• PlantTracker 1
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The Environment Agency, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Natural Resources Wales have joined forces to help combat the spread of the UK’s most problematic invasive, non-native plant species.
These plants are spreading quickly across the UK. They displace native species and detrimentally affect the ecology of many vulnerable habitats. Some also pose a considerable threat to human health. These plants also present a large financial cost to the UK economy with the annual cost of all invasive, non-native species totalling some £2 billion.

The first step in tackling this problem is accurately determining where these plants are. In order to do that, we need your help! Please use this app to help us to build a comprehensive picture of the UK’s invasive, non-native plant species.

Category : Education

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Reviews (24)

A. G. u. Jul 6, 2017     

Downloaded the Android App to my phone as urgently wanted to report a Giant Hogweed sighting on a public footpath. However, after numerous attempts to log a report and it failing to submit, 8 days later I've just tried via my desktop computer (and had to complete the sighting info again). This time the photo did upload and the data looks to have been submitted. Pointless App if I can't get it to work with my mobile as it's when outside you need it.

Lia. F. Jul 18, 2018     

Found a BBC link to the app after looking at an article which failed to show a known Japanese Knotweed area locally. Downloaded app to see if it's more up to date but can't zoom in! Just shows the whole UK as red. Utterly useless app.

Dav. M. Jul 18, 2018     

Unable to log in. Keeps returning a log in error, check credentials... already have an account with another one of their apps, and I can log into that just fine. Disappointing.

A. G. u. May 2, 2016     

New app doesn't let me submit a report. The 'submit' button appears to be missing at the bottom of the screen.

Dan. W. Aug 23, 2017     

I'm really appalled by the complete lack of help in this app . It's much needed, as the registration process doesn't seem to work, so I can't use it. It looked so pretty too, especially the logo. Please sort this out developer, or you'll harm the cause.

Ste. K. Mar 3, 2016     

Thought this would be good to get to know invasive species, but Gallery images dont scroll, you can only view first image. Also Similar species only visable after rotating phone.

Spi. D. Oct 27, 2017     

On an Andriod phone. Refuses to submit so pointless. Will wait to see if the problem is resolved and if not uninstall. Pity.

Tho. M. Aug 14, 2017     

It's was really shet it's for people who are sad or are like 90 years old.

swo. Aug 12, 2017     

Clunky and as horrible as some of the plants. Save your time and use a web browser.

Pet. G. May 30, 2016     

Intuitive to use and easy, great that you can add notes and also the save feature is good if you want to wait until you can check the website to see if your sighting has already been submitted or not.

Bob. H. Jun 8, 2018     

I have down loaded the App to my PC and it does not work.

Dam. K. Jul 7, 2016     

Complex registration process - this is a plant reportjng tool not a banking app! No save button unintuitive no context sensitive help

Joh. H. Aug 27, 2015     

Initially very simple. Then an upgrade? Since then too complicated to enter data on small phone screen while out braving the elements due partly to screen layout.

Jon. H. Aug 12, 2017     

Not very good, map feature basically nonexistant.

Jim. H. Aug 12, 2017     

The map is useless. What a shame.

Jam. W. Aug 12, 2017     

Not able to register, keeps returning error

Hea. O. Aug 12, 2017     

Don't want to report Japanese knotweed I just want to see the map close to my home but there's no option to see the map only report??? Weird app!!

And. F. Aug 12, 2017     

Could not register, link broken.

L. K. Jul 3, 2016     

Simple and easy to use

A. G. u. Aug 12, 2017     

Hard to use

Mar. P. Sep 13, 2015     

Used previous app a lot. Tried this one and even though I can enter data there is no button to either send or save. Looks like there are two buttons on the bottom but nothing on them or do anything.

Clo. B. Jul 16, 2015     

The app won't let me send the report. It just says "Sorry, something went wrong". I was hoping to send of a report about a Giant Hogweed sighting in the UK. It is however a brilliant app but I would love it if this problem could be resolved.

Ron. S. Aug 29, 2014     

Installed this on my Nexus 5 but uninstalling again due to it having no exit from the app (as far as I can see).

Aub. B. Aug 9, 2015     

Keeps saying no internet connection so cannot submit report about giant hog weed.