• Ninjutsu 1
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  • Ninjutsu 3


The origin of the martial art itself. Learn how ninjutsu is associated, like most eastern martial arts of the ninjutsu technique, with Chinese sources. However, the term "ninjutsu" covers only a few features of ninjutsu art, such as hiding, creating and maintaining the aura of mystery. The functions of the ninja were to penetrate the enemy, commit sabotage or murder, and return after successfully completing the mission.

Traditionally, ninjas played the role of mercenaries who offered themselves as spies, hired killers, saboteurs, political provocateurs and terrorists to large and small rulers of the Japanese feudal era. Ninjas offered their services only to those who were willing to pay for them. Ninja families were closely knit teams, integrated into larger groups - clans. The stranger had almost no opportunity to join such a group and become a ninja, for that he had to be born in a family of professionals. Art and other tricks were kept secret and passed only from father to son. Revealing the secret meant the death of a ninja from the same clan.

Ninjutsu teaches that ninjas cannot be free ninjas battles to achieve ninjas in the state of the ninja brawl absolute ninja fighting security. ninja epoch Every yellow ninja action of ninja kung-fu breaks ninja legends already ninja bear existing ninja samurai in ninja world harmony, thereby causing resistance, generating a reciprocal action, which is stronger and more dangerous if the balance is more disturbed. The way out is to understand well what harmony is broken in and be able to minimize undesirable consequences.

At the heart of the teachings of all schools, ninjutsu training was based on three interconnected blocks of skills and abilities, which together formed a flexible system of confronting any conceivable danger.
The first block of skills can be described as the art of using ninja environments and special devices to defeat the enemy. This included the recognition of traces and covert movement, masking and overcoming obstacles, the device ambush and deception of the enemy's feelings. The purpose of the training was to merge with the world through the conquest of 5 basic "elements" - in the Chinese version - Earth, Water, Tree, Fire and Metal; in the Japanese version - the Earth (CHI), Water (SUI), Fire (KA), Air (FU) and Void (Fundamentals of all, KI. It is developed on the "Third Block"). A warrior who achieved such a merger became invisible and inaccessible to the enemy, and art bore the collective name of tone-jutsu — disappearance by imitation.

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