• MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder (Unofficial) 1
  • MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder (Unofficial) 2
  • MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder (Unofficial) 3
  • MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder (Unofficial) 4

MTG Search / Scanner / Deck Builder (Unofficial)

MTG search indexed all cards published in MTG sets since 1993.
Searching cards is made with:
- text search (searching in title, description, type...)
- filter search (color, CMC, set, rarity...)
- and combining both

Get full detailed informations on every cards:
- description with the last oracle version
- all sets in which card has been published
- card pictures for each sets
- prices

Build deck using advanced search and get detailed stats. Decks can be imported/exported.

Manage your wishlist to know which card you need to buy.

The information presented on this application about Magic: The Gathering, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. This application is not produced, endorsed, supported, or affiliated with Wizards of the Coast.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (25)

Kai. F. Feb 16, 2022     

This is the best MtG deck editor I have found on Android. I would like to request the ability to manually signify what colors each deck is, as in it's current configuration if I have a mono color deck that has a card with hybrid mana, it labels it as both colors, even though it's a mono color deck.This makes decks less organized, and becomes confusing when searching. Also, please scan the 2nd side of dual sided cards. It would be sincerely appreciated if these are amended. Great work regardless!

Jaz. L. n. Sep 25, 2020     

Great app, except sometimes when I switch back and forth between apps it won't show me the card I searched for. Also it doesn't work to import a deck from my clipboard. On a different note it would be nice to have some cube building options. It's really great that you guys did this, idk how you did though. Edit: just enticing now that there is no historic option for deck building. That would be really good.

Jam. D. Oct 3, 2019     

A good, simple app that does exactly what it says it does. HOWEVER, I can't quite give it five stars yet. The app tells me that several of the cards in my Modern deck aren't valid for the format, when I'm 100% certain they are allowed. Regardless, thank you for building such a great app w/o ads and a bunch of extra gimmicky junk. I love it.

Qui. K. May 1, 2020     

It is a great app, I use it almost every day! Only feedback I have would be to add a "maybe" board for the decks. Like "main deck", "side board", and " Maybe's". I just like the ability to quickly swap cards and check the data on it to fully optimize my deck. I mostly play commander and I have the same deck across different apps and websites with the maybe board included. I use yours the most because it's really friendly. Thank you! Edit: this is incredible! Thank you for the swap. This helps!

Ste. A. Feb 7, 2020     

Awesome app! There is definitely one thing that this app needs. That is land composition. My decks are commander and I use a lot of non-basics that can tap for more than 1 color. It would be amazing to get a breakdown of how many lands produce what colors on a consistent basis. I would say exclude colored mana that act as filter lands or lands that can temporarily tap for specific colors or simply just have it as its own category.

Jos. B. Aug 2, 2020     

Great app overall with lots of functionalities. Only reason I'm not rating 5 stars is because the "import deck from files" doesn't seem to work, it just crashes the app every time for some reason (I'm on Android, don't know if that's relevant). If it gets fixed, or if it's a problem on my end, I would gladly rate 5 stars!

Jus. G. Jul 9, 2020     

Just searched the store for a quick utility I could scan cards and add to a deck. This is awesome! It has a feature where it just keeps the camera on and you can just move the cards one at a time and scan from a pile. Took me maybe 5min to add 100 cards. Only problem is it didn't recognize culling the weak, because it seems to search the card type and couldn't find "Mana source", and there's (seemingly) no easy way to search your deck, so to error check is difficult.

Lou. G. Nov 7, 2019     

I am new to MTG and this app helped me a lot with my attempts at deckbuilding. The scan function works very well. I just wish there were a "Collection" feature to catalogue the entire collection. Right now I have a deck called "List". Enhanced sorting would also be great: Right now you can sort either by mana cost / alphabetical OR color / alphabetical. Sorting cards with all 3 conditions of color/mana cost/ alphabetical would be nice Maybe a way to identify rarity and/or legendary cards too.

Zam. Jul 18, 2019     

stellar app! I have saved all my decks except my really old decks like 5th edition, cause it can't scan them (yet). The app is well supposed, and im sure in time that will be fixed. The scan works amazingly in low light situations which really impressed me, its fast too. I can scan a deck in a little over 2 minutes.

