• Naadi astrology 1
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Naadi astrology

The naadi app calculates your astrological chart or birth horoscope and the present day planetary transit at your location finding all combinations of planets and displays results as mentioned in the ancient naadi scriptures. The app also recommends remedies including gems, mantra, and donations from scriptures. This app is a tribute to Late Shri. R.G Rao who decoded the system with extensive research on the South Indian Tamil naadi systems. We are attempting to integrate this reading system based on ancient naadi texts formulated by Shri. Satyanarayana Naik with algorithms and cloud technology for the benefit of humanity.
However, please consider this to be a basic reading and use the insight, instinct and years of experience of Shri. Satyanarayana Naik for a personal reading.

Category : Lifestyle

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