• Misa de hoy en video | Evangelio de hoy 1
  • Misa de hoy en video | Evangelio de hoy 2
  • Misa de hoy en video | Evangelio de hoy 3
  • Misa de hoy en video | Evangelio de hoy 4

Misa de hoy en video | Evangelio de hoy

We created the Mass app of today so that you can attend the Eucharist with your cell phone every day.

-You will find the daily Catholic Masses completely free on video.

-Access your to the Masses of the whole month, of the week and of the whole year.

-In addition, read the Gospel explained each day.

-Make the Sunday meditation that we bring to you every weekend.

-You can save, repeat or share the videos of Holy Mass.

The Mass is the highest act of the entire Catholic religion and other Christian denominations, since the sacrament of the Eucharist is the center and the compendium of all Christianity; all the other sacraments are ordained for the end of it.

According to the Gospels, it was instituted after the Last Supper of Jesus of Nazareth with his apostles.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that in the Holy Mass the same sacrifice of Calvary is present when celebrating the sacrament of the Eucharist. In it the celebrant priest, who represents Christ (alter Christus) consecrates the bread and wine by pronouncing a sacramental formula (epiclesis) that causes transubstantiation, transforming them into the body and blood of Christ.

The "memorial" character of the Mass, by definition, demands from Christians the attitude of introducing us to the paschal mystery as it is; not as a memory of something that happened, but as an action that continues to be verified today. For this reason, when we celebrate Mass, we move, we are present at the Lord's Supper and we are with Mary at the foot of the Cross.

We are feeding on the Body and Blood of the Lord, we are being saved by virtue of his sacrifice. We will be participating in unity in communion with the Lord and that is why we can unite our sacrifices and sufferings to those of Christ. Only "by Him, with Him and in Him" ​​have a deep sense and access to the redemptive dimension.

Category : Lifestyle

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