Dr.. Z. Aug 9, 2020     

I've been using this app, for almost a year now. The experience has been pretty good. There are regular updates. And overall it's easy to use. It's not very flashy and to be honest, I dont think it has a lot of the more complicated settings of other deck buildings tools, but for any one starting mtg. And wants to easily plan decks and see prices this is a fantastic tool. That's not to say that it wouldn't be useful to more experienced players however. Its a tool that does a job and does it right

Jar. J. Jan 27, 2019     

No offline support. Good import/export. Quick-add card to deck from search or other deck. Easy/quick deck building features (move to sideboard, change numbers, delete/add cards). However, I'd recommend an app with offline database support like MTG Familiar (free - but no import function), Decked Builder ($4), or Top Decked (free - but cluttered interface).

Jac. B. Sep 23, 2018     

The app is fantastic as a pricefinder and reference guide for rulings, but sometimes people use other apps in trades and prices get skewed. The app does link to ebay for prices but if that is the primary source of price info, the app does not make that clear. Perhaps adding a price range would be a helpful inclusion. Also, there's not a way to find prices for foils or promos would also be a nice touch

Ste. V. Mar 6, 2020     

Fantastic app! Super fast and accurate scanning. The only thing I'd say it's missing is a section to save the rest of your card that aren't in your decks. I'd like to be able to look up which cards I have lying in the box without sifting through it physically

J. B. Jan 13, 2021     

Scanner is Quick and the UI is easy to use, however the scanner doesn't identify which set the card is from and there is no way to set the foil or condition of the card. Adding these features then a way to export as a text file for other websites like Deckbox or Tappedout would be ideal.

Eri. A. Sep 25, 2018     

Great app, pretty simple and straightforward. However, recently it's been crashing as soon as I try to open older deck profiles that I'd made. I'd like to edit my Modern decks, but I simply can't if the app just crashes when I open a deck from more than 6 months ago...

Her. R. Feb 13, 2020     

Very well-made app. scans most of my cards. I like that it let you know What format the cards are legal in right away. The only issue I had is scanning older cards in vintage it has a hard time reading them sometimes. Other than that it a very good app.

Cow. Jul 26, 2021     

The app is great. I use it to construct decks and look up certain cards. Would like to see it add an option for 4 color decks to make it easier to find cards that would work for the decks instead of looking up each color individually. I would also like to see this app become an official MTG Card search.

The. May 21, 2019     

It's a great app and will be using it for now on. However, there are just a few minor issues. The card prices are not available for all card and of the cards name is long there is no way to see the price, and when building a commander deck it does not count the commander toward the 100 card total.

Sai. M. Apr 20, 2019     

is i lt possible to import decks from mtga? also is it possible to cache card data in a folder and use that data instead of downloading every time (if so, then add a button to clear cache)? Overall very good , solid app ty dev!!! Edit: also app crashes when it tries to export deck with the same nane as existing one (doesn't overwirte)

Sku. Apr 24, 2020     

I decided to catalog my EDH decks and this app made it incredibly easy. I just set my deck face up and scanned the whole deck in about a minute, by just removing the top card and it would immediately scan the next one into the deck. Super easy to use, and has some nice deck stats too.

A. G. u. Feb 16, 2020     

App creator is on top of maintaining their app. I commented in a review how something didn't work after an update and withing 24 hours not only had my review been responded to, but the fix was also on the way. This app is nearly perfect. In fact the only thing I wish it had was a separate board for, maybe, cards while still building your deck and maybe the ability to store multiple commanders for a deck without it counting each commander. Love this app and the involvement of the creator.

zac. s. May 12, 2021     

Problem has been fixed, app works like it used to which makes it more than good enough! Now my one and only complaint is that there isn't a mass add function but there is a mass export function, makes things a little harder than needed but is still 4/5 imho

Toa. I. Jan 30, 2022     

Such a good app for anything magic search related. The customer support is also the best that I've ever seen.

Lev. D. Oct 17, 2018     

Finally works, after downloading the app and uninstalling it several times. I complained about it and now it finally works in the third install too bad all my cards I had saved for decks got deleted when I got fed up with the app and uninstalled it the first time.

Col. S. Apr 19, 2020     

Really great. Wish I could change the set a specific card is from (or even better the scanner detect which set the card is). Otherwise very impressed by the app.