• Orna: The GPS-RPG 1
  • Orna: The GPS-RPG 2
  • Orna: The GPS-RPG 3
  • Orna: The GPS-RPG 4

Orna: The GPS-RPG

Orna is a classic-style RPG that augments your real world. Enjoy turn-based combat, collect and upgrade your weapons and armor, learn spells, fight bosses, and claim real world landmarks with your mobile phone, wherever you are.

Players of Orna:

* Explore the world by exploring their own
* Enjoy pixel graphics with a modern twist
* Claim real world areas or landmarks of their own
* Level up by defeating monsters and bosses
* Collect new weapons and armor by defeating monsters and bosses, or visiting randomly generated shops
* Fight bosses and participate in raids together
* Challenge other kingdoms to war
* Find many of the hidden secrets that the world may contain

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OrnaRPG/

Discord: http://discord.gg/orna

Category : Role Playing

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Reviews (25)

Wil. B. May 27, 2022     

It was a very interesting idea. Where I live it's just not a good idea to play. I love next to a very busy highway. One of the only roads that lead into Boston Ma from where I live. This game show buildings, monsters and other things in the middle of the highway. The game show it as just open land. I recommend adding something to the game to restrict things from popping up in this area.

Sir. C. May 7, 2022     

The game itself is quite unique, using the real life map system and the option to build your own town is quite exhilarating! Though I must say the cost for building is quite exorbitant, if you are still low level and there are no structures around you, it will be very hard to do stuff around your new town, im also not entirely sure if the magic based classes here are underpowered or i'm playing it wrong. Wi keep playing the game though, hope for nww contents soon!

Aar. c. May 1, 2022     

The only thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars is the severe lack of stone despite it being one of the most necessary items in the game. I can barely build up my town. Theres 1 enemy, maybe 2, that drop stone. Yeah you can find some out in the world. But they're way too few and far between. My only other issue would be to somehow balance the game a bit so that level 250 sweats can't just control 90% of the Earths surface without ever going back to areas. Aside from that I love the game.

Nic. L. May 9, 2022     

1st off, this game is grind heavy. But that's what I'm into. This game is built so well. I'm never punished for playing too little or too much. I basically get to do what I want. The mechanics (at this time) feel fair. Every new class adds more to my move pool and the game becomes more dynamic. I'm nearly 120, and I'm nowhere near the late game. Having a mechanic to promote walking would be dope. Traveling with this game comes with some sweet benefits.

Gon. A. Apr 18, 2022     

I like this game. Some may argue that it requires a bunch of grinding, but it's ok, that's not a negative aspect. If I got the chance to party up with others I would enjoy it, but not everyone has other players close. Update: The visual changes take a bit to get used to, having many building together with this much detail can be a bit overwhelming. Regarding to structure (how do you say it, hitboxes?), being much smaller is very helpful, and quite a relief that it was changed

J. May 26, 2022     

Great game. Very Retro. few things; when you flee battle, your health and mana don't update visually when back on the world map. you cannot rest at the inn because I think it checks the visual, but you can still use potions to heal. please make it so the wife and I can see each other's buildings. we want to make big capitol. I'll buy you a coffee ... have you considered combat summons?

Wes. T. May 7, 2022     

pretty good game, with a few really frustrating elements such as how hard it is to find basic building elements like stone and how often you find yourself inundated with useless enemies but unable to find the enemies you need for a quest. especially when they are not close to your level or require special geographic features to spawn (looking at you forests that never appear in the game where real forests/parks are)

Rya. H. Apr 5, 2022     

Really great. I really love the speed at which the app opens and you can get into the action. In-game performance also flawless. I love that there are no ads (In-app purchases to monetize only, which aren't obnoxious). My only current complaints are that inventory management needs work - frequent bugs are encountered (e.g. buttons to mark as junk or not junk disabled - but do work again if you close and re-open the inventory management screen).

Rob. F. Mar 20, 2022     

I have been playing for a little over a week and this game is extremely fun! One issue I have been experiencing though is when I am "rewarded" any amount of exp. I only get about 20-30% of what it actually says. So if I get 100,000 XP, I really only get like 20,000. I checked gold and orns but they seem accurate. Please fix this! I would rather be told I got 20,000 XP and get it then be told I got more and only receive a portion. Thanks for the great game though!!

For. W. May 4, 2022     

The funniest little game I have come across in a long time. Super simple, but very well designed and very fun for some reason! The gameplay is easy to follow, and many ways to play it. Like Pokemon Go, but for DnD players. Anyway, easily five stars, already recommended to family and friends. Trust me and everyone else, you are going to love it!

Xel. S. May 15, 2022     

This game is very awesome I haven't been able to find a good rpg in a while. But I would like to see some alternative for playing offline. And once your so high level you can't defeat lower level enemies to finish a mission that you would get stuck on. This is not a pay to win game and I would like to kinda keep it this way. The only down part for me is not having anybody to play with to counteract this though adding a story mode of sorts could help. AKA this game has a lot of detail.

