• MISSA - elektronický misál 1
  • MISSA - elektronický misál 2
  • MISSA - elektronický misál 3
  • MISSA - elektronický misál 4

MISSA - elektronický misál

This app is approved by the Chairman of the Liturgical Commission of the CSC. The application is intended for the preparation of the celebration of holy masses and does not replace validly published and approved liturgical texts.

There are:
- forms of st. Masses processed according to Directive (liturgical calendar),
- liturgical readings,
- common prayers of believers,
- preface,
- Eucharistic prayers
- blessings upon the people,
- solemn blessing,
- Mass for reconciliation, the deceased and the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
- the Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
- replies in foreign languages,
- Adjustments to the new Roman Missal.

We develop this app in our free time and without any royalties. If you like the app, please distribute it further. At the same time we ask you to pray for us and this work.

© 2013-2017 Rita & Ing. padre

Category : Books & Reference

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