• om3DCAD 3D CAD Modeler 1
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  • om3DCAD 3D CAD Modeler 4

om3DCAD 3D CAD Modeler

3D CAD application & 3D CAD conversion tool.Supported data formats:-STEP (*.stp, *.step)-IGES (*.igs, *.iges)-STL-OBJ-3DS

Category : Productivity

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Reviews (27)

A. G. u. Oct 4, 2018     

it needs for modifications

Mäc. C. Dec 11, 2016     

1. When a lot of steps added to a content making it eventually restarts and the dwg is lost for ever. 2. When a phone rings or screen goes off, the application restarts and again the dwg is lost. 3. When a file of larger storage is uploaded or drawn a lot of steps disappear and many a times hollow objects appear. Overall good experience but i am sure these things can be shorted out. Make the necessary chnges for a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Jon. H. Apr 14, 2015     

Having had some experience using solid works and autocad, I have been interested in trying 3d modeling on my phone for quite some time. Although the interface is imprecise, it is quite intuitive. Allowing you to rotate your viewport and change you position (two fingers). I was overjoyed to see the ability to construct and close polylines as well as sweep, loft, and extrude them among others. Apart from only saving to 2 of the 4 file formats, I have no complaints about this fully functional CAD application.

Mar. M. Dec 19, 2015     

Okay we all want a simple cad program so we can take our work on the road the engine is okay but there is no interface or guidance. When we start and try to build even a simple cube it is NOT SEEN BECAUSE THE DEFAULT CUBE IS SET UP AT 10,10,10 BUT OUR VIEW IS SET AT A DISTANCE OF 1000, 1000, 1000 THIS COULD BE SOLVED BY MAKING THE DEFAULT 50, 50, 50 SO WE CAN NOTICE IT.. We could benefit from a grid then we can calculate what sizes are by a grid and add a snap function lines, points nodes, selection, etc. Please redo the control give us X,Y,and Z on the menu and Quick View options to quickly move to the view we want to work from. Unintelligible will come back in a month then hopefully it will be fixed by then. December 19,2015.

Joe. W. Mar 22, 2017     

It seems like a few things don't work add as they should. I can't select an object/ shape after it's been added and edit it to make minor adjustments. The save feature also doesn't seem to work. Would also be nice to have a zoom out/in feature, because it gets hard to manage everything on a phone screen. Other than that, this is the best cad type app I've found. Really like the ability to type in the exact dimensions of an object /shape as well as the coordinates.

Rya. B. Oct 16, 2015     

Would be soo cool except for a disconcerting bug. A part with a bend has the bend going the wrong direction! Update: bend still shows up in the opposite direction, now on Nexus 5 (was S5 in my previous review). Downgrading my rating to hopefully get some attention, although it will go to five stars once it's fixed. Update: I'm now using "CAD Assistant" and couldn't be happier!

Sam. P. Mar 23, 2018     

Most of the items in the drop down menus did not work. The touch sensitivity is WAY to high. I was able to make a cylinder but I was not able to cut it or fuse it and then while trying to enlarge it it disappeared outside the view window and after about 10 minutes of fiddling with it trying to get the cylinder back into view and the correct size, I gave up. For the devs! Work on the sensitivity, give the model a set distance it can travel (anything to keep it from running away) and make sure your drop down windows function properly and you'll have a good app! Oh and label more stuff. While I got the gist there were a lot of things that made no sense because there was no name or description besides one or two words, maybe add in an info button next to each item in the drop down that can be clicked to open a short description of the item. Good luck I look forward to later updates.

Der. W. Sep 22, 2014     

I was able to open a simple gear step file but it wouldn't let me zoom in enough to see it properly.

Jus. W. Feb 16, 2015     

Spent 10 minutes, couldn't make a single line or object or mark of any kind on the screen

Odi. M. Aug 1, 2015     

I regularly use openscad and freecad and this looks cool... I just can't figure out how to zoom in so i can see well enough to do stuff.

Dan. R. Jun 1, 2015     

Like others, I tried to make a cube. There are 6 input fields. I get 3, 1 for each dimension but there is no explanation for the fields. As soon as I hit ok, the program crashes. Useless.

Hyr. F. Dec 1, 2014     

The zoom needs to work before I can use it but it's a nice start. I look forward to some updates.

Pau. B. Feb 20, 2016     

It will open the listed files. Has no view or zoom control I could find. Add those and have something useful. Make sure you can select a feature and rotate around it, also.

Ram. H. Oct 6, 2014     

Objects drawn don't show up, locks up entire device every time, uninstalling this (cr)app.

Mar. B. Jun 21, 2017     

It didn't work on galaxy s7: can't add any object. Also, couldn't find option to zoom, as the usual 2- finger movement seemed not effective

Tes. G. Oct 4, 2017     

App crashed every time I tried to add text to the drawing.

Zac. P. Dec 11, 2014     

.om and.stl show up as shatter, scattered triangles

Fil. D. Aug 8, 2015     

Needs snap, zoom and a little more thought. Two fingers could allow control in one of the three modes: pan/zoom/rotate. Docs needed as well. Following it.

Mik. S. Apr 24, 2015     

Crashed when I tried drawing a box

Lau. D. Sep 19, 2015     

I try to make a cube, but it won't work! This was a stupid thing.

Tem. Aug 27, 2017     

It worked but now it crashes every time I try and open a file.

Jim. V. Aug 15, 2018     

incredibly obtuse interface. nothing obvious. nothing does anything. and 1(a)2(d) stuff is wildly dumb. ms dos was better.

Bre. D. Nov 18, 2015     

Camera doesn't work at all.

d. p. Nov 2, 2015     

Work fine on my Asus TF700T, but crashes on my S6. Any update in the works to get it running on a Galaxy S6?

Cor. I. p. g. May 9, 2016     

Its so cool its so 3D I love it so much!

ade. a. Mar 23, 2016     

Good app but handling option not enough

Nev. Aug 11, 2015     

Can't even adjust a block