• Nacho Notch — Notch Hider 1
  • Nacho Notch — Notch Hider 2

Nacho Notch — Notch Hider

The launcher icon does nothing useful! Don't open it if you read this! This app works through the use of a custom Quick Tile. Add the tile by opening the notification shade all the way, tapping the pencil or "EDIT," and dragging "Hide Notch" to the active area. Check the "Promo" video for a visual guide, or follow this link: https://youtu.be/HhH5wK1NokY

Android prevents screen overlays from showing on the lockscreen, so this app will not and cannot work when the device is locked!


After installing, if the tile doesn't show up in your quick settings menu, reboot. This is a ZenUI bug!

Maybe you have a phone with a notch, maybe you don't. If you do, you might also be annoyed by having this black blob in the middle of a light-colored status bar most of the time.

If this description fits you, you probably want this app. Nacho Notch colors the status bar black while the device is in the portrait orientation, making it better fit with the notch (thereby "hiding" it).

Even if you don't have a notch, but still want a black status bar, you can use the app too. It dynamically finds the height of your statusbar, so you won't be dealing with too little or too much height, or finnicky manual sizing.

Icon color force option by Lee Shawn

Idea by Mishaal Rahman of XDA Developers (article: https://www.xda-developers.com/hide-notch-huawei-p20-essential-phone-oneplus-6-asus-zenfone-5)
GitHub: https://github.com/zacharee/NachoNotch

Category : Personalization

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Reviews (25)

Ale. B. Aug 29, 2019     

The app works fine most of the time, but there are some weird issues. The buttons on the bottom of the screen turn the same color as the bottom navigation bar, making them very difficult to see, which is annoying but not a deal breaker. The bigger issues are with the top bar, the entire reason for this app's existence. The function will randomly stop working maybe once or twice a day, either going back to the stock notch appearance or completely blacking out everything, including notifications.

Bra. R. Nov 13, 2018     

Really like this app on the Pixel 3 XL. I can only gove it 4 stars though, because when it's active, it prevents the back and home buttons on the bottom of the screen from changing color based on the background. That means on some apps, you have white buttons on a white background, which are nearly impossible to see. Fix that, and it's an easy 5 stars!

Ben. W. Oct 19, 2018     

This app is nearly there. In apps with a white navigation bar, it doesn't allow the icons to transition to their alternate grey color, so it's pretty much impossible to see them in the white on white. Also, there is a flicker with the rounded corners for the top section every once in a while which is just distracting. Dev seems to really want people to read the terms ... though it's not entirely clear why the terms would affect buggy behavior.

Aar. I. Oct 10, 2018     

Works very well, and is smart about disappearing in landscape. Only issue is that it doesn't work with light navigation bars. On apps with a light navigation bar the nav buttons don't turn dark as they should, making them hard to see. The app does allow you to force a dark nav bar at all times, but I would prefer not to have to resort to that. If this gets fixed, it's an easy 5 stars

Ste. B. Oct 20, 2018     

Works well on Pixel 3 XL for the top notification area. I understand everything has to be painted white, including the bottom buttons, for this to work. Can the top and bottom use something like 80% transparency? As an additional option. That way we could still see the bottom nav without making the background black. And 80% is probably bright enough to view the top area. Just a thought. Nice work on the app.

AgR. Dec 2, 2018     

Very good app. No rooting needed. Easy to set and with some additional useful options. Works as described. There's only one thing (that I'm not aware of whether it can be fixed or not) is that the notch is visible when you swipe down the quick settings with their white background. Is it fixable or shouldn't we wait for it? Great job! Thank you for preventing us from seeing that bad creation.

Ray. M. Mar 19, 2019     

Gets rid of the giant notch nicely! I have used it since I got my Pixel 3xl and it works great. I have about 150 apps on my phone and all of the apps work perfectly with it. The only two I turn it off for are 2 that I side loaded from the internet, not through the store. But it is very easy to turn off with one touch and then turn it back on when I am done. Love the ease of use!

A. G. u. Feb 5, 2019     

I love it. It's a very good idea. Thank you. But unfortunately, on my phone's Android 9, this is fully functional on the launcher UI screen only, on other applications didn't work at all. Especially it wasn't possible to change the color and size etc of the navbar. I hope for a new version if that can be fixed. Thanks again.

R.J. L. Sep 21, 2019     

It actually works! I'm a little upset at LG and feeling gyped because I was under the impression that their notch blackout setting would be applied system-wide, across all apps: NOT! It only works on the native home screen, lock screen and settings. This app actually does the job across all apps and does so without issue. Thank you! I have to dock a star, though: I wish you could hide the app completely in the background without it constantly showing in the notification area in Android 9/Pie.

Get. T. T. P. A. Oct 20, 2018     

Great at hiding the top notch of the Pixel 3 XL. Gave it 4 stars though since it blacks out the bottom chin, making the screen even smaller. If they allowed you to affect the top or bottom of the phone separately this would be perfect. EDIT: reinstalled and figured out that I had the bottom rounded corners enabled. Disabling that allowed me to only have the top notch covered. YES!!!!! Thank you for an amazing app! Bumped up to 5 stars!

