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netfabb Mobile is an easy-to-use viewing App for .STL (SurfaceTesselationLanguage) files on Android Devices.
As a counterpart to the free Desktop suite "netfabb Studio Basic" (version 4.5 or later), it is a genuine companion for sharing and handling STL files.

Due to netfabb Studio's intuitive drag & drop interface, mobile viewing of 3D data becomes as easy as managing your music library.

Repair your STLs with the netfabb cloud and check the result immediately on the smartphone

Category : Business

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Reviews (6)

Nic. C. Apr 15, 2015     

I hate when trying to download a stl file it open the app and i cant download it, and also on my nexus 9 cant open any stl files

3dp. Mar 4, 2015     

Works but when I try to download an stl through chrome the app opens. I have to disable app than download the stl, enable the app an than import.

Tho. H. Dec 1, 2015     

5 stars if it worked on my phone... :(

A. G. u. Dec 14, 2013     

Perfect for viewing my 3D STLs. This app let's you upload STLs to the server for corrections and then downloads the fixed STL to your device (if it has errors)(if you want to download it). And it's lightning FAST. FREE too! What else could you ask for. netfabb for Android is by far one of my favorite apps. Thank you again for making this app free. -----h311sdr0id-----

A. G. u. Sep 28, 2015     

Love this. But since a few days ago the website has been down. Still works just takes a little longer to verifying. NETFABB IS DOWN!

Ban. I. May 19, 2015     

An application for managing and uploading/downloading STL files... and it can't read your SD card! Instead of using one of the many file picker APIs, it uses it's own un-intuitive custom one instead.