• Nextstop Mobile 1.4 1
  • Nextstop Mobile 1.4 2
  • Nextstop Mobile 1.4 3
  • Nextstop Mobile 1.4 4

Nextstop Mobile 1.4

Welcome to Nextstop Mobile!
Nextstop Mobile is CXT Software's next generation mobile app for transportation and logistics companies. Designed to work in tandem
* with CXT Software's market-leading X Dispatch*
* courier software suite as well as our upcoming Nextstop software for transportation and logistics companies, Nextstop Mobile provides step-by-step workflows for drivers, dock workers, and other mobile roles.

With Nextstop Mobile Version 1.0, drivers can check in and out, view and map assigned stops, scan and deliver parcels, collect signatures and proof of delivery, and photograph damage. Turn-by-turn directions, parcel lookup, and messages are a simple click away. Back at the dock, workers can quickly receive freight, look up specific parcels, and view the scan summary.

What our customers are saying...

"The streamlined driver workflow, easy access to turn-by-turn directions, and integrated camera barcode scanning will dramatically increase driver productivity."--Andrew Brady, Chief Operations Officer, King Courier, San Francisco

Important Notes:

* X Dispatch, sold separately by CXT Software, is required in order to use Nextstop Mobile. Contact [email protected] to get started!

* Not all mobile features will be available when using Nextstop Mobile with X Dispatch. The complete mobile featureset will require transitioning to the Nextstop product suite (availability TBD). Contact your CXT Software Sales Executive for details.

Category : Business

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Reviews (29)

Lon. W. Nov 27, 2015     

Keyboard pop up issues with latest version of the app, issues with stops list and receive list generation even after multiple data resends, dispatchers want to blame you or your phone when issues arise with app..... Guess what? It's actually your waste of space app that causes this. Whoever coded this app needs to go back to school and learn how to better lay out their algorithms for their lines of code. 😕

KC. M. Sep 9, 2016     

Stops keep coming up missing, stops reset after completing, server keeps going down and good luck getting any help from anyone's IT department or the creators.

mik. H. Mar 15, 2016     

Has not worked in 3 days on over 50 drivers phone. Been using it for more then 6 months and was working some what fine except for the not syncing issues every other day and now nothing. Put in call ticket and nothing from them. For the price per month charge you would think they would be getting back to you immediately. Save your time and money and use a pen and paper to log your pickups and deliveries.

Har. S. May 17, 2016     

It ll stop working out if blue. If u cant fix it then remove from Play store.

Roc. Dec 31, 2015     

Customer support is a quick copy and paste script at every end, scroll down and read the comments for yourself. At some point you'll be asking your drivers to buy new phones to accommodate the memory leakage. Crashes abundant, log outs at random intervals, backtracking is difficult to non existent. If you're going to pay for an application, you'll need one that works fluidly with your company as it changes, not locked down by some rushed data entry app like this. Shows routes for all users, bad security.

Luc. C. Jan 7, 2016     

1 battery hog 2 annoying audio feedback That cannot be disabled 3. Memory hog causes freezing 4 ui navigation needs work and organization (color coding routes)

Rom. L. Feb 12, 2016     

Somethings are OK. Except the annoying keyboard keeps popping up when not needed. Looking up jobs keyboard pops up and slows everything down. Fix this bug.

Mig. G. Nov 30, 2015     

Keyboard pops up randomly, works slow, drains battery, all in all 1 out of 10

Dim. V. Jul 30, 2015     

Drain my battery, make my phone hot, keyboard stays out not good at all I wish the company moves to a different app

Les. M. Jan 9, 2017     

And if it wasnt required for work I wouldn't have it

Rod. C. Dec 31, 2015     

No back options without losing input. Crashes frequently.

gar. May 23, 2016     

This app is erratic and undependable. Stick with the download from CXT Software. Nextstop is a joke.

Rus. G. Nov 15, 2015     

Needs UI improvement. App crashes when trying to work too fast. Ram issues? Also a battery drain/ memory leak... Not ready for prime time. Running lollipop..won't allow me to log in now. Horrible app. Beavex inc.

Joh. L. Jan 21, 2016     

Signature lags major. Scanning needs the ability to continously scan packages without having to press scan on the screen for every package. Hopefully using a Bluetooth scanner fixes this. App needs improvment.

Mar. N. Nov 23, 2015     

It's annoying as HELL!!! You have numerous complaints on this!! 😈 Also the excessive battery drain issue. A full battery is drained in 6 hours WITH IT PLUGGED INTO CAR CHARGER!!

Kel. C. Aug 10, 2015     

I love this app but the only thing that is extremely annoy is the keyboard pops up even when I don't need it popped up. Once that is fixed this app will be perfect in my book!

Mic. M. Jun 30, 2016     

Works well but charges u on ur settlement when it's on your phone!!

Bob. F. P. Oct 19, 2017     

It's not a good app.

Hoy. F. Jun 28, 2015     

Lags in areas with low data coverage. Locks up and fails to sync for extended periods of time. Fails to consistently complete orders and accept PoD. Doesn't give you the option to input package type during the scanning process. EXCESSIVELY high cpu usage.

EAG. M. Jul 8, 2015     

Dispatcher is sending me stops and there is either a lag in receiving them or i don't get them at all.

Ken. P. Aug 13, 2016     

Use it for work and can't do with out it (It helps pay the bills.)

Jef. C. Jun 26, 2015     

Do not downlod this app if you have a note 4. Locks up, caused my phone to get so hot, you could not use the phone. Runs the battery down in 2 hours or less. IT says no problem on our end. Problem is with the app and the note 4. One day it works the next it doesn't. Others in my company are having the same issues.

Dal. R. May 9, 2015     

I was a dispatcher and driver for a courier service using the Datatrac program. The company decided for some unknown reason to switch programs and try this Nextstop. As the dispatcher, I was so thoroughly put off by the Nextstop program I actually walked away from the job. Did not like anything about it. As a driver, I found the program much more difficult to use than Datatrac and I was hearing the same from other drivers. Overall, the Datatrac program was easier to use and now stuck with this Nextstop program. I don't recommend this program.

Ray. E. F. Jun 26, 2015     

I'm new. You ask me to log in, but give me no place to register. That makes you worthless.

ren. B. Apr 26, 2015     

I can hit arrived but it won't save my data and then goes to a blank screen. Please fix that issue. Was not a problem before the update

Mar. P. Apr 27, 2015     

My counts are not going through, please fix! Dispatch has to keep checking in with me

Mic. M. May 19, 2015     

After view updates, the app works slower than tutle.... Freezes, or crashes on signature page.... Using it only cause I have too...

Dav. N. Feb 28, 2015     

Repeatedly have problems l ogging in. I'm using a Galaxy S4. I need to use this app for my work.

Jim. L. Mar 27, 2015     

Was very bad before, but since the update it is catastrophicly worse. At every single stop I have to reset the app at least once to get through the scan to the signature. It takes an immense amount of time