• Pill Mania 1
  • Pill Mania 2
  • Pill Mania 3

Pill Mania

"Pill Mania" is an addictive puzzle game similar to "Dr. Mario" (TM).
The the goal is to remove all viruses from the screen. To do that you have to rotate and position the capsules on top of or alongside the viruses and other capsules.Game can be played via touchscreen, trackball or d-pad.

Category : Puzzle

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Reviews (28)

Rai. E. Jun 7, 2021     

I love this game! I hope they can add a pause/return option. I'm a S20 user and once I pause the app or lock the phone, doesn't matter what score or level you're on - you're back to zero.

Ros. B. Jan 4, 2019     

i liled this game when i was playing last year. recently redownloaded and i find the controls clunky and impossible. played 5 minutes, deleting.

Ner. D. Jun 28, 2019     

the controls are annoying to use, theyre very clunky, but i havent seen any ads and normally there would have been 10-20 ads bombarding me in about 15 mins of gameplay, so props to you

Ele. M. Aug 22, 2020     

I used to love this game and played a lot. Forgot about it until now, but my phone indicates the version may not be compatible :>(

LAK. B. Nov 15, 2019     

I enjoy the game but it doesn't save where you are so once you exit for whatever reason you have to restart at level 1.

Jes. I. Jun 11, 2019     

I actually quite like this game but there are too many bugs to actually play long and enjoy

Ris. S. May 4, 2019     

It's okay well everyone has its own choice i don't think I like it but maybe someone else likes it soo much but i think that is a lot of thoughts although I don't talk much ..... i guess. .... hmmf

Ton. S. Sep 4, 2019     

For a phone the control buttons:,rotate,right to left,etc need to be bigger.

E. W. Jul 16, 2019     

the game is fun, but its laggy.

Pam. W. Dec 10, 2019     

Could you add an increasingly higher levels of skill.

Bil. G. May 23, 2019     

unresponsive so uninstalled

dab. c. Jul 10, 2019     

the dr mario we wanted but never got

LaH. M. Sep 4, 2020     

Love this game.

A. G. u. Dec 16, 2018     

It's my favorite time waster.

A. G. u. Mar 2, 2018     


Pre. M. Jun 1, 2016     

Minus point is that their is no option for saving the game, otherwise i have given u 5 stars, Plzzz add a save button

Lou. B. Feb 24, 2017     

This game would be so much better if it would save your game. Or if you go to a text message, hit the multi window view and go right back or anything that goes away from the game for a second, it ends your game. Which is BEYOND annoying.

Mik. W. May 13, 2018     

I've been having trouble the past week with the game not loading the screen turns black/gray and won't let me play. Love this game but hasn't been letting me play. Please fix or I will delete it thanks.

Sha. W. Jul 9, 2016     

My mom n I used to play Dr Mario forever...cont say I care for the music I mute it n play

Cha. K. Jun 14, 2016     

Played it for 10 seconds then uninstalled. Very bad controls

Mik. Z. Apr 14, 2016     

I Would have given 5 stars but the game doesn't have a save button.

Ben. M. Jun 18, 2017     

No way to save just kills it and you can't skip ahead to harder levels

A. G. u. Aug 3, 2017     

A 5 star game that cannot save progress doesn't exist

Tim. C. Nov 7, 2017     

No save in the game. What is the point of playing it if u can't save even on a modem device.

Mic. B. Sep 26, 2020     

It's fun

Kyr. H. Sep 28, 2014     

Really great game, just needs the option to save progress or choose what level to start on. Grown quite sick of losing all my progress if I get a call or accidentally click out of the game. With these improvements the game would be an easy 5 stars.

Kry. D. May 22, 2014     

I love playing the game but for some reason it doesn't save your progress. I got to a decently high level, then had to answer a phone call, and when I went back to the game everything was erased and I had to start again from level 1. Please fix this error and I will give 5 stars.

Pat. R. Aug 9, 2014     

This version does not save your levels for you. Each start is from the beginning again, not fun anymore time to uninstall this lackluster game. the older version was much better even with its freezing from time to time.