• Name Da State 1
  • Name Da State 2
  • Name Da State 3
  • Name Da State 4

Name Da State

How well can you identify the individual states of the U.S.?
Find out with Name Da State, a fun and free quiz game that tests your knowledge on the appearance of each of the 50 states in the U.S.!

See if you can get all the questions correct, or use it to familiarize yourself with the states. Either way, you’ll earn mPoints and learn some geography with Name Da State!

Fun Facts:The United States has almost 20,000km of coastline.The smallest state in the US is Rhode Island (1,545 square miles) and the largest is Alaska (663,268 square miles).The state of Montana has 3 times as many cows as it has people.

Category : Trivia

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Reviews (30)

Lis. W. H. Jan 17, 2017     

Why did you lower the amount of m points we get for each achievement? It was already a small amount and now it's even lower. BOO.

Jam. D. Dec 22, 2016     

After yesterday's update, it no longer works!

And. B. Jul 10, 2017     

Easy game... but Rhode Island does not look like that.. try again

zab. w. Dec 22, 2016     

Mplus fixed...THANX!

Amb. W. Sep 29, 2015     

The hardest states are CT, RI, and MA since they're usually grouped together.

Ton. M. Dec 14, 2015     

Gives good, easy mPoints. The game itself is a good reminder back to elementary school and those things we tend to forget over time. Now . . . can you "name da capitals" too? ;)

Hal. D. Nov 19, 2016     

If they add Trump's fugly mug to this game I'm going to have to stop playing it.

MOB. W. T. R. Mar 11, 2016     

Excited to see if still remember each one

Mar. C. Nov 24, 2015     

Good game. My problem is the Kiip ads. Once maybe, but 5 times each day I play?

Des. E. Mar 30, 2015     

Hard to think of a REAL benefit to this one, but it's decent/fun interaction and earns mPoints. The shape of states... hmmm

Lis. R. Nov 22, 2015     

Hi. Every time I try to collect my points it says I've reached my limit. Please help.

Mel. S. Nov 27, 2016     

I love it with all my heart

Ang. M. Apr 4, 2015     

The game is great but What happened to the Amazon rewards?

Cha. B. Apr 10, 2016     

Reduced mpoints

A. G. u. Jan 2, 2015     

All you people whining about the state flags, the game is called Name Da State, NOT name da state flag. If you bothered to read the description, you would know that. The description says absolutely NOTHING about state flags!

Mji. R. Feb 25, 2015     

Fun little app that tests your US map recall. I downloaded it for the mPoints, and I enjoy the variety of achievements you can earn. Update: OMG you fixed it! It no longer takes 20+ minutes of non-stop playing to earn all the achievements. I'm upping my rating to 5 stars.

Eli. S. Aug 6, 2014     

This is a very fun and addicting game. I can now name every individual state. Request, could you make an alternative play mode where its one round but all 50 states are in it? That way, the mpoints users dont have to play 30+ different rounds waiting for one final state to appear.

Zac. S. May 31, 2014     

I think there should be a way to change the number of states shown per round, Getting perfects on the same states every time gets tedious...

R3N. S. A. Oct 1, 2014     

This game is utterly boring! It is not helpful AT ALL in actually teaching the state flags, which was something I had been wanting to do. To top it off, if you score poorly, you are given an incredibly insulting message at the end usually accusing you of not trying hard enough, or just messing around. I wanted a fun teaching game, not an old abusive high school teacher scolding me when I do poorly on an exam. If not for the mpoints, this game would be worthless! Don't waste your time with it!

Ang. D. Jun 28, 2014     

Need more points I would guess people will quiet playing these games if they didn't have mpoints

Luk. R. Oct 22, 2014     

Used to like all these until mpoints changed and you have to download more apps to get points.

Tab. S. Jun 18, 2014     

Will not start at all. Force closes every time I try to open it.

Jus. T. Jun 2, 2014     

A quick, fun way to work the brain. Certain states appear way more often than others though.

Jen. F. Jun 10, 2014     

I happy to be able to learn my states better but it would be nice if after it shows the right answer it would show where it fits on the USA map.

Pam. P. Jan 28, 2017     

Decreased Mpoints again 5 to 3 now 2 not nice

Cra. P. Jun 7, 2014     

Different states choose from untied states.

Sha. N. Jun 21, 2014     

Rewards and learning, who would have thought!

Mar. W. Jun 1, 2014     

Great way to keep thw mind sharp.

Ale. C. Jun 29, 2014     

That's cool but its the same thing over and over

Jer. L. Aug 16, 2014     

Love this game happen i know my state