• Paramedic PASS 1
  • Paramedic PASS 2
  • Paramedic PASS 3
  • Paramedic PASS 4

Paramedic PASS

Change how you prep for your Paramedic certification exam and increase the chance you pass the NRP the first time. Paramedic PASS app is the result of a collaboration with Bill Brown, the former Executive Director of the NREMT.

500 Review questions are broken up into 10 major areas of study:
Airway, Oxygen, and Ventilation
Trauma 1 (Head, Neck, Chest)
Trauma 2 (Soft Tissue, Spine, Ortho, Burns, Environment, Multi-Causality)
OB and Peds
Respiratory and Neuro
Abdominal, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, GU
and Operations.

Questions in each section will provide a detailed rationale. Use these sections to determine your readiness--and to help focus your study.

When you are ready to try a simulated exam we have two, 100-question practice NRP exams to test your overall knowledge and prepare you to take the NRP. Get diagnostic feedback on each section of the exam.

Category : Education

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Reviews (3)

jac. f. Jul 1, 2020     

Great AP! I passed the NREMT paramedic exam on the first attempt.. The review and test questions assists in preparing you for the NREMT exam and understanding the NREMT logic. By no means does the questions give you answers to the exam. Each review question gives you the reason why your answers are correct or incorrect. You will get a good break down on deciphering the best answers. Spend the money. Good luck!

mus. x. Jul 11, 2020     

Questions are really synonymous to National Registry but... I really wish you guys would add in a mechanism to save your progress and come back to it later. I hate having to continuously restart my review cause of my kids or something I have to do and leave the app.

Ada. H. Nov 23, 2020     

The only thing worse than the poorly written questions, are the explanations. I feel like this was thrown together so someone could show off the big words they learned. Not helpful at all.