• Nonologic 1
  • Nonologic 2
  • Nonologic 3
  • Nonologic 4


Test your skills with this funny puzzle game.Nonograms, also known as Japanese Puzzles, Hanjie, Picross, Paint by Numbers, or Griddlers, are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.Discover the image of each puzzle.
Nonograms, also known as Japanese Puzzles, Hanjie, Picross, Paint by Numbers, or Griddlers, are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture.Discover the image of each puzzle.

- Providing more than 500 puzzles

- Providing more than 500 puzzles

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (23)

Lis. C. Apr 10, 2014     

Good game, like the interface. One thing that's annoying - it doesn't save your progress if you leave. If you accidentally hit the back button, it resets your game. I've lost several games that way, frustrating when you're 15 minutes into a level! Other than that, I like it.

Rol. S. Mar 31, 2014     

Also needs a "next" button for when you complete a puzzle instead of having to back out to select another. The ads are out of control though.

Mar. H. Sep 12, 2014     

2 stars because of all the ads. and no, I'm not going to play Game of War

Jen. K. Aug 17, 2014     

I just download this game but can't play it. Everytime I select play the game quits. Right now all this is good for is viewing ads. I'm very disappointed.

Lea. W. Mar 24, 2014     

I understand the need for ads in a free game, but, when a game has pop ups in the middle of playing a level every 30 seconds, I will not play it. Bummer, because I could have liked this one.

Joh. N. Aug 8, 2014     

The game is awesome and I didn't have any problems

Ann. J. Nov 6, 2013     

Love it!

Aud. R. M. Jul 27, 2013     

Quite lots of fun once you get the hang of it. Helps if you've been playing awhile and know some of the tricks to figure out non-shaded areas; there are quite a lot of levels where not enough numbers are given, to the point that the game can be frustrating.

Nim. Aug 5, 2013     

I enjoy the puzzles and the times make you want to try again. Small complaint is that the puzzles are so small that once in a while you solve the numbers but not make the correct picture.

Kat. R. Aug 10, 2013     

It's ok not my favorite not the worst

Tam. Jun 4, 2013     

On other games like "cross me" I did not need to guess in order to figure out the picture because there was an actual strategy to figuring it out. With this game I had to play guessing game a lot of the time because there was not enough clues provided in order for me to figure it out. This made it less challenging and more frustrating.

Mel. w. Jan 31, 2013     

Would be 5 stars if the menu options worked on tablets. I have the Asus transformer prime and the menu wine show up on it. Please update to fix.

A. G. u. Oct 26, 2012     

Ok game. But there is no way to magnify the blocks or make the board larger. Too hard to see it or mark the tiny squares.

Dav. F. Jan 12, 2013     

On 2 out of 3 puzzles I've done so far, one side of the clue digits didn't grey out properly. Ex.: horiz 10 and vert 1. So I fill all the way across. 10 greys but 1 doesn't. I add another, making two vert and NOW it greys. For 2! That's a serious bug. And, it shows you what the puzzle is before you try it. What good is that?

A. G. u. Dec 23, 2012     

its frustrating to play the bigger puzzles because you can't zoom in and out so i keep pressing boxes i shouldn't be, please add a zoom and ill give this 5stars

Cha. F. Apr 1, 2013     

Good game play but was finished too soon for me without purchasing pro version.

LTR. Jul 10, 2013     

Good but could be longer one level1 and make the end harder for a challenge

Rho. S. Mar 10, 2013     

Very good just needs zoom button which would help on some levels

Kry. S. Nov 17, 2013     

Interface is somewhat confusing to navigate.

Kat. B. Dec 10, 2014     

Wouldn't even open. Just kept saying the app had stopped every time I tried to play. Uninstalled.

Col. B. Nov 14, 2013     

So annoying and its a pretty crap picross game too

Nat. F. Jun 28, 2014     

Every time I hit play it stopped and shut dow

Nic. F. Jan 11, 2014     

not the best app for these kinds of puzzles but not horrible