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New Zodiac Signs

At its core, astrology seeks to link the events and occurrences that take place on Earth to celestial and astronomical observations. From the dawn of early civilization ancient cultures and religions first began the practice when they looked up to the heavens in order to help explain what was happening in people’s lives. The sun, moon, planets, stars, and endless skies above were places of slow change and constant motion. The predictable paths of all the celestial bodies through the universe was what gave people inspiration to develop belief systems which were based around them completely. It was from these early astrological impressions that the zodiac signs as we know them today were born.According to the space agency, the modern zodiac calendar is slightly off in terms of the dates that each zodiac sign ranges to and from, and there’s also a 13th sign! As such, your zodiac sign has likely changed!What is the 13th zodiac?OPHIUCHUS!According to legend, the Serpent Bearer constellation had two planets—one covered in fiery molten lava and the other consisting of a large swamp. Ophiuchans built their short-lived civilization on the marshy world, where they slept in huts and spent most of their time exploring the wilderness and developing remedies for ailments, which they exported to all the Houses. Ophiuchus has sometimes been used in sidereal astrology as a thirteenth sign in addition to the twelve signs of the tropical Zodiac, because the eponymous constellation Ophiuchus as defined by the 1930 IAU constellation boundaries is situated behind the sun from November 30 to December 18.

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