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My Daily Yoga

My Daily Yoga is a fitness and health application which provides information about Yoga and its various ‘Asanas’ or poses through which the users can achieve better health and a fit body. The app helps the user in practicing the various Yoga poses daily for losing weight, gaining muscle, increase flexibility, building a healthy immune system and maintaining overall health. Yoga poses are proven to be effective in improving body posture as well as curing back pain, which will also be featured in the app.Through a subscription program based in the app, the user can learn all about keeping their body in shape. The user will also be able to chose from various yoga poses available in the app and build their own daily training program.The application provides detailed information about the various Yoga poses with the help of moving pictures that helps the user understand the poses better. The app includes back stretch yoga, yoga for building six pack abs while burning fat, morning yoga poses and much more. Some of the other features include the ‘Yogi market’ that will provide all the products related to Yoga. The developers have recently updated the app and added some more features such as the option to share pictures with yogis. Now the users will also be able to chat and make new yogi friends from around the world. The app will also provide regular motivation notifications to keep the user’s enthusiasm up for yoga. The time alert option will allow the user to maintain a yoga pose for the standard time and alert them when they need to change the pose or rest. The updated app now also features morning yoga class, seated stretches class and standing pose class along with a default daily program. The app can work offline as well.

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (30)

Can. L. Jan 18, 2017     

The app is nice, but I haven't been able to use it for several months as I have been pregnant, it would be better if there were a few "pregnancy routines" available. Even better if there were trimester specific pregnancy routines.

Ani. J. Nov 4, 2016     

I can text my yoga teacher when I have to do something or when i am late

Bes. R. Sep 19, 2016     

I love the way it guides you through poses, it's easy for a beginner to understand and follow along. It makes me want to do it more and more because it is so user friendly.

She. R. Aug 12, 2016     

Love the app, but it didn't create a shortcut on my desk top, so unless I can stop what I'm doing and go to the notification window and open it, I can't seem to get back to that program. I would like an icon, please. I've already installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled the app. Whaaaat?

Cut. H. Sep 24, 2016     

Newbie I'm a new user of Daily Yoga app. I find the instructions are very clear and simple to understand. Definitely keep using this app.

Jac. S. Sep 19, 2016     

As a newcomer I am finding this a really good way of keeping up my practice in between classes. Awesome!

A. G. u. Aug 4, 2016     

This app has really helped me commit to doing yoga regularly! Much cheaper than going to the gym. Love it.

Mir. W. Aug 13, 2016     

This is a fantastic app, I do it almost every day or at least 4 times a week and I have never felt better!

A. G. u. Aug 4, 2016     

Thank you. Keep up the great work... It helping me relax after very stressful day at work.

Cli. C. Aug 14, 2016     

Excellent app and service. We'll produced videos and comprehensive pose library. Will be using it a lot more.

A. G. u. Aug 4, 2016     

I'm a novice to say the least, but the descriptions of how to do each pose in beginner mode were excellent

Cec. G. Aug 4, 2016     

I love this app, great relaxing music, exercises for beginners are easy to do and you can use it anywhere.

A. G. u. Aug 4, 2016     

Very user friendly, and best part is that, we can download our own sessions...

Boe. W. Aug 9, 2016     

I love how easily I could get started on really effective yoga sessions.

蔡婉軒. Aug 4, 2016     

I love the demonstrations and the music keep up the good work . Thank you !

Lia. D. Sep 24, 2016     

I enjoyed yoga following this app.

vij. g. Sep 11, 2016     

Mudra well explored removing several doubts

Sta. G. Feb 19, 2016     

I changed phones and I forgot my password and it won't let me recover my account.

Chr. D. Nov 24, 2015     

You are forced to provide an image to create an account. Unfortunately Google Photo's dies when exiting the editing process. Also, why is a cell number required to create an account? Isn't an email address enough?

Ank. M. Nov 21, 2015     

Tried to create an account and sign in multiple times but it just doesn't let you sign in.

Upe. G. Mar 24, 2016     

It doesn't mentioned videos how to do asanas

mar. f. Nov 3, 2015     

I wanted a yoga app for my phone. I had NO idea every five seconds this app would interrupt my day with alerts and reminders to be at peace or something. The opposite of 'Zen'.. In response to your feedback...your welcomes for my feedbacks. I did find the peace. In another app.

T. P. -. c. Nov 2, 2015     

I was hoping for short videos of some sort as that would better but I guess that would probably be more of a demand on the app size...I also couldn't see the point in having to sign in just to see the daily quotes whenever the notification pops up..especially since I couldn't log in. Oh well.

A. G. u. Oct 26, 2015     

Each position is considered a separate workout.

Ram. S. K. Jul 2, 2015     

A great, inexpensive way to learn about yoga and include it to your daily routine for a healthy lifestyle. Recommended.

Ngu. T. Jul 3, 2015     

My daily yoga It is very exciting. I like it Nice app! Beautiful screenshot. Very interesting It is useful. I like it so much

Yas. L. Jul 6, 2015     

Very cooool app !! thanks for this work guys liked it so much, please add some feature in the next update, i enjoyed it very much !!

Tea. g. Jul 3, 2015     

great yoga is my life . I find it usefull when im training outside thnks

Ali. R. Jul 3, 2015     

My daily yoga is a great yoga app for health and fitness.

Mic. C. Jul 7, 2015     

yoga - fitness is very hopeful app... I like this app....