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Namiq Qaracuxurlu mahnilar

Namig Garachukhurlu (8 November 1978, Baku) - Azerbaijani musician, singer.

Namig Garachukhurlu was born on November 8, 1978 in Garachukhur settlement and graduated secondary school No. 104 in that settlement.

In 1993, the musician, who first opened his first restaurant in 1993, for a number of reasons, for a couple of years, had a break in his art.

He won the second place at the Shahriyar Palace of Culture in 1997 and became a laureate. His first cassette tape was released in 1999 with his regular activity.

After the release of the album "We were drinking" in 2001, the clip "Ravita" played a great role in the life of the mazar and the merry-go-round. The presentation of the clip was held as a concert at the Shahriyar Palace of Culture, where she was once a laureate. The musician gave a concert in different parts of Azerbaijan and gave a solo concert at the 7400 spectators '' Shafa '' stadium. He regularly performed in many cities in the Netherlands, Germany, Iran and Russia, including the capital, Moscow.

For a long time he studied duet with Aygun Kazimova.

Namiq Karachuhurlu's comrade Rafael Abdullayev and PR Manager are Ilkin Shukurov.

The singer made her marriage on October 12, 2015 and became a daughter of this marriage.

Keep a desire
This is love
I need
My Heart & Elvin Mehmanli
Undecided & Ahmed Mustafayev
Undeleted & Sevil Joy
Donate it & Sevil Joy
First and Last
The miracle
Up to breath
The pope's roses
My sugar
You are my breath
I'll sacrifice for you
Your location is known
Pathways to flowers
My eyes are soft

Category : Music & Audio

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