• Mitosis Attack 1
  • Mitosis Attack 2

Mitosis Attack

Okay, get this. You are in the future now, okay? And there are like these, viruses everywhere on the internet, okay? They're trying to infect you, because that's what they do, okay? And you gotta stop them, and all you got is this small firewall. And everytime you hit one it gets smarter, and splits into two. And there's another guy out there trying to protect himself, too. So they're coming back. You stop one? It comes back as four. Stop all those? They come back as 16. It doesn't stop. It doesn't get easier. But if you hold out, you might just win.

Category : Arcade

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Reviews (3)

Tru. May 15, 2015     

It may be good but the game is ruined by pause mechanism

A. G. u. Aug 11, 2012     

This game is so fun!!!

A. G. u. Aug 11, 2012     

Best game ever created, I couldn't live without this game. I play this everyday and will pwn anybody that challenges me to a 2-player battle