• Plant water reminders and journals + more - Plantr 1
  • Plant water reminders and journals + more - Plantr 2
  • Plant water reminders and journals + more - Plantr 3
  • Plant water reminders and journals + more - Plantr 4

Plant water reminders and journals + more - Plantr

The nr 1 app for you that can't keep a single plant alive
or to the one that has so many plants you forget to water them or even worse overflowing them

Category : Lifestyle

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Reviews (25)

Mec. W. Nov 10, 2019     

Loving the app so far! Very simple and intuitive to use. My only critique is the ability to have different time frame choices for the reminders ( weeks, months, years, etc ). It becomes tedious and a bit annoying when I have to adjust by days for every 2 years on repoting for example. Also, I may want to adjust a reminder instead of removing it and adding a new one. Would give 4.5 if I could. Definitely changing to 5 stars if these features are addressed.

Kat. D. Dec 17, 2019     

I love this app!! It's pretty intuitive and the notifications work. It's helped me not over water my plants. I did pay 1.99 to get rid of the ads - worth every penny. I want to get the pro version but it's a bit pricey so I haven't yet. But honestly, I've tried all of the other water reminder apps, and this is by far the best one. Edit: I broke down and got the pro version. Absolutely worth it. The graphs provided have changed how I water my plants. Still the best app out there!

Car. H. Jun 4, 2020     

I really enjoy this app. The UI is intuitive and easy-to-use. I like that you can add pics and set all sorts of reminders including custom ones (in Premium). I really want to get the Premium version of this but I'm not sure if this app is still actively supported by the developer? I wouldn't mind paying 10€ for it if I'm sure the app is still being supported with bugfixes and new features. I will wait for a reply from developer before I decide.

Wol. W. May 29, 2020     

This app has a ton of potential. I like the UI, and sorting by tags is spectacular! Love that! I would even be willing to pay for the premium version for the unlimited journal entries BUT, I can't tell if this app is still being developed. No updates on over 7 months. I don't want to invest in something that has been abandoned. Hope the dev sees this.

Meg. H. Sep 19, 2019     

I love this for all of the amazing things that it does in a cute app! There are things that I wish this app had, but it does a lot of things that I wanted! I really wanted an easy watering schedule/ notification for my 70+ plants, and this does that! I also love the journal feature, but I hope more is added like it's birthday, width, easy to view pictures, scientific name, info for specific plant and more! Hopefully it just continues to get better and better!

Ama. M. Feb 8, 2020     

Has been a GREAT app!! There is one issue with the "pick a date" function. You can't scroll past the current month with it. I'm using android. I like the concept of this function bcuz if the amount of "days" you need for your next repot, water, etc is alot it's easier to just use the "pick a date" function, but it doesn't work. The arrows for it only allow you to go back 1 month and forward into the current month. Otherwise an absolutely great functioning app.

Seb. Apr 28, 2020     

same as most of these. if I can't set different schedules for different times of the year (or even better, the schedule changes automatically seasonally) there is no point in using it in the first place. sad, the design is the way ahead of other apps like this. please talk to a gardener and let me know when this becomes usable! ^^ (also, 10. 99 for some minor features? oof! )

Pet. D. Oct 29, 2019     

Excellent app for reminding me to rotate and water my succulents. Very nice clean design and the ads are not intrusive. I love the ability to add custom photos and names for my plants and to add journal entries as needed. The only features I would change would be a setting to change date format for those of us in the US (mm/dd as opposed to dd/mm) and maybe a dark theme option? ;) Other than that, perfect!

Myr. O. May 9, 2020     

This app is very versatile and customisable. I wouldn't recommend it to plant newbies, because it doesn't have a plant database with information about when to water etc... It's great for someone who knows what their plants need & want an app for watering reminders and collecting all plant info in one place. The labeling system is awesome for categorising plants with different needs, there are plenty of reminder options, and there is a function that alliws to backup all the data. 💚

Maj. W. J. May 28, 2020     

This app is probably the only thing saving my succulents from being over-watered 😂 it tells you when you last watered it and when you should water it next. You can postpone a watering, a pruning, a round of misting and fertilizing with the free version. The free version stands nicely on its own, so it's not a requirement to pay anything. Fully recommend it.

