. Actually it's beginning to be a pain to the point it may need to be removed.

Shi. K. Jan 13, 2017     

Was working great but since last update on my S7 does not turn back on automatically. Will turn off. But If I don't check I'm using my data for connection 😢

Ter. May 3, 2017     

This is a good app on my opinion I would say just one thing to add to make me say great can you plz add where you can make your hotspot safe that would be great,anyways I suggest this to everyone.

Lee. May 22, 2017     

It use to be great but now it needs an upgrade it is not working as it should be doing & I'm getting fed up with it. Email me or call Macfee/Intel please.

The. E. o. K. Jan 11, 2018     

Seems OK but it deleted a list of Wi-Fi sites without warning when I changed a setting.

A. G. u. Jun 20, 2018     

Overly aggressive in blocking sites and trying to reconnect to your home WiFi.

L. H. Jun 1, 2017     

My wifi is free but secure in my apartment complex, I am wondering if the owner's of the router can view my phones wifi activities, if so does this app hide or encrypt my activity? If not is there an app that does protect me? Any advice from anyone is truly appreciated

Jam. W. H. J. Dec 8, 2017     

McAfee Has Provided A Confident Feeling,When Enter Acting With The Internet And Financial Matters,My Compliments And Thanks To The Enterprise!😎

Joh. K. H. Mar 29, 2018     

I really love it ,because it tells me when I have safe Wi-Fi when I have safe Wi-Fi