Duc. T. May 15, 2022     

Interesting idea but rather weak execution. The balance is completely off my town has 1 blacksmith building and its vital to progressing in game. You can build your own but it costs 250k coins which can take weeks to acquire. I've stopped playing at level 60 because monsters became significantly stronger and path to progress is way too complicated. The game is lacking a lot of information and quality of life features. Would only recommend if you live in a big city.

Pik. May 21, 2022     

I got recommended this game from a family member who was near max level. And I'm glad he recommended it. It's a fantastic game that has great graphics. The game play is also unique too. The only thing I will nitpick is the enemies. They scale, but not that well. I'm at level 116 and I'm seeing mostly level 100 and below. The occasional one above 100 but it's not that frequent. Which is why I'm rating it this way.

Dal. H. Mar 31, 2022     

Definitely would enjoy a bit more adds. Like more pet choices. But I love the game. Events are somewhat difficult and the grind is real. But that's also what I love most about the game itself. I played once before but ended up losing my progress but that was years ago. And I'm glad to be back and playing daily. Thanks for such a great game.

Jea. A. A. Mar 28, 2022     

Awesome game, the new update gave a lot of very helpful quality of life improvements. Been playing Orna for maybe 2 months now and the enjoyment never goes away. Still, I had the mistake of not reading the patchnotes thoroughly and have continued on the rise of the Unfelled questline without being able to finish it. Can a “go back to old questline" option be added so that players who might have the same mistake finish the old one? Thank you!

Dav. M. Apr 6, 2022     

This is a great game, but the quest mechanics are really bad when they work, and utterly self defeating when they dont. Im looking for 1 measly enemy, that i will kill in one shot, to advance a quest for over a week now. Day 10, and it still hasnt spawned for me so im stuck until it does, progress be damned. That is broken in every possible aspect of a functioning thing. What?!?!?! So wait until you decide i can continue these quests... monumental fail.

Don. J. Mar 17, 2022     

Fantastic game. I've been playing about 9 months at the time of writing this. It has remarkable progression with tangible rewards for each new tier you make it to. Easy to understand and ample skills to choose from. I even got my family to join in. Well, 14 of us anyway. We thoroughly enjoy going on little excursions. Whether it be for bosses, dungeons, or area control... we have a blast every time.

Des. D. Mar 31, 2022     

Pros: 1. Can have pets like dragons 2. Can claim areas 3. Promotes travel (GPS) Cons: 1. Gear and blacksmith system flawed. Dismantle current tier equipment. Battles may as well just give materials not equipment. Craft systems have flaws too though. 3. Terrible turn based combat. Would benefit from some research on how modern games have improved turn based combat.

Tyl. A. May 26, 2022     

An absolute blast! This game is a lot of fun. Thank you Odie for a wonderful game! Edit: Been playing the game for over 2 years now. Still love playing it! The game has added a bunch of new content recently, and more is constantly being planned and added. Thank you Northern Forge for all your hard work. ❤

Bry. W. Mar 29, 2022     

I've been playing for 2 years now. seen the game get better and better with each big update. this one that just happened with the new explore/control on the map system vs a screen display. Is such an improvement!! I can't wait to see what comes next!

geo. m. Mar 24, 2022     

Definitely a grind, but in no way pay to win. Basically no options besides skins to purchase, or temples but a lot of purchasable content can be found by adventuring; except for skins. Takes a lot time to level, but I keep coming back to it. Entertaining.

Mic. D. Mar 19, 2022     

Game balance needs an overhaul. The only spells in the game worth using are the lowest level because they deal the highest damage for almost no magic cost, the enemies are way too powerful, critical strikes deal way too much damage, status effects are annoying and there's no information given you you about them, and the game just feels like you need to trudge through it battle after battle and buying potions after every single battle.

Bra. D. Mar 30, 2022     

Started this game out of no where bored one day. Never been into turn based games but this has really been something that I find myself playing at least once an hour. The lvl/class progression is AMAZING 😍!! The Im only lvl 140 and I'm still finding out new things on this game. Surprise around ever corner..... Literally.... Very impressed with the most recent update.. Building skins are awesome I can't wait what this game brings farther down the road keep it up!

Cod. S. May 27, 2022     

Slow progress after early game Extreme gold grind for buildings Unlucky areas with no buildings Not fun for short walks, requires drives to be effective Grind and progress is just too slow and unfun for a casual game to check while out Number 1 issue is quest mob spawns, they never appear when you want them Would increase the rating if it was easier to solo play in a small area or town

Emi. O. May 25, 2022     

- Careful - very addictive ;) Honestly give it a try, it's a fun way to explore your neighborhood and dive into a game that has way more depth then you would imagine at first glance. I started with a few friends and it has gotten quite competitive between us which is a big plus as well :)