• Mystery of Westington Manor 1
  • Mystery of Westington Manor 2
  • Mystery of Westington Manor 3
  • Mystery of Westington Manor 4

Mystery of Westington Manor

Now YOU can solve the great mystery of Westington Manor! Play as Snuffle the elephant as he attempts to discover the dastardly secrets of this mysterious residence.

Category : Adventure

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Reviews (25)

Fig. M. Aug 25, 2014     

It is as if every moment of my existence prior to playing this game was nothing more than a joke. This game singlehandedly is rewriting history as the most action packed intense mystery game of all time. It may even simply be the greatest form of entertainment ever created. You'll spend hours replaying this game. I'm currently on my 12th play through today. Play this game to give your life meaning.

Pau. B. May 4, 2014     

This game pushes the limits of your imagination and blurs the line between what is considered a game and what is considered real life. It is impressively well crafted and pushes you to think outside the box to solve the mystery. Once you get past the admittedly hard first part, the game becomes extremely rewarding. I hope other app developers follow suit and spend as much time creating masterpieces like this.

Don. M. Jun 10, 2017     

Unmatched in clever and surprising level design. I can't get the techno remix section out of my head once you go back to Paris for the third time. Also I'm not 100% but I'm almost certain the gremlin is actually voiced by Patrick Stewart. If not it's a damn near perfect impression.

Pon. P. May 10, 2014     

Yeah. What a load of crap. Don't download if you want to actually play a game. Its clearly some stupid troll that people are trying to hype up. You will NEVER make it past the first level because clearly there aren't any more levels. You just die over and over again and then finally realize that you wasted all your time.

Eva. B. Dec 1, 2015     

This game is absolute art. Never before have I played something as nuanced, something as intelligent, something as heart wrenching. The story will have you on the edge of your seat, constantly guessing what happens next. The twist secret ending is by far the best part. You'll question everything you thought you knew about Westington Manor, and everything you thought you knew about yourself.

Max. D. May 4, 2014     

Being a major app gamer I have to say I have never had quite an experience like I did while playing Wesington Manner. Unforgettable attention to details. The twists and turns are mindblowing but still understandable and appreciated by all ages and members of the family. If you haven't played this game, you haven't experienced a true mystery.

Mal. H. Dec 14, 2014     

I really can't wait until this game comes to the PC, I've been playing this for so long and I can't believe it's finally getting the appreciation it deserves. My only worry is that it will be butchered on the console ports. The Xbox One would only inhibit the experience of Jason Steele's masterpiece.

Mat. P. May 6, 2014     

Never before have I played a game that has taken me on such a journey as this. It allowed me to explore the deepest regions of myself, of which I had neglected for years. The game offers so many possible outcomes, all depending on the way you play. It truly brings out the detective in everyone.

Jim. S. May 3, 2014     

This game is the mecca of mystery solving. This game will have you guessing until the very end. Even our lord and savior Satan is in this game. No app on iOS or Google play can match it's sheer awesomeness. The graphics are way beyond that of the Xbox One and Playgay 4. 5/5 Tears have been shed because of that spectacular ending. Bravo.

A. G. u. Feb 13, 2015     

The controls are great. The gameplay is flawless and the game has no bugs. This game will entertain many generations. This dude is a prodigy. For the first level just hold down on the chandelier and it will fall before it hits you. 11/10 GOTY 2015

Sam. J. May 7, 2014     

This game has helped me through a really hard time and I would just like to say that this game doesn't have any sort of payment system but I would pay ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY for this game; ANYTHING! 11/10 best game ever!

