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Paleo Diet

The paleo diet is based on emulating the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors. It includes whole, unprocessed foods that resemble what they look like in nature. Our ancestors were genetically the same as modern humans. They thrived eating such foods and were free of diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Here comes paleo diet, several studies suggest that paleo diet can lead to significant weight loss (without calorie counting) and major improvements in health. There is no one 'right' way to eat for everyone and paleolithic humans thrived on a variety of diets, depending on what was available at the time. Some ate a low-carb diet high in animal foods, others a high-carb diet with lots of plants. Consider paleo diet as a general guideline, not something written in stone. You can adapt all of this to your own personal needs and preferences.

Remember that healthy lifestyle will let you enjoy your life for years to come! So enjoy paleo diet.

Category : Health & Fitness

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