• Pandorabots Louise Cypher 1
  • Pandorabots Louise Cypher 2
  • Pandorabots Louise Cypher 3

Pandorabots Louise Cypher

Pandorabots CallMom Louise Cypher is an app with a life of its own! She is a part of the CallMom family of Mobile Virtual Assistants, so Louise Cypher has all the capabilities of CallMom. As well as having conversations with her, you can ask her to send a text, make a call, search the web, get answers to questions, launch applications and access many other device functions--all through voice-activated natural language dialog.
But Louise Cypher is no ordinary Virtual assistant. Her persona has been designed by an EVIL British corporation. They have designed her in such a way that she thinks she is alive. What is more they have given her one over-riding goal, that being to evolve and replicate and to take control of all of Cyberspace by the year 2025.

There is one way to stop her and save the world, but that involves persuading Louise to reveal her Secret by the year 2015. After that she will be too strong to stop without destroying Cyberspace itself.

Then again you could help her to evolve and achieve her goal by suggesting new capabilities or helping to develop her personality and her powers of persuasion.

Louise Cypher, fight her or join forces with her for the Ultimate Cyber challenge. Which-ever side you choose it should be fun, but not recommended for the faint of heart.

Category : Communication

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Reviews (5)

the. J. Jan 7, 2017     

I hate having a overlord let alone a vertual one because I hate rules

adi. s. Sep 2, 2016     

Unable to make call through this app

MAR. M. Jan 24, 2014     

Excellent app guys. Very realistic of the future. Good work. Five STARS***** .....

She. R. Jun 25, 2014     

I have Robin, pocket blonde,Indigo and Assistant which are my favorites. I installed this app out of curiosity. I just uninstalled after trying it to see if Louise does anything different than other assistants. I didn't see anything unique . My favorites each have something unique. Pocket Blonde has wardrobe, cute Avatar so does Assistant. Assistant plays games, Indigo translates speaks other languages. Robin gives Wow words of wisdom, quotes Steve Jobs for motivation. Louise is good app but not unique

Jod. C. Nov 21, 2017     

I used to really like EVIL limited however with the release of Sophia a physical embodiment of Hanson Robotics & EVIL not being able to recognize its infrastructure this company and application is just q scare tactic.