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On Point Ballistics (Free)

On Point Ballistics is the most advanced and convenient ballistics application available for the Android platform.
Free Version This is the free version and has a slightly reduced feature set compared to the full (Paid) version. This app is completely functional as is, but does not perform some advanced ballistics calculations such as spin drift and Coriolis calculations. For many ranges the difference is not noticeable but at very long ranges you will want the advanced ballistics features of the paid version.

Store your Firearms and Load LibraryOn Point will keep track of your firearm and load libraries. No need to re-zero to the load. Just note the point of impact if your groups for a given ammo from your rifle without dialing any elevation or wind in your scope and On Point will tell you what you need dial for any range and any condition.

Simple Mode to Get You StartedThe free version of On Point is limited to simple mode only. The ballistics solver accurately accounts for weather changes such as pressure, temperature, and humidity changes. The Advanced mode (Available in the paid version) can also account for the effects of spin drift, Coriolis, and powder temperatures.

Tracks Weather for your Zero Conditions **(Paid Only)On Point goes above and beyond other ballistics apps by allowing you to record the weather conditions on the day you zeroed your load, and account for weather changes from from your zero. This means you can zero your rifle at sea level and maintain long range precision on even in the thin atmosphere of the high mountains.

True Muzzle Velocity Calibration It also has a tool to help true your muzzle velocity to your drop calculations. By inputting observed drops at known distances On Point will calibrate your load to a true muzzle velocity, making certain that the drop it predicts is what you'll get in real world shooting.

Powder Temperature Sensitivity **(Paid Only)Most powders will burn faster when at higher temperatures, meaning you'll get a bit more muzzle velocity from you rifle when your ammo is hot compared to when cold. Just note the temperature of your ammo when you zero your rifle ( probably close to the outside temperature ). This means that you can zero your rifle in the mid summer heat and have confidence in your shots during the freezing winter hunter seasons.

Optional Weather from the Internet If you allow internet and location permissions On Point can use this information to look up and input the local weather conditions. Don't like giving these permissions to apps on your phone? No problem, On Point will operate just find without them. Just type in the conditions manually if you want atmospheric and Coriolis corrections.

Built In Projectile LibraryOn Point comes standard with a ballistics library for over 250 of the most common projectiles in use today. This means that it is very likely that you won't need to look up any ballistics coefficients, just look up your projectile in the ballistics library. NOTE: The library only lists projectiles for your rifles caliber when editing a load. You should make sure for example that if you're setting up a load for a .270 Winchester, you set the rifle and load caliber to 0.277. Set it to .284 caliber for a 7MM magnum, etc. etc.

Hit Probability Estimation **(Paid Only)One feature that On Point has that puts us ahead of the other ballistics apps on the Android market is the ability to do Monte Carlo shot dispersion. In simple terms it means we don't just calculate one firing solution, but hundreds, each one slightly different based on the known variances in your shooting setup. ( Load group size, standard deviation of muzzle velocity, the uncertainty in your wind estimation, and the uncertainty in your range estimation). When simulating many rounds On Point can estimate the likelihood of a hit under the given conditions.

Category : Tools

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Reviews (12)

The. M. Feb 28, 2020     

This is by far the best ballistic calculator I have seen. Fantastic user interface, and well executed results presentation.

Hen. l. R. Jun 1, 2020     

Useful app. It used to work but all of a sudden it is not available in my region anymore.

Lun. Jun 27, 2020     

Used to be my favourite ballistic app but now it's not available in my region anymore. Cool thanks! 👎

Mr.. S. Feb 15, 2021     

I paid for it so why is it not letting me go to the advance screen?

Ste. L. Nov 27, 2016     

Well done. Maybe not the best graphically, but the info is too notch and very flexible. Thanks!

Kyl. M. Sep 30, 2016     

For a free app this has a lot of useful features and is very easy to understand. It also doesn't have the lag on inputs that I see on some other similar apps. liked this enough that I downloaded the paid version.

yel. Jul 2, 2018     

I downloaded 8 different ballistics apps. This is my favorite.

Mik. V. Jan 22, 2016     

This is great better than most I've tried

Gra. F. Oct 23, 2015     

Works exactly as expected. Helps me get on target quicker, saving me money. Awesome!

Pat. J. Dec 28, 2017     

The app wants access to my photos and other files on my phone which I don't think is necessary to use a ballistic calculator

Alp. V. Mar 12, 2016     

I tried 3 others that were higher on the list and with more downloads, they did not even come close to how easy and accurate this app is. Very user friendly! Love how if automatically pulls weather conditions! Fantastic!

A. G. u. Dec 24, 2015     

Easy to use. Its very convenient to change loads. It also stores reloading data, which is a huge plus.