• PilferShush Jammer 1
  • PilferShush Jammer 2
  • PilferShush Jammer 3

PilferShush Jammer

PilferShush Jammer blocks other apps attempting to utilise the microphone without your knowledge. Some apps use hidden processes to record tracking audio in the background that is either generated by nearby beacons, television commercials, streamed music services or websites. This tracking audio is transmitted between 18 kHz and 22 kHz (near ultra high frequency) which is beyond the range of typical human hearing but within the recording range of a typical Android phone.

To block unwanted use of the microphone by hidden app processes, PilferShush Jammer requests use of the hardware microphone from the Android system and holds it. This technique locks up the microphone from any other apps attempting to gain access to it. This technique has been tested only on user apps, not system apps. The Android system should halt PilferShush Jammer from blocking the microphone whenever a phone call is received or made.

When the jamming technique is running and the microphone is locked up, PilferShush Jammer posts a notification to keep the user informed that it is running. Tests have shown that it uses 0% CPU, 0% network and 43.6mb RAM when running for over an hour.

This is an experimental app made as part of research into audio counter-surveillance methods within the Android and IoT world.

It requires RECORD_AUDIO permission so that it may access and lock up the microphone.

It does NOT record or listen to any audio.
It does NOT connect to the internet.

Version 2.0 Active Jammer addition:

Tones can be emitted with a carrier frequency and a drift limit with rate all constrained to NUHF of 18 kHz to 24 kHz depending on the device capabilities. For instance 20000 Hz carrier, drift limit 1000 Hz and rate slow - will output random frequency between 19 kHz and 21 kHz approximately every second.

Version 3.0 Jammers run as a service:

Both the active and passive jammers now run as a (foreground) service that should accurately indicate whether they are running or not. This is dependent on both the Android OS (power management) and any App Managers that may destroy running services.

As this app seeks to block microphone use it is important to NOT dismiss or hide the notification otherwise you may forget it is running.

Also includes a scanner to check user installed apps for NUHF and Audio Content Recognition (ACR) SDKs as well as any services or receivers.

Version 4.0 Redesign
Major overhaul of the design to make information clearer and to simplify typical uses of the app

The next release will investigate removing the audible artifacts (popping and clicking) present during the active jamming tones.

White noise output may not be very effective at blocking and is a somewhat annoying sound.

The speaker output may not have enough amplitude to block unwanted NUHF signals - testing will determine.

Source code is available here: https://github.com/kaputnikGo/PilferShushJammer
Research and Project webpage : https://www.cityfreqs.com.au/pilfer.php

Category : Tools

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Reviews (22)

Vik. D. Mar 14, 2021     

Good app with a purpose, but recently (for the past two months or so) turning on the passive jammer has turned my phone's audio output into a jumbled and broken mess. same with my friend's phone.

Rob. C. Jan 7, 2020     

Why does passive keep shutting off as soon as i turn it on. I will give a true star rating later, but I need to fully understand how this works and if it's doing what I hope I think it's supposed to do. Please help me with another issue,. Someone is targeting me with ultrasonic and or infrasonic frequency (i do NOT know what frequency) how can I get to stop, i don't know who they are. Only that they are lowlife with nothing better to do. Can't catch them.

Mas. S. Feb 23, 2021     

How come after a short while it shows two microphones active? Is that indication that someone is listening in? Also... What exactly does it mean when it says passive service found, and active service found? Thank you

Mic. A. Jul 2, 2019     

if your peeps have made you feel as though you are actually cracking up because YOU -- KNOW-- that things have been altered in your phone ... This is the app you need to once and for all show all of them in writing or rather typeprint.. every single listener and remote shared to local devices like your camera. yep your camera

Ste. B. Oct 6, 2021     

IT WORKS!!! Passive mode uses next to no power or other resources, while my old microphone blocker caused Audioserver power losses up to 10%. Thank you developer 😘

ALE. W. Dec 14, 2020     

this is by far the best app on the whole play store because after one week of use I can remember my dreams very vividly again what does this mean, your phone is the enemy, constantly sending you subliminal messeging. Highly recomended and thankyou developers mad respect

Dar. K. Mar 14, 2022     

I was able to manipulate the controls to my abusive neighbor's subwoofer that he weaponized to cause heart palpitations. This app literally saved my life and I felt empowered! Thank you!!!

ast. May 2, 2022     

It keeps turning off after a week and then it starts to make real noise when I activate it .... am I missing something?

Gar. C. Jan 7, 2021     

Update: you devs went above and beyond my requests from 18 months ago. Any way, the amount and depth of info PSJ provides about each phone app is fantastic. Self check adds credibility! And thank you for the prompt reply regarding what other uses I assumed PSJ would be used for & setting me straight. Many devs don't take the time to educate uses off their apps & it's much appreciated 😁‼️

Jus. M. Jul 12, 2019     

Junk doesn't work passive scanning keep turning off just junk all the way around.check all apps none in use.

Pam. J. N. Nov 16, 2020     

The app is overall great. However, perhaps adding an instruction manual step by step. Would aid in the use of the app

Jen. D. Jan 24, 2022     

Comforting to know this app is running keep up the great work team!

A. G. u. Jan 28, 2019     

very informative... so many apps need to get a life and get out of mine.

Ama. S. Sep 8, 2020     

App works quite well but the battery usage is pretty too much high.

Arq. J. E. Nov 2, 2020     

My app keeps closing and when I reset the app it starts changing settings

おにき. Apr 30, 2020     

When i turn on active jammer i can hear the noise non stop am i supposed to be able to hear that?

eag. p. Mar 16, 2021     

Reading your material was very interesting. Good app. Smart.👍🏻

Kkk. C. Nov 3, 2021     

Does not work properly in android 11 or 10

Mic. F. Sep 1, 2021     

Jam out . This app does work by blocking e.g. emissions from the mind. Radiation and electro magnetic quantum frequency transmission's from haters ,frauds , control freaks , and esoteric agenda's . Be mindful of this. Try this jammer . I believe it helps.

J.. H. Dec 26, 2021     

Is it supposed to make that weird sound while it's on?

Nat. L. Aug 23, 2021     

Awesome just trying figure how to operate totally

pru. Jul 3, 2020     

Downloaded and then it shut my phone down. Massive headache.