• Moonbase Inc 1
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Moonbase Inc

City builder game set on the moon.
Develop your landing site into an elaborate lunar base.

- Extract resources from the lunar regolith.
- Trade resources in an elaborate market. Buy low, sell high.
- Develop your base's tourism industry.
- Manage life support and waste disposal.
- Research and build buildings, spaceships, vehicles.
- Repel alien waves in a tower defense sub-game.
- Embark on a Mars terraforming program.
- Visit other player bases, earn rewards.

The goal is to make as much money as possible. There are multiple ways to do so: mining, trading, tourism, space exploration. Choose your path and do it your way.

If you think city-builders are not complicated enough, you'll love this game. There's always something to do, something to tap. This game does not force you to continuously come back to collect stuff. When you turn it off, it remains off.


Category : Simulation

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Reviews (26)

A. G. u. Mar 9, 2019     

Fun time burner. Enjoy seeing colony build and grow. Tutorial relatively helpful, some spots could use bit more info. Mars terraform a bit disappointing - the amount of needed research/dollars for some components seems a bit overkill and designed to keep you on for much longer. Stll, very enjoyable

Cra. S. Sep 16, 2019     

Well game is good. Reason 1 star. I did a lot of research a d on Mars now but cant build a gamma ray cause says I need tech done that I've already done. So its glitched!!! An j spent real money lol smh. Also adding a walkie talkie voice chat in game and a two man alliance where one can communicate a d trade with the other member would be epic and simple to add to the game / program

Kev. L. J. Aug 7, 2019     

H Moonbaze Inc is a nice game and is one of my favorite games ever because of the nice building style game play and moon (I love astromony) is a great combination for me. My only complaint is that the black bar menews take up some space and sometimes I can't see things. And I feel like more buildings could be added. Other then that I love this game! - Riley exavor Jackson, 12

Age. J. Apr 10, 2019     

if i weren't so choosy, it's a five star game. it's annoying like any good game, and rewarding when played well. if you're afraid of a challenge, have you heard of penny bucket? everyone is a winner.

Chr. S. Sep 4, 2019     

Best ever been playing for a year and had it on an other phone before. Please don't stop developing this game add other planets and galaxies or space stations/colonies.

Kei. B. Aug 2, 2019     

awesome! i love it! but my tablet died and i didnt upload the data now i have to start all over on my new phone... great base builder make sure you build plenty of landing pads for trading and tourists

Alk. M. Jul 8, 2019     

Addicted to this game, the devs isn't greedy, we can buy things,(if want,isn't necessary) and don't have to sell our souls.Thanks, I really like this game a lots.

Kol. W. Aug 16, 2019     

I tried to do downliad the app for several times but instead installing it the app keeps telling me to install it again and again. What a waste of data and time.

Pau. C. May 10, 2022     

Could not wait when I got my new phone. Missed this alot. Just plod along at your own pace.

Chr. H. Aug 13, 2019     

good game until i went to mars. evertime i try to land something a fatal save error occurs. cant fix it

cve. z. Oct 31, 2018     

Reminded me of an old Amiga pc game, anyway I enjoyed it even mars part but it was a really slow grind!

A. G. u. Mar 9, 2019     

I think you should have people walking around with space suits on. just to give the game a little bit of depth

Ave. C. Jul 26, 2019     

Okay ill be the one to say this. PLEASE MAKE ALL OPORATIONS IN THE GAME COTINUE AFTER LEAVING THE GAME!!! Nobody wants to stay in the game for hours on end waiting for construction of something. This is somwthing that shouldve already been enmplemented into the game already.

CG. C. J. A. L. T. M. Aug 18, 2019     

Great game. Resource based management. No in game crashes.

Nin. G. Jan 11, 2019     

I really like this little game. It's not hard and contrary to what others say, quite fun. But you cannot please everyone.

Dil. F. Jan 28, 2019     

Really fun and simple. I would change some things, but you can really tell they put a lot of effort into making this game.

Tyl. H. May 22, 2019     

i love this game have always came back to playing it but im begging please start adding new updates and features please i only gave it 3 stars if was updated and improved even further it would be a 5 star rating from me

Gam. W. M. Aug 5, 2019     

really fun but it takes so long to mine all the rare earths

kar. k. Jun 12, 2019     

no good game experince .it is avg. but the idea of this game is very good and creative.

Ast. l. Mar 20, 2019     

Hey! its a nice game! Wonder if you could expand our land bigger!

B. P. Apr 22, 2022     

Good sim game. Needs updated/ expanded.

Jam. H. Mar 18, 2019     

great game. wish it had online save though

dad. b. Oct 27, 2018     

I love playing when I'm bored at work

Shr. P. Apr 4, 2019     

il like it its satisfies me to play it whole day i like 5 stars heheheh

Sha. D. Aug 4, 2019     


Mas. L. Sep 30, 2018     

Like space games that you don't fight in