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Patient Resource PointForward

The PointForward App is user specific. Use it to keep a schedule of appointments, remember medications and log treatment progress. Information about treatment plan and center included, and you can search for hundreds of support groups with the click of a button.

Powered by Patient Resource LLC.

Category : Medical

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Reviews (2)

Kat. C. Jun 14, 2019     

Downloaded the app and scanned the barcode like directions said. But I got a message that the code was invalid. I tried manually typing it and it was still invalid. i uninstalled and re-downloaded and still wouldn't work. And my directions don't even have a way to contact someone about not being able to register. Waste of time to even try.

Dou. H. Jan 29, 2019     

Looks nice but I'm not sure why I should use it. No appointments are loaded - the hospital web site portal does better. Main menu icon fails to work often. Give me a journal on the portal so I don't need multiple places to keep data if you want to monitor my care.