• Next Glass – Drink Smart 1
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Next Glass – Drink Smart

Next Glass uses science to help you find beer and wine you’ll love. Build a Taste Profile by rating drinks you’ve tried, and then let Next Glass work its magic.
Next Glass tests tens of thousands of beers and wines, analyzing each drink's unique chemical makeup. We evaluate each drink in our database against your Taste Profile to help you buy only drinks you’ll love.

• Get your personal score on every beer and wine.
• Search for a drink by name, or snap a photo of a bottle’s label or barcode.
• Rate a drink and see its nutritional information.
• Build a Taste Profile of drinks you’ve rated.
• Add drinks to your custom Wish List and save them for later.

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (27)

Jef. H. Dec 14, 2016     

The app only permits 1 through 4 star rating which is way too crude a system. And no text to qualify or quantify the Stars. On the upside it seems as if its being used a lot as there are way more products listed now than when I first started using it a year or two ago.

Jas. C. Apr 8, 2016     

Looks like the dev team is planning to roll out more features which is great! On my wish list: 1) reduce initial taste profile setup time by adding a search function...it took me a while to swipe to my one-star drink. 2) sort recommendations by score

Bri. V. Oct 17, 2015     

The app gave some good recommendations for your next glass, but was great when having friends over who used the app and needed to know what growler or 6 pack to pickup. For some coy reason, they stripped this feature and the number one reason my wife and I use it. "Maybe" they will bring it back "if" they make it better, although it already worked pretty well. Perfect is the enemy of shipped, and users adoption I guess.

A. G. u. May 26, 2016     

looking for an app to find beers similar to what i know I like already. I went ahead and loaded this up and did the "setup" but found I still do not have enough of a profile. Continued to search for beers and add more. I would think that 22 would be a good number but nope have to keep going for a recommendation. I would say this is more for the developer to sell info to brewers versus helping drinkers find a similar taste. Not impressed but will check back later and see if it improves. Also Many brews I like are not found! I think the spectrometer aspect will NOT give good matches versus other users info. Untapped has this beaten.

Day. I. Jan 29, 2016     

Want to try a new a beer, wine or cooler, but aren't quite sure if it's a stinker or not? Rate the ones you gave tried and liked and get some suggestions. Score new ones to help others and narrow down your favorite profiles. If you're as picky as me with your beverages, you'll find this tool as helpful as well.

Zac. Z. Dec 24, 2016     

This is like the "Netflix"of beer rating. What a great concept. The only flaw...Is...He library is small...They can add beers not on there but at this point they have the beer I type in about 65 to 70 percent of the time. If they can build the library then this app is perfect!

Mar. W. Nov 13, 2016     

This used to be a helpful app. It would give good recommendations but recently has not been working I don't know what happened to the app.

A. G. u. Dec 23, 2015     

This app seemed great at first. It was awesome to connect with friends and see their drink ratings along side my own. Now, this app has lost so much functionality and seems completely broken.

Kev. B. Apr 22, 2017     

Definitely helpful in selecting a new beer based on previous beer selections. However, need more beer options that have been reviewed, especially craft beers.

Nat. F. May 20, 2017     

Pretty good at finding beers that I like that I haven't tried. The only problem is that their library of beer isn't updated fast enough to keep up with the market.

Sou. f. Sep 21, 2016     

This app has a ton of potential for wine drinkers that want to venture to beer and beer drinkers that want to venture into wine. However I have rated 72 different drinks and it os still telling me it cannot find any recomendations and I have to keep rating to build my flavor profile... How many drinks do you need to rate to get recommended drinks? Is it cause I have a diverse field of drinks I like and dislike?

A. G. u. Nov 13, 2017     

Great app, but the registration process is kind of ridiculous. Specifically, it took quite a long time to select the year I was born in as I had to manually scroll through every month of every year to get to my birthday.

Kat. R. Apr 8, 2016     

I love this concept. I've kept notes of what I like/don't like in Evernote. This is a great next step. I was VERY disappointed when it forgot everything I'd entered. Debating whether to try to reenter ratings.

Bri. F. Nov 20, 2016     

I rated 30 or 40 beers and it still ain't recommend anything for me. What a joke.

Kev. C. Feb 13, 2016     

The last 4 beers I tried to find are not listed. App developers need to do better updating app. Uninstalled

Joh. L. Jan 20, 2016     

On OPO running CM13...but other than that good - not sure about recommendations just started. Update: just the preview doesn't work appears to take pic just fine...

Sus. M. Feb 25, 2016     

Works well but has a limited range of drinks. Particularly deficient in Texas wines.

Dic. P. May 1, 2017     

Great idea that crashed in 2 weeks. Love the features, great interface, worked great for 2 weeks, allowed me to log 30-40 beers, then consistently crashed with "server error". Rats.

Cas. D. Jul 9, 2017     

Seems to be heavily us bassed. Tried to find some Big Rock beer and after several minutes of trying to find it (because there's no search feature) I just have up.

Jor. P. Jan 29, 2017     

Good idea, bad execution. Most beers that I have searched for are not on this app. I guess it would work great if you like mainstream beers, but that would defeat the purpose of this app.

Vee. E. Jan 21, 2016     

I wish there was a place to add my tasting notes. Even if there was a pre written checklist of what I was tasting it would be a half useful app. Fortunately for you guys, I have patience and trust that it will improve over time.

Ang. S. Jan 24, 2017     

TLDR; this app is super shady Needs too much personally identifiable information. Needs access to the camera for some reason, needs an account rather than just letting you try it as a guest, needs your facebook, your twitter, or your birthday. Way too much information requested by this app to be worth keeping it.

Par. D. Aug 27, 2015     

Suggested the ability to sort suggestions by their score based on your taste profile. If this gets added I would add another star.

Jus. B. Jan 24, 2016     

Look the beer up, add a star, and you're done. The recommendations are pretty accurate. I travel a lot and use this as I'm looking at regional beers that I'm not familiar with.

Jas. W. Dec 24, 2015     

The app does not load the beers that I add. Just says loading and eventually says server error. Pointless app to me.

Rob. N. Apr 23, 2017     

Used to be a 5star, app has not worked in a while now. Very disappointing. Used to be spot on with suggestions and ratings. Hope it gets fixed.

Den. M. J. Aug 21, 2015     

Kudos to the developers for always trying to improve their app. My only wish is that I could sort by recommendation rating so I could add all the 90+ to my wish list.