Jes. S. Aug 25, 2019     

Wondeful app. I've found it really helpful since I got my first plant a few weeks ago. I've enjoyed getting it all set up and inputting all of my plant information. The push notifications all come through promptly and the calendar functionality on the app for each plant is great for planning ahead. It's easy to use and the minimalist design is much appreciated. Well done to the developer!

Raz. P. May 18, 2020     

Very lacking even at paid (£10) version. Only ONE custom reminder? An alarm clock has multiple and is free! You can't select your time of feeding either it's either 8am or 6pm two choices that's it. Look elsewhere as this app is very lacking in any features, an alarm clock will be 10 times better.

cla. b. Sep 21, 2019     

Seems good so far but I think $11 for this app is a great deal of money considering how elementary the options are and how few pro features are provided ... If maybe it was $7, I think that would be much more reasonable. It's a shame because I think it has potential but it's still too soon...

Luc. M. Jan 1, 2020     

I think this app is really cool!! I can put in a load of info about my plants and keep journals on them. It also allows you to put in photos so you can see how they grow I guess. It's also really cool how you can put in the watering times ect so it notifies you when to water or fertilise the plants. It's a shame you have to pay to get the full stuff, but people gotta earn money - so five stars! :)

Sam. W. May 28, 2019     

This is the app I've been looking for. it's simple, clean, actively maintained, lends me my own data, and lets me postpone watering notifications. Four stars instead of five because although it's clearly being worked on, it does contain quite a few bugs (but they're things like your plant's image uploading sideways, not erasing your plant).

Ter. D. Mar 28, 2020     

I have been using this app since July. I LOVE it! It is reliable, and functional. I would like to see more than 1 custom set up. I have a few plants that are quite demanding. I like to research my plant online and journal it in my journal, that way i can review my plant needs. This app is accurate, i have only lost 2 plants, but that was from lack of research.

lex. c. Jun 1, 2020     

The notifications are not shown unless I enter the app. The moment I enter the app all notifications pop up as they should without entering it. I don't understand why it does that, especially because you can choose a time to be notified.

Ada. K. Feb 23, 2020     

Good! Does not seem to want to save custom pictures. Please add total plant counts or number of plants (total and per label). Hasn't been updated in a while so hopefully it hasn't been abandoned.

Coc. C. Dec 1, 2019     

The design of the app is very helpful and useful. Recently however, the ads are covering the function to edit settings so I am unable to edit my watering schedule!

Kar. Y. May 10, 2019     

This is awesome. I have memories problems and this is a great way to keep my plant babies alive since they can't pester me like the fur kids can. I love that you can take photos and name them. I tried a different app and it only gave me preset plants which was frankly useless.

Emi. C. Apr 1, 2020     

Very good concept, but notifications don't come through until I've opened the app. I've tried looking through permissions and they're all on, but reminders still dont show up.

Itt. B. Sep 13, 2019     

This is a really really great app, and I tried a few others. I do have three requests that would really help plant addicts like myself: 1. If I have many plants needing water at the same time, show one notification instead of 5, i.e. Jack, Polly and Vera need water 2. Would be great to be able to postpone by hours instead of days, i.e if I am outside and I want to water in a few hours when I am back home. 3. Ability to group plants, I.e. yard, living room, porch, etc.

Wit. B. May 21, 2019     

doesn't work at the moment. at main screen the spinner shows up, add button doesn't do anything, and agter about 20 seconds flutter error shows up as main widget: "boolean expression must not be null".

C. N. Jul 12, 2019     

Developer responded promptly to my questions and seem very appreciative to suggestions. My initial concern was I wanted more fields to ID the plant with; but this was resolved with the custom labels: Cat safe, Full sun, Water when dry, Keep moist, Hanging, Room ID, Soil Type, Fertilizer type, Flowering, plant type (succulent). The suggestion made to the devoloper waste have two watering and fertilizing schedules (growing, and dormant season). URL to allow others to tend to plants while away.

Vic. L. Oct 3, 2019     

It would be great if can add in features of grouping/label/color code. And also if would be better if I can adjust the picture chosen :)