• Pitching Counter / Stats Tracker 1
  • Pitching Counter / Stats Tracker 2
  • Pitching Counter / Stats Tracker 3
  • Pitching Counter / Stats Tracker 4

Pitching Counter / Stats Tracker

This Pitching Counter application will allow you to track every pitch of a baseball (or softball) game by each pitcher. The intention is to track the performance of a pitcher over a game, or a season. Batters are calculated based on pitch outcomes. Innings are based upon outs.

Many apps out there track only what you put in. This app will track much more, to give you better insight into how your pitchers are doing. 4 balls to the same batter results in a walk. 3 strikes to the same batter results in a strikeout (assuming the 3rd wasn't a foul ball). This app will track all that!

NOTE: If you used the Pitching Counter app in 2018 and are planing on using the Pro version in 2019, do NOT uninstall just yet! Rather, update to the Jan 2019 release, then export all your 2018 data, then in the Pro version, import that same data into the Pro app.

For every pitch, any of the following can be entered, and thus tracked:
Strike – looking
Strike – swinging
Strike – dropped 3rd strike looking – out (only available when there are already 2 strikes)
Strike – dropped 3rd strike looking – safe (only available when there are already 2 strikes)
Strike – dropped 3rd strike swinging – out (only available when there are already 2 strikes)
Strike – dropped 3rd strike swinging – safe (only available when there are already 2 strikes)
In play – ground out (or fielder’s choice)
In play – line out
In play – fly out
In play – pop out
In play – reached on error
In play – single
In play – double
In play – triple
In play – home run

In addition, several special plays can be tracked:
Out - Pitcher pick off
Out - Catcher pick off
Out - Double play (only available when the last pitch resulted in an out)
Out - Triple play (only available when the last pitch resulted in an out)
Out - Batter interference
Out - Runner interference
Catcher's interference
Wild pitch
Hit Batter

All pitches, special plays, and entered runs are tracked and available in the history.
Pitches, and outs for the current inning, and for the entire game, are visible on the main screen. Current inning numbers are displayed in parentheses. The count for the current batter is displayed on the main screen.

Email can be sent at the end of each inning with a summary of that innings pitches, outs/run plays, that days statistics.

30+ different statistics are generated using the tracked data.

User can select # of innings per game. Some stats are dependent upon how many innings are in a game. For younger players, fewer innings are played.

App will allow you to compare all of your pitchers, and you can sort several stats fields that are displayed.

See website for example of usage https://sites.google.com/view/pitchingcounterstatstracker/example

Please email if you have any questions on how to use the app! (see Settings / Suggestions or Issues)

Keywords: baseball, softball, pitcher, pitching, statistics, tracker, team, pitching statistics, baseball statistics, softball statistics

Category : Sports

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Reviews (12)

Goo. G. Mar 31, 2019     

Great app, except there needs to way to save/complete an inning. i used it for four pitchers in a game and the last one lost all his stats. should auto save. not sure that i did anything different after each pitcher. Thanks for the response. I later found the data within history and it looks like I some how reloaded the same file at the end. Not really how reloading a file caused the data to clear out, but the history still had all the info for that pitcher. Everything has been running smoothly since. Suggest a "end inning" button for those of us in run limited innings.

Jim. Y. May 19, 2022     

Good app easy to use but it would be nice to be able to start a new season (i.e spring/ summer / fall/ high school etc. ) so you can compare and review stats from different times of the year as well as year to year info.

J. V. Oct 21, 2018     

GREAT app. I've tried numerous apps, and this by far the best one out there. The developer is very responsive to requests, and has created a must have app. Looking forward to the new season since I now have stats from last year that I can use for comparison. Keep up the good work

Bre. S. Apr 9, 2019     

Great app! Just wish there was an edit button when you make a mistake scoring something. That's the only reason for 4 instead of 5 stars.

C. D. M. Mar 29, 2019     

Perfect for my needs . . . . . maybe add a DP in the in play selection but beside that works real good.

Mik. R. Apr 2, 2019     

The email data files is greyed out.. How do you get that option to work??

Kee. D. J. Aug 1, 2021     

Great app. It will be nice to have the fouled out option included in the app.

A. G. u. Mar 24, 2019     

Didn't meet my expectation. My players didn't like using it in the dugout. They said it has an "old vibe".

M. K. Sep 18, 2018     

Works way better the an any other

Bre. M. Aug 21, 2018     

This is an amazing app. It's too bad it won't let me upgrade to the premium version... because I definitely would.

Bil. T. Jun 28, 2018     

Good for keeping stats but it dosen't let me delete pitchers

Rob. C. Jun 23, 2018     

It was confusing to use.