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Minesweeper Classic

Minesweeper is a single-player video game. The object of the game is to clear an abstract minefield without detonating a mine.
Game is played in two modes: mine mode, where you can click to open tiles, and flag mode where you can flag tiles.

- 4 difficulty levels
- Multi-touch zoom
- Game pause during a phone call
- Offline high score
- Enable/ disable full screen mode
- Autosave function (you can interrupt the game anytime and continue later)
- Flag tiles with long click
- Switch between mine mode and flag mode with volume button

- Beginner 9x9 with 10 mines
- Intermediate 16x16 with 40 mines
- Expert 16x30 with 99 mines
- Custom

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (24)

Gra. T. May 5, 2022     

Pretty good minesweeper app besides expert mode. In expert mode you are often placed in situations where you can't logically figure out the position of the mine and have to guess, resulting in it being near impossible to win. As a result, I've been forced to use custom mode (which doesn't record game times) with the same play space, but slightly less mines than expert for a challenging, yet not impossible, game.

Cyr. T. May 13, 2019     

Im a classic fan of classic games. This really brings that nostalgic feeling, and is very discreet and simple. No challenge, no leaderboard, no opponents. Nope, just you, like on windows XP. Just the same, no different. It also has autosave, as it's feature. better than all the other options, I tried them. Definitely get this. I have no regrets. It also has a custom mode. It stays simple though. Definitely get it.

Lee. P. Oct 11, 2020     

The game play is fine and a good way to spend some free time. The amount of ads seems high. There is a banner on the main screen, and full screen ads with video and sound that stop anything else you might be listening to. If you've been playing for at least X amount of time and die, you get a full screen ad. I think there's a bug with the touch sensitivity linked to the ad show. Sometimes, I'll long press to mark a mine but it registers as a short press, triggers a mine and a full screen ad.

A. P. Jan 18, 2019     

I've loved minesweeper forever now, since I was a kid. Like a true 90s kid. This is a great app. Except playing it on a touchscreen phone is annoying as hell. I lose most games not because I am incorrect but because the squares are way too tiny (in the expert grid) and my finger touches the wrong square. And it's really really annoying. So the app is fine but I am not enjoying the experience of playing it on a touchscreen phone. Play it if you have a stylus.

Geo. Jun 12, 2021     

Exactly what it should be. Minesweeper, just that. With adjustable maps and the ability to change to flag mode with the sound buttons, it definitely deserves five stars. The only thing I could ask for is that it doesn't accidentally press a box when you want to zoom in or out, although that is hardly something the company controls and you as a player can avoid by putting flag mode on when zooming (it's much better to accidentally place a flag which can then be removed than to risk losing)

Vic. K. Nov 26, 2021     

On a Chromebook the app can't distinguish between short and long taps, so you have to make sure you've explicitly selected the flag mode you want before tapping a square. At first this procedure was a bit tedious and prone to error, but I soon became used to it and the games started flowing naturally. This was better than another Minesweeper game I tried, where the app could distinguish short and long taps but would occasionally mistake one for the other, causing an unintentional blow-up.

Sin. Nov 21, 2020     

Fun to pass the time and feel smart once you figure it out, but two things really bug me: 1. The game forces you to gamble sometimes when there's simply no way to know where a mine is without guessing and hoping you're right. 2. It lacks a feature I remember from the original game: question marks. I used to be able to mark tiles with both flags and ?s, which is useful for testing a possible mine configuration without confusing the hypothetical mines with the certain ones.

Con. R. Feb 11, 2019     

Mind-sweeper! Sweeps other thoughts away. Very absorbing. On my wish list - 1. Accidentally hitting the smile instead of the flag should pause the clock; 2. The fault buzz is OK, but perhaps it could be gentler for a win even rewwarduring; 3. Some boards have situations where there is not enough information to choose correctly, eg. 5 x "2" in a row.

Jel. V. Aug 21, 2019     

This minesweeper app actually has a good UI. You can zoom in with whidening your fingers so you can ajust to the zoom size you want. There is a setting to switch the opening of squares when hitting a number which has the same amount of adjacent flags. So it is suitable for all playstyles. The box where you switch "open square"/"flag square" is well placed. Everything a minesweeper addict like myself would prefer.

Dan. B. Jul 7, 2019     

Best porting of the classic Windows app down to the same quirks. Interface is clearly mouse-optimised but hey this is what you get with "the" minesweeper! Adverts always try and cheat you at tapping to open unwanted links. As of late though too many of them require you to wait whole 25 seconds before showing the tap point to close them: nothing unsurmountable as you can still use the Android back button to shut an advert off but so annoying to the point I am thinking of removing the app for good

Ant. M. Nov 23, 2018     

Idk if it's this program or just the nature of minesweeper on a mobile device, but the controls are clunky. The first five games I accidentally hit a mine either by clicking the wrong tile or clicking the correct tile but when I meant to put a flag. So I Uninstalled it. I'd probably get better over time, but i like playing huge games (this only has up to standard expert size field) and making one mistake can ruin it all.

