• PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) 1
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) 2
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) 3
  • PascalGUI (Pascal compiler) 4

PascalGUI (Pascal compiler)

PascalGUI is a GUI/small-IDE for freepascal compiler. PascalGUI supports devices with ARM, x86 and MIPS processors (MIPS doesn't support graph at the moment).You can write your own applications on the Android phone, and run them. This app uses Freepascal compiler, so it is full-featured. PascalGUI can be used for educational purposes or to practice in Pascal language.Some binaries used by PascalGUI are GPL-licensed, you can download used source code of Freepascal on Freepascal SVN.
(If you think that there is GPL violation in PascalGUI, email me at [email protected]. I'll provide to you source code from Freepascal SVN, if you can't download it yourself)

PascalGUI includes Android Terminal Emulator so you can to run your application as good as you running it on your Linux PC.

Quick manual:If you have found a bug or app is not working, email me.You can export result of compilation (APK or binary), long-click compile button for that.Long click save button to "save as", long click run to run with arguments, long click open for recent files menu.

Report bugs at [email protected]

Android is a trademark of Google Inc.Some components of this app are licensed under (L)GPL, email me to get the source code.

Category : Education

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Reviews (27)

Yes. Feb 4, 2019     

Really sorry to hear that this may be the last update. It's a great app and I appreciate your efforts over time. Спасибо!

A. G. u. Oct 21, 2018     

Pity if this is the last release, the app is great, just like the C compiler.

A. G. u. Jul 26, 2017     

Small programs compile fine, but I can't seem to get around the 'illegal unit name' errors for multi-file programs. No matter what string is used for the unit name, a fatal error occurs. Otherwise would have rated it a '5'.

Wao. A. A. Mar 21, 2017     

This app has helped me so far for my homework in programming although there was a little problem when I run my own programmes.

Fas. H. A. M. Dec 24, 2016     

I cannot save anything here. It shows error message whenever I'm trying to save my work. Please kindly fix it !!

A. G. u. Aug 25, 2017     

How can I display function TimetoStr right with my timezone +7... Always lesser 7 hours time displayed if i used this function... I'm in Jakarta timezone... Thx.

A. G. u. Sep 26, 2016     

How does one run programs without compiling every time?

Kar. S. May 26, 2016     

Used for a while now ,works nice

Jac. S. Oct 5, 2015     

It always error when I put goto and label in it. Plz help..

Lak. S. Mar 7, 2016     

How to do division in pascal because it is not accepting ''/''. If i know i will rate this app 5 star.

Dav. E. Aug 31, 2015     

Well done app (as you'd expect from the creator of C4droid)

Jon. F. Oct 24, 2015     

there is much to like about this environment. but i find it average in its execution. i expect a tool of this nature to support the device and os as far as it can. none of the android native interfaces are provided. one could probably download and build them from the fpc 3 sources. to me the biggest hinderance is lack of in app documentation, specifically failing to document what fpc units are included and what stuff gets stored where. i'm probably going with PascalDevelop since its opensource.

Han. B. Nov 25, 2014     

Could you please put a list of supported source code formats in the description of your program? Next time, when I buy a program, I want to know if it's Lazarus compatible. Impossible to use for more serious work than a few lines.

Mar. R. M. Nov 24, 2014     

and documentations would be good for next milestone :)

A. G. u. Jul 20, 2014     

sorry 3 times ive tried to delete this review google is being a pain not letting me, however when I originally posted the comment (almost exactly 3 years ago) you didn't care so im surprised you decided to now. and if you could provide a way to add support to using seperate units or explain how to achieve that with this app i would be grateful.

Tua. N. Sep 21, 2014     

I like ti learn hiw to program, but i have busy schedule . Is ther any way u can mak3 somr sample programs so i can start some thing right away

Zuz. Z. Apr 17, 2014     

No documentation about available modules in USES section and how to add my own.

Sho. A. Oct 29, 2014     

I can practice some pascal for A LEVEL computing

Chu. M. Nov 19, 2013     

Fun to play with Pascal again.

Tom. B. Nov 4, 2014     

Great app but I am missing regexpr unit.

Chr. B. May 4, 2013     

App glitches when using swiftkey but using ordonary keyboard works great

A. G. u. Nov 17, 2012     

This works flawlessly on my nexus s ICS, but when i update to the latest jelly beans, I can no longer install it

Dmi. D. Dec 30, 2012     

simple the best

A. G. u. Mar 21, 2011     

I found the problem. USB cable need to be disconnected. I still would like to get in touch with the developer

A. G. u. Jun 24, 2011     

Works fantastically, better than any other Pascal app I've tried. Perhaps syntax highlighting is possible?

A. G. u. Oct 29, 2012     

I'm thrilled with this app. A nice, simple, but effective editor with good code auto-formatting built in, and a fast, capable compiler.

Rim. T. Jul 2, 2018     

Write that cant find assembler whenever I want to run program