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MVP Sport

Surely you can be an expert in sports methodology, know many training systems to develop physically, technically and tactically your students and athletes ... but how far are inspiring in their process of personal and social growth, beyond sport ?

If you are a monitor, coach, physical education teacher and want to make a difference in the performance and life of young people through sport, MVP Sport App is an essential resource that will help you get it.

MVP Sport App is an excellent app to enhance athletic performance and contribute to the positive development of your athletes, based on the Model of Personal and Social Responsibility (Hellison., 2003; Escartí et al, 2005; Carreres, 2014) and Model Comprehensive education (Devis and Sanchez, 1996; Griffin and Patton, 2005).

Model of Personal and Social Responsibility (PRPS) (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model, TPSR) was designed by Don Hellison (1995) in order that children and young people live successful experiences that enable them to develop their personal and social skills and responsibility both in sport and in life. The basic premise of this model is that responsible behavior can be taught in physical education and sport through different strategies and that these behaviors and attitudes help children and young people to adapt to changes in life and develop into healthy adults competent (Escartí, Gutierrez and Pascual, 2011; Escartí, Pascual and Gutierrez, 2005). Different authors believe that this model is useful for teaching responsibility in both contexts physical education and extracurricular sports programs (Metzler, 2005; Newton et al., 2007; Petitpas, Cornelius, Van Raalte and Jones, 2005; Carreres, 2014 ).

On the other hand, the Model Teaching for Understanding of sports games (Teaching Games for Understanding, TGFU) driven by Bunker, Thorpe and Almond (1986) and Devís and Peiró (2007), among others, aims to develop sports education from playful experiences that are motivating (modified games), reducing the technical requirements first, to promote understanding of the essence of the game and tactical awareness, cognitively involving students and athletes in decision-making through questions .

Do you really want to get the best version of your athletes? If so, challenge first to reach your best version as a teacher and coach. To do this, MVP Sport App offers:

A scientific model to develop the human potential maximum sport and your students @ s and players.
Strategies and experiences essential to design innovative, motivating and high-impact learning your lessons and equipment resources.
Testimonials inspiring athletes and professional coaches to meet the challenges of your everyday life with more creativity, security and confidence.
A place to share your experiences, ask questions and find solutions to keep learning and inspiring others.

MVP Sport App is suitable for all ages and sport. Flexible and adaptable to the needs of each teacher, coach and team.

Take MVP join the community of professionals committed to transforming the current sports model focused on winning at all costs, for a sports model based on positive values.

Only through a shared leadership we can fulfill the mission of creating better athletes, better people and a better society. Start today using the MVP Sport App and discover the keys to creating successful sporting experiences.

Category : Sports

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