Mas. A. May 4, 2014     

The alternative ending when you vs John McCain's vegetable friends was intense but a great call back to the start when in the kitchen you see a bowl of vegetables (not fruit) and the portrait of John McCain. As soon as I saw that I kew sometimes big was going to go down. 10/10

A. G. u. Mar 14, 2016     

I've easily put more time into this game than most others. Once you figure out the game and what you're supposed to do, it's easily the most addictive and compelling games there is. I got so vested in each character and the whole story. I plan on playing through again a few more times to see if I missed anything

eri. g. Nov 8, 2014     

This game is like it's own groundhog day, it repeats the same notion over and over again and doesn't yet unatract me from the actual prize of the game... Winning. Nonchalant masterpiece, believe it or not ign rate it a ten out of ten for in depth story and mechanical genius. I love you guys at filmcow

Ima. May 18, 2014     

Looking forward to something different and fun. I should have known that doesn't exist anymore. Never heard of filmcow before and will avoid in the future like the plague. Would like to know what they padded out that ugly, poorly drawn picture with to make it 20mb. I feel like my phone needs a shower.

Rya. Q. Jun 14, 2014     

I love this game so much. My favorite game I have ever downloaded. Level 14, Room 3 and 4 are the best. Some of the puzzles seem impossible but when you finally figure it out you feel like "ohmygosh why didn't I think of that sooner". All of the puzzles have the answer right in front of you the whole time but are so well placed that it takes a good eye to figure out.

Gre. D. M. Feb 2, 2015     

You guys are great I loved this short game, also I purchased your other game with Carl kicking ppl off the boat and its just awesome! Keep up the great work and I hope to see maybe more llamas with hats games. (Maybe one where Carl's kicking ppl into a chocolate factory vat while Paul's in the background making comments. I would totally buy that)

Bec. T. May 4, 2014     

When I first started this I got very annoyed. I played the first section over and over, each time hoping for a different result. No change. I began to think this game was stupid. Then I realised; in repeating my actions and expecting a different result I was textbook insane. Therefore thinking this game was stupid waa obviously the result of my insanity. Hence, 5 stars!

Tun. A. May 4, 2014     

But I'll give it 5* anyway coz I want a real game... and it was funny watching my friends get frustrated because they couldn't get past the first and ONLY level lool showed them the reviews and they were soo excited loool made me laugh. But yeah. Troll. C'Mon man. I'm still dissapointed

Nil. S. May 4, 2014     

Like many other games, the learning curve is very high. After i got the hang of the first level and more game elements were added, I felt like I was actually on a mystery adventure. There was no point in my current 4 hour play through of the game where I felt limmited or stuck. I have finished the main storyline and am on my clearing of the Ozarks to get the last few achievements of the game.

Zac. A. May 4, 2014     

The first few levels were a bit of a struggle, but after you get the hang out it the game is a breeze. So much replay value, and the level design of the 6th level was amazing. It was sad to see it end, but the boss fight will definitely throw this game into the ring for IGN's and many other outlets android game of the year.

Jam. C. May 16, 2014     

Love how he made the first level insanely hard and lead people to believe that you can't get past the chandelier. But if you notice the grandfather clock, it should say 6 or 7 past 9, wait till that time and you will be able to pass the chandelier, then you have to open the grandfather clock and take the torch to be able to pass the pitch black room.

Wil. Q. May 5, 2014     

Upon downloading the app my eyes were immediately drawn to the fantastic graphics and spooky atmosphere that is Westington manor. I am about two hours into the story and fighting the mud people of gartahn and not yet has this game left me feeling bored or unamused. Bravo on a top tier story and entrancing gameplay, now I must wait for the console edition.

Tho. M. May 3, 2014     

Nothing beats this game's level of depth when it comes to solving the puzzles. There are some very unique mechanics that I have not seen anywhere else. It has a satisfying conclusion and it rewards the player for being extra clever if they solve the puzzles quickly.

Zac. T. May 4, 2014     

I really enjoyed all of FilmCow's animations and when I saw the Promo video on YouTube I was actually really excited to play something they had made. After a a few minutes of frustration I looked at the reviews. I'm sure some people find this joke at the player's expense hilarious, but I think you're a complete dick for doing this. Uninstalling and Unsubscribing.