• Planet Genesis 2 - 3D solar system sandbox 1
  • Planet Genesis 2 - 3D solar system sandbox 2
  • Planet Genesis 2 - 3D solar system sandbox 3
  • Planet Genesis 2 - 3D solar system sandbox 4

Planet Genesis 2 - 3D solar system sandbox

Planet Genesis 2 is the finest and most visually stunning universe sandbox available for Android devices. Now you can create by yourself your very own solar systems with awesome 3D renders and realistic gravity physics simulation. You can create very easily new asteroids, planets, stars (even black holes!) and watch them interact and orbit in real time with newtonian physics.

Design your own solar systems and enjoy watching them orbit, collide and smash each other in a cosmic dance in your pocket!

Planet Genesis 2, the ultimate universe sandbox, includes:

- A complete editor which features: creating asteroids, dwarf planets, rocky planets, gas planets, four different kinds of stars and black holes. Furthermore, you will get tools to build complete proto-solar systems, asteroid fields, binary star systems and many more!

- Awesome climate change simulation in Earth-like planets. Watch life rising and spreading through your planet!

- Realistic 3D graphics as you have never seen before. Watch actual Solar System planets and procedurally generated alien worlds.

- Simulate and explore our actual Solar System.
+ Planets available: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
+ Dwarf planets available: Ceres and Pluto
+ Satellites available: Moon, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Enceladus, Tethys, Titan, Dione, Rhea and Iapetus.

And create your own solar system with:
+ Stars available: Brown Star, Red Star, Yellow Star and Blue Star
+ And Black hole!

- Alter time rate.

-Visualize a 3D grid that depicts in real time the impact of the gravitational field on celestial objects in space. Watch gravitational waves!

-Configure the physics simulation settings to push your device to its limit until 500 simulated worlds at the same time!

Please, watch the presentation video and leave a comment with your suggestions!

Category : Simulation

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Reviews (26)

Rob. E. Feb 2, 2020     

It's pretty good. However, it's very frustrating that you can zoom out enough to see all your planets, therefore it's impossible to really know what's going on. Would be good to customise own celestial bodies, modify existing ones, and to optionally have a filled recognisable solar system to start with.... So we can destroy it.

Dal. E. Mar 10, 2020     

This game has a lot of potential, but the orbital physics are currently incorrect. Different masses of planets placed at the same distance away from the sun should experience about the same acceleration. In this game, however, light objects like asteroids tend to move sluggishly whereas a gas giant in a higher orbit would be zooming along. If you would like some help with the physics please contact me as I would be happy to help, and have some experience tutoring in related fields.

cyb. Jul 30, 2019     

It's okay (a bit finicky to control and move the camera) but it does do what it says it does. Apart from my game recently getting unresponsive buttons, the planets are still placeable but the solar system resets every time i just close the game, but don't 'end the session' One suggestion is to make orbits a bit more AI based rather then manual as it is extremely hard to get consistent orbits if you have more than... Well one planet. They always pull at each other and one ends up in the star.

Ned. D. May 21, 2019     

A simple but rapidly improving solar system sim with beautiful graphics.Many improvements in the last update.Slomo mode is very cool but I would love a second slomo that is even slower. Also a lighting toggle that keeps the planet lit constantly on the cameras side so you can watch changes without the day/night cycle flickering. And finally some more content especially stuff u can throw at planets, cause let's be honest we all wanna destroy a planet now and again. Keep up with updates.Good work!

Chr. M. Jun 28, 2019     

The game is very good. I love the way you can evolve life however you want it to, and make your own solar systems. The only problem is that orbits are never as stable as you want them to be. If there was a "make stable orbit" button, would rate 5 stars.

Pig. May 22, 2019     

very fun to mess around with but placing plants and other objects in orbit around things is very difficult a idea would be before placing down a plant drag your finger toward what you want it to orbit and A by doing this it will put the planet in a perfect orbit around said thing or B give choses to what type of orbit is wanted or c a pen to draw a orbit which is fixed depending on the gravity exerted from other planets and stars. anyway this is still a good game and fun.sry 4 the long responds.

Ste. Q. Aug 11, 2019     

Day 1 (1st 24 Hours): It doesn't have all of the Belles & Whistles that one would want for a PC Desktop/Laptop Game System of this type. That is the only real downer for me at this time. UPDATE: Don't know where Individual Celestial Bodies are in relation to the Galaxy Origin Point; or, to the other Celestial Bodies Volume Area. Celestial Body Distance is ¿10? Screens. Celestial Body Volume Area is ¿10? Screens Wide. Can't directly change Velocity or Direction of an Existing Celestial Body.

Luk. V. Dec 28, 2018     

This is going to be fun for a long time... Finding stable Earth-like orbit took quite some time and then after 5 minutes my planet was destroyed by invader which I created before and forgot about. Damn it is fun... Not swipe left then right fun but much more complex and interesting.

Phi. W. Dec 30, 2018     

great simulator, not a great game. it's way to hard to get anything moving smoothly, i can somewhat get a planet orbiting a star but if i add a moon it immediately throws everything out of balance. i love the idea though

Jos. T. Sep 13, 2018     

Great graphics and love the concept yet not worth the money due to the fact that planets do not get destroyed after 5 meteor hits and the sun's never stop moving and if you want to just make a solar system it won't happen unless they fix that concept but besides that it's a good game

Esh. B. Sep 16, 2018     

You should add a random button to make a premade universe and also add something where on planets that can support life they can colonize other planets and stuff

Can. Nov 24, 2021     

The game needs easier ways to make planets orbit. But it is good, 3/5

Gwe. B. Jan 31, 2021     

When i spawned a solar system the star was gitching like a red star is inside and the screen was blinking please fix this

Jas. V. Dec 29, 2018     

not very good. the physics don't function like they would in reality. too bad.

Dea. Nov 22, 2019     

PLEASE READ THIS the game is too hard make it easyer please the gravity is so hard to use and orbit

Sta. Apr 25, 2020     

It's cool and some what realistic 👌 you guys should start making a 3rd planet genisis.

Rah. F. Nov 10, 2019     

This Game's Graphics looks really similar to REALITY!!

Che. A. Sep 26, 2019     

Please Add A Mode For The Sun Where The Sun Can't Be Moved From Gravity And When A Meteor Hits A Planet It Leaves Behind A Crater Good Game So Far Keep Improving :)

Rel. A. Feb 23, 2021     

This game is not updated for 1 year i would give 5 stars if updated but i still like the game😠😁

Ada. D. Feb 11, 2021     

Great game can you please add a galaxy and a white doarf And way to see the fabric of the universe PLZ ADD =D

Far. N. Apr 11, 2021     

That game is jast like I am galaxy and one thing when i put planet far then th sun sun dessepert plaese fix it

Jes. S. Apr 26, 2019     

its fun.. but should be free

Lin. W. May 28, 2020     

Our universe is vast distances so vast they're unimaginable just imagine all evolutionary wonders vast clouds called nebulae with gravity to form stars that can cluster in vast galaxies venturing out into the vast cosmos our sun is located in a quiet neighbourhood surrounded by dust and asteroids that formed planets with moons some made out of rock or ice others made of gas,liquid lava or ocean its vast evolutionary wonders can also be its terrors surrounded by intense heat or scorched planets

Tra. G. Apr 20, 2019     

its just not really fun

D. R. Dec 16, 2020     

Open the garage door please and I will be there in about half minutes 😂

Gre. W. Aug 4, 2019     

they should have updated the first one