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Never miss the bus again!
OneBusAway serves up fresh, real-time transit information in the following regions:

* Atlanta, Georgia
* Rogue Valley, Oregon
* San Diego, California
* Seattle/Tacoma/Puget Sound, Washington
* Tampa Bay, Florida
* Washington, D.C.
* York Region Transit (Canada)

* More coming soon!

Find nearby stops on a map, choose from a list of favorite stops, add shortcuts to your phone's home screen, and set reminders for frequently used trips.

- Problems with arrival times? Real-time arrival information comes from your local transit agency. Please tap on the arrival time and select "Report problem with trip" to tell them what went wrong. Or, reach them via email by tapping "Menu->Help->Contact Us".

- Problems with the app itself (e.g., crashes)? Please submit a crash report if prompted, or email us via [email protected].

- Want a sneak-peak at new versions? Sign up to be a beta tester at http://bit.ly/oba-android-beta.

- Like hacking things? OneBusAway is open-source! Find out how you can help at http://onebusaway.org.

- Want to know why we request certain device permissions? Find out at http://bit.ly/oba-android-permissions.

- Nostalgic for the old v1 look? Uninstall the Google Play version and download the old version at https://github.com/OneBusAway/onebusaway-android/releases/download/v1.7.9/SeattleBusBot-v1.7.9.apk
- you'll also need to opt-out of updates by going to the OneBusAway on Google Play and tapping on the three dots in the upper-right corner and unchecking "Auto-update". Note that you will be warned about installing apps from sources outside of Google Play
- for more details see https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/2812853.

Category : Maps & Navigation

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Reviews (28)

Nuv. S. Sep 17, 2021     

The iOS version was great. On Android, not so much. When looking at the details of a route, you can't see what the continuing route is, so essentially it's truncated. Which is the most debilitating flaw. For instance, if I want to catch the 31 at Troll Ave., I can't see which ones turn into 75 and which don't. Some smaller issues are, if you hit see trip details and then go back, you're taken back all the way to the general map, and there is no real time map option for specific buses

Sim. C. Jan 10, 2019     

Great app that does what it's supposed to. however, on my moto g6 I can disable the software buttons and use the fingerprint sensor for one button navigation. But in this app, there's a black bar where the software buttons arent anymore. it doesn't affect the functionality of the app but its kinda annoying. It would be nice if this could be fixed

Ant. B. Mar 26, 2019     

This has been a great app in the past but it's no longer accurate. Busses show up that the app doesn't know about and it's frequently wrong by more than five minutes about bus times when it does know about them. Not sure if something changed in the system and the route maps and being able to check which routes go to a stop is great, but the actual bus arrivals are wholy unreliable.

Bra. T. Aug 3, 2019     

The app has some great features like showing route maps and a list of all routes at a particular bus stop, but it's accuracy for arrival times is inconsistent and unreliable. On a weekly basis the app says my bus is 18 minutes away and 45 minutes later it says 19 minutes away. Unfortunately I don't know of a more accurate way of determining King County Metro's actual arrival times

gwi. k. Jun 2, 2019     

App constantly gets routes/times wrong. It'll alternate between showing "on time" and "delayed", yet when I check other transit apps, the bus has already passed. I have submitted numerous reports of incorrect arrivals, but nothing's been done about it. App also does not account for any construction or stops closed by Metro. This was once an amazing app, but now it's incredibly lackluster for Seattle.

M. B. Nov 5, 2021     

Solid app but could use a few improvements. Would be nice if when viewing the schedule of a stop at a time when there is no service to have an option to autoload the first trip data instead of displaying "No arrivals for the next X hour(s)." Don't need to know when a bus won't be there, and some stops require a lot of tapping on the "Load more arrivals" button to display the first trips for the next service day.

Pie. A. May 15, 2019     

Constantly inaccurate bus predictions. Once upon a time, this app was fantastic. I don't know what the hell happened, but now it shows buses arriving in 5 minutes that will be 3 minutes past 2 minutes later when you get to the stop. I have missed probably 40 or 60 buses because of this app. Reliability and accuracy both have a ways to go before this is useful. It's safe to assume that this app is off by 10 minutes either way if you must use it.

Pau. Mar 26, 2022     

Basically unusable these days. Route alerts take up the entire screen and don't actually scroll, so you can't even see the arrival times. Can't report issues or send feedback in the app either. Edit: As of 3/25, I am no longer getting real-time arrivals, only scheduled ones. This app has really gone downhill

Jer. Jul 8, 2019     

Originally the app was helpful however it has had limited functionality for many months now. I have taken screenshots of the errors that range from inaccurate or missing routes/busses and forwarded them to customer service. I have received prompt responses but unfortunately the errors are never fixed. As an avid user and big proponent among fellow transit riders I have become frustrated and disappointed and after 6 months of errors have decided to abandon the application altogether.

Nic. M. Nov 28, 2021     

The GPS feature is never accurate. Every single day it gives the wrong times, early or late. I leave this review based in what happened today. For half an hour leading up to me catching the bus, it said is was 6 minutes EARLY. I refreshed just to check a few times and it didn't change. I scrambled to the stop to not be late. Then, when I check, it's suddenly 7 minutes LATE. I am pretty sure we don't use multidemintional bus coaches, so the GPS need fixing. I've missed the bus too many times.

