• niix Fitness for Women: Pilates & Cardio Fusion 1
  • niix Fitness for Women: Pilates & Cardio Fusion 2
  • niix Fitness for Women: Pilates & Cardio Fusion 3
  • niix Fitness for Women: Pilates & Cardio Fusion 4

niix Fitness for Women: Pilates & Cardio Fusion

niix is a fitness app specifically for mums and women - helping to create a fitness habit that lasts. niix teaches correct technique to get better fitness results, quicker. All based on proven workout methods developed over 10 years’ studio experience working with hundreds of women.

Build STRENGTH, STAMINA, FLEXIBILITY and BODY CONFIDENCE while TONING, SCULPTING & LOSING WEIGHT. Guided video classes blend Pilates with cardio workout elements, designed for all levels of fitness. Follow a tailored workout programme or simply access single classes which can take as little as 10 minutes, depending on your available time.

Download niix to receive a 7 day FREE trial.

GAIN ACCESS to 100+ workouts

ALL WORKOUTS are less that 30mins

UNIQUELY, niix includes short tutorials with a real focus on technique and correct posture, ensuring maximum results and benefits in the shortest time possible.

30 DAY MEAL PLAN available to all niix users

niix is different because it:

* Is specifically designed for women who want to get stronger and fitter, but don’t have the time (or desire) to spend hours in the gym.
* Blends Pilates and cardio to improve core strength, increase cardio fitness and promote better flexibility & mobility, whatever your age or fitness level.
* Teaches you the correct way to exercise with a real focus on posture and technique ensuring you achieve maximum benefits in less time.
* 1-2-1 personal trainer experience, based on Nicki’s 10+ years of personal training and teaching Pilates.
* Delivers great results whatever your fitness goal.

Get support from Nicki, your friends and the niix community to help reach your fitness goals.

niix fitness is for women who want to be FIT, STRONG, HAPPY and CONFIDENT. Your stage of life or age is no barrier. Join us by downloading our app and trying all fitness classes for 7 days, FREE. Full membership includes access to comprehensive training programmes, recipes, 100s of exercise classes and a library of expert tutorials.

Further information -
* https://niix.fit/app-terms-and-conditions/

To say hi or to ask any questions about the app - [email protected]

*The niix website (http://niix.fit/)

Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (13)

Liz. Y. Aug 15, 2019     

This app is awesome and the workouts are brilliant. So versatile, no need for any equipment (and can even be done in underwear and barefoot, so perfect for holidays or anyone travelling). You can vary the length of workout depending on the time you have but even 10 mins leaves you feeling so much better. Nicki is super motivating and interacts loads with the lovely supportive community that she has built. Great app!

Ani. R. Sep 1, 2019     

I recommend this app for over 40s ladies getting back into regular cardio-pilates fitness. This is a really good app with timed exercises that are well explained. Each workout is a little different and there are no special equipment needs, so as long as you have floor space and an internet connection you can get 25 mins exercise anywhere. Customer help is excellent and there are some great quality goods in the store. Thanks Niix for kickstarting my second-half-of-life exercise regime!

Lis. K. Jan 21, 2020     

Fab app with pilates based workouts varying in time; excellent variety of programmes, new challenges being added. Nicki supplies tutorials and motivation all through the workouts and is so down to earth; bucketloads of additional content on insta/fb and a fab online community and merch available. Just a mat needed, easy to do inside, outside, beach, hotel room, garden, kitchen ...so easy to fit around little ones, big ones, morn, eve ....so much flexibility. It's a win win!! Highly recommend.

Lau. G. Jan 17, 2020     

Great app for pilates and core work. Really enjoy Nicki's less harsh approach to other apps out there. The how to and technique videos are really informative and it's great to feel like I am part of a community of other women like me!

Rac. R. Aug 16, 2019     

great app, excellent for exercises when you can, a busy lifestyle must

Tra. P. Oct 6, 2018     

Sorry but far too expensive and to make I worse the app keeps crashing on the pricing page

Hil. R. Jan 10, 2019     

love this app. fits in around work and childcare.

Car. Y. Aug 15, 2019     

excellent app, helping with improving my fitness

A. G. u. Oct 1, 2018     

Love this pilates fitness app.

Day. K. T. Apr 21, 2020     

Rating as free version

Fra. H. Jan 2, 2018     

Fantastic value. Beats going to classes. So convenient. Can do anywhere, anytime.

Dan. D. Dec 21, 2017     

Very easy to use app with great content

Nic. E. Nov 15, 2017     

Doesn't work with android and kept crashing