• Nutrition Data 1
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Nutrition Data

Search 8000 foods for detailed nutrition data self and facts in this fast, easy-to-use app. Discover data on calories, fat, cholesterol, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, omega-3 and more.
Featuring a fast clean interface, multi-word search, food database optimized for instant search, easy to use nutrient breakdown including macro-nutrient pie chart and nutritional label.

Like it? Upgrade to PRO for more features such as comparing foods! Don't forget rate!

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Category : Health & Fitness

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Reviews (30)

Bar. D. Mar 16, 2016     

Many items listed are sooo wrong. I checked the calorie and carb count on one large egg and one piece of whole wheat bread and both were way out of line. Also checked quite a few other things that were very incorrect. I used to think this is a great app until I started comparing the data to other apps. Yes it gives you a lot of information, but the information isn't always correct.

Lor. B. Jan 31, 2016     

The various amino acids in plant food is minimal and your app does not show the smaller amounts so that they can be added up. Not a bad app for most anything else...just does not make sense to add an amino acids area if you don't break it down to the smaller amounts in each food.

Wei. V. Jul 29, 2015     

Let down by limiting to US market. Many (if not most) other countries use kilojoules not calories. Please consider adding them. Also, including common names other than US ones would be great such as rockmelon.

Pat. P. Apr 15, 2015     

Nice variety of foods. Mother in hospital needing extra protein and this has been a quick reference.

Bra. L. Feb 7, 2017     

Since it was updated, you have to pay to get the different serving sizes. I will be uninstalling now!

Tön. P. Jun 17, 2015     

Health, & nutritional Information

Ada. G. Mar 15, 2014     

Good USDA nutrition database app, with an easy to use, aesthetic interface. Ability to favourite certain foods helps greatly, both to come back to foods you use often, and because many foods are split into various sublabels and usually you only need 1 for each food. Lists full nutrient breakdown including amino acids, fats (PUFA, MUFA, SFA, TFA, EFA), vitamins, minerals, carbs, fibre, and more, although so do most of the other USDA nutrition database apps. Lacks advanced search function and Kj data.

Cam. D. Aug 21, 2014     

Had everything I was looking for and more. Gives a super detailed breakdown of almost any food you can think of in many many forms.

Car. M. Jun 10, 2014     

This is the best breakdown I've seen without paying a fortune. Looked through so many, just to uninstall immediately. Thanks for the great help you've given me to help with my health.

Ran. N. Mar 31, 2014     

Love the app, but it crashes almost every time I open it on both my phone and tablet

Sil. G. Sep 18, 2013     

Handy at times but not enough to keep unless I'm dieting. And then it's just easier to look up on the net.

ala. c. Sep 10, 2013     

The topic sums it up. This is a great app. Really useful for anyone who wants to learn more like myself.

Wai. C. Jan 17, 2013     

I would be great if I could login to my self account and be able to add food or create recipes.

Sep. N. Jan 31, 2013     

Liking at a few apps that claim to do the same thing, and this one has an interface that is easy on the eye. Information is presented in a good logical manner.

Shi. A. Aug 30, 2013     

A lot of useful Info, I could search about a single thing with its multiple breeds or ways.

Mic. L. Sep 8, 2013     

Great app for carb and calorie counting. U misspelled 'Avocado' and it's in the database

Kar. A. Sep 16, 2013     

I use this a lot.. Please add HEMP SEEDS. Hemp products are growing fast in popularity. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Col. B. Apr 8, 2014     

Intuitive and breaks foods down into their small fundamentals

The. A. F. !. Apr 24, 2014     

Is this app any good? No..... Force closes on splash screen. The lowest I am allowed to rate is one star. To be honest, that is one star too many.

A. G. u. Jan 25, 2013     

No bells or whistles. It just does what is needed!

KUS. S. Sep 24, 2014     

You can know about any food's nutrition with this app.. it's a fantastic app

Ker. L. Sep 27, 2014     

Does what it says. To the person who said it didn't have "avacado"; try spelling it right! AVOCADO!

Kyl. Jun 9, 2014     

Simple, clean and does what it says it does.

Chr. B. Oct 14, 2014     

Not finding any foods listed that I use daily.

joh. c. Jan 7, 2014     

Easy to read and understand!

A. G. u. Oct 31, 2012     

Awesome for a first version. Would like to see more data on raw vegetables and fruits. Was waiting for an app like this..!

A. G. u. Nov 12, 2012     

Slick and responsive, and information is better presented than similar apps I've looked at. Packed with loads of helpful information that I'll no doubt be looking up time and again. Galaxy S3

A. G. u. Oct 30, 2012     

Easiest and fastest one I've found which searches foods. 5 stars.

A. G. u. Nov 5, 2012     

Installed this just now but it won't open for me. Darn.

dia. t. Jul 29, 2014     

Good breakdown but no way to keep a daily tally of what your eating