Cha. M. B. Sep 7, 2019     

Been using it the past year to hide the hideous pixel 3 xl notch. Makes things look so much cleaner. However after updating to Android 10 (Q?) it seems a little finicky. Seems to stop working randomly and switching it on and off doesn't help. It seemsnto fix itself randomly too. Not sure what triggers either. Hopefully an update will solve the issue.

Ant. M. Mar 6, 2021     

Wish it would activate when I restart/turn on phone, as I have to toggle each time but I don't restart My phone often. Also wish there was a setting to actually move the corners up and down so they connect to the bottom bar if I adjust bottom bar height instead of just changing the shape. Overall it's cool though and it's nice that it's free and free of ads!

Jac. T. May 30, 2019     

In a future update. Can you make a option so it won't activate when the phone is in landscape mode. Other wise great (Edit: Version 20 does work properly on the YouTube app, however, I would like to be able to toggle it off automatically when I manually rotate my phone (I use a Pixel 3). I will go back to using it permanently on my phone.

A. G. u. Oct 28, 2018     

I love the functionality of this app compared to the developer option to hide the notch on the Google Pixel 3 XL. Keeping the notification icons where they are is exactly how this feature should work. My only quibble is the fact it doesn't work on the lock screen. I can live with that, but is that being worked on as an added feature?

And. G. Oct 19, 2018     

This app is awesome for hiding the notch on the pixel 3 XL but maintaining screen real estate! Google should really implement this themselves. Be sure to turn on rounded corners on settings though! There is a slight bug where the nav bar stays light grey when it normally would fade to dark (on a light colored app) but apparently this and the persistent notification cannot be fixed due to limitations of the method used. Even still, this app is great for notched phones.

Mic. X. Dec 1, 2018     

More or less works. Android's insistence on popping a notification when the app is running is annoying but not the app's fault. Bigger issues are the frequent bugs, including the black bar showing up over landscape videos at times (blocking part of the video), the bar drawing over notifications at times (covering up the entire notch portion of the screen), the bar being offset down vertically at times (showing part of the notch but covering part of the screen), and many many more.

Sha. V. Oct 19, 2018     

Love what it does at the top of the screen but not a fan of what happens at the bottom. I'm running a Pixel 3 XL and when this is turned on the buttons in the navigation bar at the bottom stay white when they should turn black when I'm in an app. If that could be fixed then this would get 5 stars.

JM. G. Feb 21, 2019     

Navigation buttons permanently white. The buttons in the navigation bar became white all the time, hence is the background is white they are no longer visible. therefore we needed to blackout navigation bar to prevent this, but the bottom now becomes chunky. we wouls like to hide notch only with the need of touching the nav bar. please help to fix it. thanks.

Abh. K. Nov 14, 2018     

Great app to cover up the notch on my pixel 3xl. Edit: more fixes needed. (1) when watching videos on YouTube, when you zoom in, the cut out doesn't work. (2) in some apps, the rounded edges doesn't work when you toggle it. For example, it doesn't work on WGT Golf app.

E. F. Jul 25, 2020     

A lifesaver after OnePlus removed their hide notch setting, then brought it back, but moved all notification icons off the top bar and onto the screen cluttering the wallpaper and making screen size smaller. Unlike other notch hiding apps I've tried, it's a tiny app, free, no ads or annoying themes, bar is true AMOLED black, works in ALL apps, default settings are perfect but easy to change, has rounded corners, I never have to open app, easy to reactivate from quick settings after phone restart

Zen. G. Aug 20, 2019     

It works really well for a 1080p screen, but as soon as you increase the resolution, it does not work properly as it still shows some of the notch making this app very useless! Edit: There's a settings on the app that allows you to adjust the status bar height. So it should fix the issue. 👍

Lou. C. Nov 28, 2018     

A very simple way to work around the notch on Pixel 3 XL that keeps notifications aligned with the notch. A significant difference compared to developer option to push the status bar down completely. One thing I eventually realized was that you have to set the navigation bar height; otherwise you'll have the chin area blacked out too.

Ros. o. E. B. Apr 26, 2020     

Mandatory on pixel 3xl! Messes with navigation button color though. I really like it hiding the notch and I have turned off the bottom bar but it doesn't let the home button turn gray when on a white background. I toggle it off and the color changes normally. If you can make this adjustment, this app would be awesome! Thank you!

A. G. u. Sep 17, 2019     

Android 10. Not so great. Randomly disappears thought the day. About 50% of the time restarting app works for a short while. If not, it takes a phone restart to get it back. Still this way after latest update to app. Android 9 review. For my Pixel 3 XL it has been wonderful. I started using it 2 days after the phone launch in October '18 and has been running flawlessly ever since. No errors or glitches.

A. G. u. Dec 29, 2018     

So far so good. I just downloaded to my Pixel 3XL and it works even better than expected. Along with covering up the notch, it also blackens out the navigation bar at the bottom and rounds the corners of you prefer that look. And, it's very easy to change the settings.