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Opening Manager

Opening Manager is the notepad for your opening repertoire:

- Easily and quickly insert all your opening lines

- Found an interesting variation you want to try? Take a couple of seconds to add it to your opening and you won't forget about it.

- Crushed by a nasty gambit? Calm your frustration by expanding your arsenal with the correct follow up.

And finally:
To make sure you know all of your moves, test your memory in training.

Category : Board

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Reviews (24)

Nic. D. Dec 5, 2021     

I like the idea of this app, but it needs some work at the moment. There's no explanation of how to use the app, and it doesn't seem to have the option of choosing which colour you want to train as. Also, the option to upgrade doesn't tell you how much it will charge you, it just says that "you agree to the immediate performance of the contract" (what contract?) and "lose your right of withdrawal". Er, no thanks. I think it might still be in beta, so maybe these things will get ironed out

Tho. A. Nov 23, 2020     

This app does not offer much, too simple. It cannot organize your repertoire. And if your repertoire includes thousands of variations, the handiest thing would be to have folders in a drop-down list and be able to sort them. Cannot be used as a PGN viewer. Why not add an option to switch from the training mode to the review mode?

TaB. S. Jun 10, 2021     

very nice app.. continue to update. everything and all features are good and work properly. but i think two more functions like board colour change and auto candidate move. because after every move analysis stop and every time have to click for next move this is pain full and waiting moments. in other side it is better because we have to time for think and and after every click our memories more stronger.

Zie. O. A. Jan 20, 2021     

I used to love this app because it is free (I don't have money) and allows me to train unlimited amount of openings. However, this latest update is very bad, everytime I open it crashes. Plss fix it. It is the only app that can help me train my openings.

Sam. M. Apr 2, 2020     

This stupid new function of transitioning has lost me whole parts of my repertoire. I haven't been clicking link openings so it must be buggy. Loved the old app, so annoyed!

Jco. May 27, 2020     

You need to add board label coordinator from 1-8 and a-h, update the candidate move list because it's stop forwarding after reach the candidate move list; I think you need to do the function of candidate button to move the pieces.

Eci. N. Sep 9, 2021     

This app is amazing, I'm not sure why this is rated low but it is amazing, also can you please make it so that there's an option to practice other candidate moves

Jen. K. R. Nov 16, 2019     

It is good. I would give it 5 stars if it weren't for the board theme so hard to see.

Sid. M. May 1, 2020     

Too log my phone when I launched it and start analyze please fix this problem and please display more arrow in both white and black pieces

Abu. S. Apr 16, 2020     

Very nice app and thanks for update you'll continue to maka update

jos. k. Jun 18, 2021     

Can you please update stockfish to version 13 nnue?

Ann. M. Mar 15, 2020     

The app was the best I found before the update to practice my own openings but now it's gotten even better, great improvement, switching from 4 to 5 stars!

Jür. E. Nov 4, 2017     

Good start. It is the only app I know to create an opening tree in the mobile phone. The training part hangs, the board is not responding. Be careful, the app doesn't allow to rename the opening. It remains mysterious, when the arrow "forward" makes a move on the board and by what priority - it changes unexplainably. Perhaps an inner password lock would be required for such an app. I hope the author continues the development.

Sen. Nov 12, 2017     

Great free app. Would pay for pro version with more sophisticated training. Currently, can only test individual positions and not continuations. Would be very valuable app if it could play variations by making a random move from a candidate list that user sets up. 11/11/17 Update: Stopped working in training mode. Gets stuck.

dju. t. Sep 29, 2017     

It should test a variation till the end and not change the position every move. It's also annoying to not be able to go forward when you are adding move moves. One has to make the moves on the board. Engines might be a nice add on.

Chr. z. Dec 16, 2017     

Great and only app like it I can find. Training freezes though, which is a primary party of this applications usefulness.

Bek. U. Sep 3, 2017     

Very promising. The app chess fans needed for long time.

Fra. V. Sep 26, 2017     

Best opening app. It allows for reaching the same position through different move orders. e.g. 1.f4 d5 2.Nf3 c5, then inserting the comment 'position 1', then play 1.f4 c5 2.Nf3 d5 it will display the comment 'position 1'. This is the only app that is able to do this.

Zac. S. Nov 6, 2017     

Is there a way to save the opening books I create? I hate the idea of doing a lot of work, but then losing everything. Otherwise, I love it!

Big. W. Sep 21, 2017     

Good idea! App needs a lot of work!

Ace. Sep 2, 2017     

Can you add the most common openings? Great work!!

Nas. J. Sep 23, 2017     

Plz select the board and the pices

Joy. D. Nov 16, 2017     

There is no option to save comments.There is no setting menu. Is there any option to change Board theme? Engine like stockfish8 need to be added for evaluation.

San. Q. Sep 1, 2017     

Absolutely amazing app, the programmer deserves serious credit, and reddit gold ;)