Don. H. Apr 2, 2022     

Solid minesweeper adaptation. I dig it. I mean there's ads but it's free so like that kinda comes with it but they don't pop up too often. It's a good time waster and it's good cognitive training. Idk if I'll ever manage to beat my beginner time of 3 seconds tho n that's a bummer, but I'ma keep trying lol

Jam. M. Oct 10, 2019     

I'm just to old I guess. The games was great except I would prefer to use the left button to clear and the right to mark but that was really not a big problem. The only reason I am removing all the games is, while I don't mind advertising, I don't want loud blarring music and noise everytime an advertisement comes up so I will do without easy enough. Sure it's not the fault of the game writter but I can't find any way to mute the advertisement.

Emi. F. Jun 5, 2020     

My favorite version of minesweeper I've found on the play store. None of the others have the options I prefer to play with. I spend way too much time playing this dang game (it's my main "idling" app). If there was an option to pay for an ad-free version, I would be the first to buy. Please dev(s). I will pay you money for this. I hate the ads so much.

oce. m. Jan 9, 2021     

This is a great and classic game, but the major downside is ads; there is an atrocious amount of ads, I'm fine with 5-7 ads every game end or fail, but everytime you start a new game there is an ad. Now that's frickin stupid, it's impossible to find a minesweeper app where they don't butcher the game with ads. It's an utter disgrace on how some devs turn games into cash grabs, and this is a great example of how they exploit fun games like this.

Wil. S. Jun 7, 2019     

Well designed and infuriatingly addictive! HOWEVER, the highly intrusive ads from a very limited range of apps ruins the experience. There's not even an option to pay for an ad-free version. Listen-in: I REALLY don't want 100 free spins or to buy cheap shoes!!!

TJ. W. Sep 24, 2018     

Unistalled. Previously 5 stars, the ads alone being the reason for the drop. They were there before, but they didn't interfere with the actual game. Now if you're playing on expert, you have to literally scroll the board due to the presence of the ads, and it's very easy to accidentally press a square and ruin a game.

Hyp. S. Apr 28, 2019     

works great. just wish it wouldn't show the time, some puzzles are trickier than others, not apples to apples. possible exploit: setting flag can win the game, but setting flag is non committal, so u could keep setting flag on various spots and u might get lucky. forced to click ads and opens browser and open play store so loses a star, plus sometimes confuses long and short presses.

Jen. Y. Feb 18, 2019     

Just like the minesweeper that used to be on my computer. I love it. It kind of bugs me that it can't fit my screen when i have it where i can see and touch all the squares right, but i would rather have the square option than just the rectangle. its more like regular minesweeper. I swear I'm OCD. lol

KCD. Jan 27, 2020     

I only play it while offline. Wish I could just do a one-time payment to get an add-free version. I picked this one cause it looks exactly like the window's version my dad used to play before he passed away. The press-hold-to-flag button doesn't always work which is frustrating.

Big. F. May 11, 2021     

Was pretty good at first (only downside was that you cant replay the same game again) but then it started uncovering mines WHILE I WAS IN FLAG MODE. Super annoying bug and ruined the game for me. It opens a mine when i am trying to flag/unflag a square and my thumb happens to touch the very thin line of pixels making up the perimeter or corners of the squares, usually when i'm zoomed in. Ive already emailed the developper multiple times with multiple screenrecordings of the bug, no replies.

Jin. P. Aug 22, 2019     

There are three build in modes too easy, normal and too hard :-D and custom one where player could set own board size and number of mines, it difficulty. The play board is zoomable so it perfectly fit the screen or your fingers while marking the fields. What I miss are followig 3 features: 1. Long press in flag mode in reverse way, so it uncover the field instead of flag. And make the behaviour optional in the setting. 2. Do not null counter of saved mines when the player fails. 3. In high scor

Tim. Mar 9, 2022     

Great game! No unnecessary features, and with minimal ads. Would recommend if you're just looking for the classic Minesweeper experience.

Dou. H. Jul 28, 2021     

Name tells it all. No intrusive ads! This a nice implementation of the classic minesweeper game. Instead of click left or right mouse button, you toggle an icon to chose to mark mines or clear unknown squares. Clicking on a number clears unknown squares that must be safe. Pinch to zoom makes larger maps playable on smaller screens. No intrusive ads is worth repeating.