• Minesweeper 1
  • Minesweeper 2
  • Minesweeper 3


The goal of Minesweeper is to uncover all the squares that do not contain mines.

Minesweeper features:
- Variable minefield.
- Classical gameplay.
- Old School minesweeper.
- Adapted to the screen.

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (19)

Jon. Sep 1, 2019     

I love this app. It's my go-to game to play when I have the time. There are many features that help you play the way you want. There's only 1 major thing that keeps it from being amazing in my opinion. Every single time on expert difficulty, I'm forced to make multiple 50/50 choices and end up losing because of it. It's aggravating and doesn't feel like a deserved loss. Maybe the original was like that too and just never knew but fixing that would make this 5 stars easy to me.

Jam. I. May 20, 2019     

Best minesweeper game I've ever played. Graphics are simple, yet well done and very smooth. Like some reviewers, I was annoyed at how long of a hold the hold press required, but then I figured out that you can toggle the option to flag mines with a single tap. Super useful to play very quickly. Also, you can zoom in on the larger grids, which is really handy. Ads are not intrusive, but I bought the pro version just cause I thought the game was very well made!

Phi. S. May 10, 2019     

It's a no-frills minesweeper game with ads. My only complaint is with the mechanics for flagging a mine. A short tap on a square selects it and holding it longer flags it. If you get in a hurry and don't press long enough to flag the square, you end up losing the game. This should be reversed so that you can't accidentally select a mine and lose the game if you don't press long enough. An even better mechanism would be a single-tap to flag, a double-tap to select, and a long press to un-flag.

Mik. M. Aug 8, 2019     

Simple, easy Minesweeper app. The graphics look just like old-school Minesweeper. The settings allow for good customization of your games, and you can switch up how you prefer to place mine flags or clear spaces. All ads can be closed either after 5 seconds or immediately. All in all, this app does Minesweeper well. There's value in simplicity, and this app gets that.

Kai. N. Jul 11, 2020     

I hate to say it, but this app is my go to activity when I have time that isn't already dedicated to something else. The ads are a bit intrusive- especially ones with audio, which habitually interrupt any music I might be listening to. Those ads (only the audio-inclusive ones) are the only thing barring a 5 star rating. I can't in good mind rate any lower than 4 stars, though, since playing around with this ap helps keep me from boredom on a daily basis.

Chr. r. Nov 10, 2019     

It's a good game, but I have noticed a slight bug... it won't always accept a tap. It'll blink, but then it returns the square to normal, like you never tapped it. Also, animations would be cool, like havings little explosions if you hit a mine. Also, could you please add an option to turn off the thing where if you tap a number it taps all nearby squares?

Kry. T. Jan 19, 2019     

I love this! I remember playing it when I was a kid on our old computer. I only have two recommendations. One is to add more space at the bottom of the game where the ads pop up because I tend to accidentally click on the ad instead of the game when clicking that low. The other one is to have a place in your settings where I can see my statistics. I like to compete against myself and beat my previous times. So it would be nice to be able to see my best time shown for each level of difficulty.

Dyl. Apr 2, 2019     

I'm fairly new to playing any type of Minesweeper game but this is easily the best one I have found available for free. You don't have to deal with as many ads as others that I've tried. The touch controls occasionally seem to become partially unresponsive and the game sometimes crashes when you open and close it multiple times throughout the day but it loads very fast so it's pretty smooth and easy to play otherwise.

Raf. T. May 30, 2019     

game is great for the most part. there can be some instances where you're on flag mode and it detonates that space instead, or where you have pure guess work to complete a game, and I hate a logic game that comes down to 50/50s, but even that is something I'd live with. airplane mode can take care of ads so that's great. my real issue is the fact that is heats up my battery faster than any app I have, and it recently forced my phone to restart, game no longer works. Uninstalled out of necessity

Joh. M. Nov 21, 2019     

The game was able to evoke nostalgia in me so I'm very grateful for that. But the fact that it still hasn't bren able to solve the one proble that minesweeper had made me give it only 3 stars. On expert level there'll atleast be one or two mines every game where you can't use logic to predict the position of the mines, where you're left with no choice but to go with probability. That's kinda annoying when we have to give the game away to probability in the very last moments of the game

Jae. E. May 17, 2019     

Touch time to flag a mine is an issue. A long touch is used to flag a mine and if you remove your finger too quickly then it detonates the mine and you lose. There's no undo option which can be very frustrating if you accidentally release your finger too quickly and you're nearing the end of a game. A great game otherwise, but I've lost too many games due to this so I've uninstalled in search of a better option.

Not. Jul 13, 2019     

Amazing minesweeper game if you're looking for that nostalgic feel. Ads are incredibly unobtrusive for a modern F2P mobile game and can be cancelled with the back button without having to wait for a timer. I've seen some people complain about the time to long press for a flag but that can be adjusted and you can change it to single press for flag, long press to clear (which I prefer).

Dáv. A. Aug 20, 2019     

Sadly many times the marking of a mine gets misinterpreted as a 'click', I keep losing because of this. It feels like the timing has chamged recently. There's also a lot of ads going on, but other than these minor annoyances it's quite cool. And it is the old school one!!

A. G. u. Jul 22, 2019     

DECENT. Simple and straightforward. controls are fairly easy to get used to. however, I come across several instances wherein it's impossible to finish the game without guessing or using a hint because of patterns that can be solved in more than one way. It's frustrating, really...

Wal. Aug 13, 2019     

I mean, it's minesweeper. You just need a clean game engine you could play on with maybe a custom game setting and you're set. This app clears the requirement perfectly. Sure there's ads, but they're not after every game and the rate that they shows up at is pretty reasonable. If you just want to play a clean game of minesweeper, this app is pretty good for that.

Jin. L. Dec 9, 2021     

The app was good.. But perhaps you can add levels or options so the players can choose if they want advanced difficulty or beginner level only. For the ads, I think it would be much better if you make the "x" mark bigger so that the players can see it right away

Noa. C. Apr 27, 2019     

Bogus. Ads will occasionally cover the top utility bar so you're forced to reopen the app while your time continues to go up, and every one out of 50-80 (roughly) the game will place a flag instead of taking a tile or - even more frustrating - the game will take a tile instead of placing a flag. Impossible to complete an expert puzzle because of this. I recommend finding minesweeper by a different developer.

Joe. K. May 29, 2019     

Classic Minesweeper and all the addictiveness it brings along with it. Almost instant load times and keeps progress if you accidentally exit out. Keeps statistics too. Ads are quick and you can skip instantly most of the time. Able to zoom-in also, to help eliminate accidental presses. Custom boards. Oh and it's free.

Tux. M. Jan 24, 2020     

Pretty good port, decent controls. Biggest issue is the random generation of the mines leads to pretty much every "hard" game just coming down to 50/50 chances and a lot of them. I had played around 10 games of hard, won 0, and lost all of them to failing a 50/50 due to the sheer amount of them per level.