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Mesopotamian Mythology

Mesopotamian religion refers to the religious beliefs and practices of the civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia, particularly Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia between circa 3500 BC and 400 AD, after which they largely gave way to Syriac Christianity. A few traces remained among Assyrian communities in isolated pockets of what had been Assyria until the 10th century AD, with the very latest attestation being found in this region in the 16th century AD. The religious development of Mesopotamia and Mesopotamian culture in general was not particularly influenced by the movements of the various peoples into and throughout the area, particularly the south. Rather, Mesopotamian religion was a consistent and coherent tradition which adapted to the internal needs of its adherents over millennia of development.
The earliest undercurrents of Mesopotamian religious thought date to the mid 4th millennium BCE, and involved the worship of forces of nature as providers of sustenance. In the 3rd millennium BCE objects of worship were personified and became an expansive cast of divinities with particular functions. The last stages of Mesopotamian polytheism, which developed in the 2nd and 1st millenniums, introduced greater emphasis on personal religion and structured the gods into a monarchical hierarchy with the national god being the head of the pantheon. Mesopotamian religion finally declined with the spread of Iranian religions during the Achaemenid Empire and with the Christianization of Mesopotamia.


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Category : Books & Reference

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Reviews (6)

Air. J. B. Aug 30, 2021     

Could be the best app I have found since there is a limited people who enjoyed to share this ancient myth. Good job!

wil. s. May 4, 2019     

love mythology, especially because it's like reading a fantasy novel or superhero comic, then realizing that this is what its people truly believed to be factual

Rag. S. Nov 8, 2017     

I Appreciate that you tried hard to bring the diffrent mythologies on play store. But some tips for future upgrades can be - 1. You should tell users more about that where are the statues and paintings in the app located. 2. A new section with professional defination of terms used throughout the app. But even if You does not include the above ,methodes, I don't think there is any other app about sumerian or mesopotamian myths and I dont Think that anyone will bothrr to make one So yours is the best and only one we got. Nice attempt

A. G. u. Dec 29, 2017     

Nice short info. Thanks.

Ale. B. Nov 29, 2017     

This is the app that i always needed.Do you think you could one about the Abrahamic religions and the Gnostics?

Swa. S. Jul 14, 2020     

Exceptionally good 😃