• OpenOverlayRouter 1
  • OpenOverlayRouter 2


This is for testing purposes only, if you don´t know what you´re doing then you should not use this APP.
Due to a bug on the VPN-API, OpenOverlayRouter is not supported in Android version 4.4.

OpenOverlayRouter (OOR) is an open-source implementation of the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP, RFC6830). With OOR, hosts can change their network attachment point without losing connectivity, while maintaining the same IP address. OOR supports multiple interfaces (only one active at at a time) and horizontal handovers across them. OOR requires that you configure an Endpoint IDentifier (EID), you may request one visiting https://github.com/OpenOverlayRouter/oor/wiki/Beta-network.

OOR main features are (version 1.1):

- Register to the Mapping System
- NAT-Traversal (as defined in draft-ermagan-lisp-nat-traversal-2)
- Support of multiple interfaces (only one active at the same time)
- Horizontal handovers
- IPv4/IPv6 EIDs
- IPv4 RLOCs.
- Same application for rooted and not rooted devices

The OOR open-source code can be found at: https://github.com/OpenOverlayRouter

If you are unsure of what OOR is we encourage you to visit our community website: http://www.openoverlayrouter.org/

What permission does OOR require?

Storage and System tools: To read/write logs as well as the configuration file (GUI->text).
Network Communication: To encapsulate/decapsulate packets from/to the Internet and instantiate the VPN-API

Additionally, the first time that you run OOR you will be prompted to accept that it creates the VPN-API interface. This is used to encapsulate/decapsulate data packets.

Category : Tools

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