Tom. D. Oct 15, 2021     

Tonight the app insisted one bus would arrive in a minute or so. It claimed that the bus was running 46 minutes late. It then said that this bus had arrived and had gone while was waiting. All the while, each bus had two distinctly different arrival times listed for the same stop. I closed the app and reopened it to try to maybe reset it, but nothing worked. I haven't used oba in a few weeks since recently finding it wasn't keeping up with real time changes as it had before. It's just busted.

RM. D. Jun 14, 2019     

Not consistently reliable. Routinely reports bus will arrive late, only to update a few minutes later to say bus arrived early. Can't plan around that, just have to get to the stop at the expected time anyway, so what is the point of using the app? Often reports bus arrived and left when I've been standing there the whole time and the bus never came. Therefore, I can never really trust it.

A. G. u. Jan 31, 2019     

easy to use/navigate which allows me to quickly find out exactly when and where my bus will come. The app conveniently updates quite frequently giving the most accurate feedback of data/information that's needed. I think this app overall is a must have for a frequent public transportation commuter or even for the commuter that uses the bus, train, or ferry once in a blue moon.

Har. R. Mar 14, 2020     

I've not had any issues with this app until recently. I have my auto-updates turned off, yet my phone keeps trying to "update my reminders" or "setting up my reminders". But I've not ever even touched reminders on the app. And it keeps doing this every 3 minutes or so. I actually uninstalled the app recently because of this, but redownloaded for a friend to use. Not going to keep it if it keeps trying to update like this

Kel. R. May 7, 2022     

GPS is unreliable and gives inaccurate times more often than not. On an old version, you could favorite a stop and it would be highlighted on the map. New version doesn't do that, so the favorite function seems purposeless.

Ami. V. Nov 25, 2021     

The times for the most part are accurate. There's few times it didn't follow the schedule, but it seems like varies from which bus/trolley I take and I don't solely blame the app for that matter. My issue is recently that opening the app causes my phone to restart itself. I need to check-in to see if this is a hardware issue, it's began since early November. (Google Pixel 4a 5G)

Ces. C. Jan 26, 2021     

Worst App. You would think a city known for it's tech industry would have a decent App. The buses disappear and then jump from being 1 to 10 minutes late...to "Oh it passed by 3 minutes ago", all within a few seconds. I don't know if it's the App or the drivers but they never leave the starting point when they're scheduled to.

Cha. M. Mar 13, 2022     

App does not properly show bus closures. They often have canceled routes shown. When the app shows route closures, they only show some with a broken "more details" button that takes you to a link with no extra info.

Her. I. May 1, 2022     

I take the bus everyday so using the one bus away has come in handy. Actually it is one of my best apps and I recommend it to everyone. I love knowing when the bus will be arriving, early or late it let's you know. It is a great app and I am glad I have it. I cannot live without now that I use it and totally need it in my life. Get the app because you won't regret it!

Dou. Jan 9, 2019     

Extremely accurate real-time schedule information; I mean like, to the half-second. Terrific trip planner feature is incredibly useful, allowing for agile movement no matter where you are in the city. I wont ride the bus in Seattle without this excellent and (surprisingly) FREE AND AD-FREE!

Cal. C. Jan 28, 2022     

No longer reliably works in Seattle. Route alerts take up the entire screen and cannot be dismissed which makes looking ahead impossible. You can't even report an error because the app can't send the report. I used this app for years but since Google integrated bus routes into Maps this app has received next to no support

Mat. F. Dec 2, 2021     

Times jump from 1-2 minutes late to 3-4 minutes early almost instantly. I've been made late to work twice now because of this app's inconsistencies. If you're looking for a ballpark, this app is for you, but don't rely on it for accurate timing!!

Mar. Z. Jan 21, 2022     

For a little bit, deleting the app and redownloading fixed it. Or perhaps I just didn't use the app enough experience the issue again. But it just happened again. The app crashes my brand new phone. It's frustrating.

Kat. S. Dec 21, 2021     

Very useful and generally pretty accurate, however right now there appeats to be an error that's preventing reporting issues with routes. Hopefully this will be fixed soon as submitting feedback is the only recourse I have when a bus doesn't show.

Bre. F. May 1, 2022     

This transit navigation app is dumbee proof, by far the easiest and most practical bus travel app out there. The visual representation of real time bus positioning on their routes are very efficient.

Eli. O. Jul 25, 2019     

Everyone should know about this app. I'm tempted to show strangers at the transit centers when they seem unsure about the bus. I'm always sure about the bus now that I have this app. It tells you down to the minute how far a bus is from a stop. It can show you maps of specific routes. And finally it's a great GPS when you're walking around unfamiliar territory, lookin for a bus stop.

Art. P. Jan 9, 2022     

My only issue is that the times are almost never accurate. A bus is suppose to be a a stop but they passwd it 3 mins before the time in the app. The time in the apps shows it was suppose to arrive on time but found that to be false

ang. c. Nov 21, 2021     

I want to give this 5 stars but it always says "can't find stops". I have uninstalled did everything I can and nothing fixes it. The times are always wrong. It will tell you a time you plan for that time then the bus time will change saying its not coming and then you are waiting for the next time. Terrible when you are trying to at work and the time lies to me.